Jennifer B. Tweets about Dream

im sorry i posted this... I mean if this makes anyone mad or offends anyone please tell me. I felt that jen and Michael were close as friends being she was his guitarist for many years. But if this upsets people to much then by all means delete it.
I think lots of us have had dreams similar to that!!!
I havent had a dream of Michaels death, i have had dreams about him after his death but on them he was alive.

I remember a dream i had when i didnt even know him more then for hearing the Billie Jean song on the radio, it was in 2001, this is one dream i cannot forget, i had it in 2001

There was a beautiful house with a big garden and in the midle of the garden a white fountain of water, this was all closed by a grille with trees and plants in front of that almost did not let you see inside, the entire grille surrounded the place, I was walking on the forest outside cause the house was isolated in this forest, as i was walking there i felt the need to look through the grille. What i saw was a man, it was Michael, he was seating on the fountain with his head down, looking right down the floor he was far from me, but i could see his expression not only on his face but of his body, he was very calm and quite, looking down withdrown on his own, very alone on that big far place, it was all quite, only the sound of wind and a few birds, the atmosphere was very beautiful, the sky was blue with some clouds, but it was pretty sunny, the grass was very green. The feel i had when i saw Michael was of an extreme anguish and sadness, he was all alone there looking down, i got to see his expression, it was the expression of desillusion on his face, like he was sad and deeply pensive, focused on something, like if he was not on this world, i was very sad cause i did not know what happened to him to be so helpless there, so alone there seated he did not move he was looking like lost on his own world like he was in despair, i was so sad about the situation of seeing him, seeing a man like that, i didnt know what happened to him to be like that, i wanted to call him, to ask him , to help him, but i didnt at that moment, i was so sad that i started to cry quitely for the sorrow i felt, i wasnt able to help him, he was alone there so quite, calm, alone, his hair was shiny and black, no scurls, he was pale, the entire situation was extremely sad and the main feel i got was the one of desperation trying to help him, but i wasnt able, and it was like i wanted to help him, then i scream his name calling him, i was crying but he wouldnt hear me, he was too far, i wasnt able to talk to him, i dont know why, the dream was it, i woke up then.

This dream was back in 2001 when i was 14 years old, i didnt knew him, i do remember have seen a report on tv that day, and dont remember exactly what it was said about him, i think they were saying something about a problem he had with sony, and i do remember the reporter was a woman who very severly said, and in a tone of no respect like if she was superior than him, saying, "oh no, if he does not sell he should stay on his place", that was what she said, I felt a disgust for her and her comment, for some reason i didnt like her comment and her position of belittle him at all, then that night i had this dream which i cannot forget, i just cant forget it, after it not even realizing it, may be cause of this dream i started to pay Michael attention and started to discover him. then i became a, what they all call, a fan.
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I keep dreaming over and over about the moment Michael passed away. When I wake up, for a split second I feel relieved that it was just a dream.

And then reality hits. :cry: