Jennifer Anistion: What Angelina Jolie Did Was "Really Uncool"


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Finally she spoke:

Tuesday November 11, 2008

In the December issue of Vogue, Jennifer Aniston opens up about Angelina Jolie -- and then some.

When first asked about Jolie, Aniston asked the reporter, Jonathan Van Meter, to turn off the tape recorder for a moment.

She did, however, want to go on the record about one thing: She said she was bothered that Jolie felt the need to recount a detailed timeline of exactly how she fell in love with Brad Pitt on the set of Mr. & Mrs. Smith. (Pitt was still married to Aniston at the time).

See photos comparing the lives of Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie

"There was stuff printed there that was definitely from a time when I was unaware that it was happening," Aniston said. "I felt those details were a little inappropriate to discuss."

Aniston then shook her head in disbelief.

"That stuff about how she couldn’t wait to get to work every day? That was really uncool," Aniston said.

Asked if she ever speaks to Pitt, Aniston said that they have exchanged "a few very kind hellos ... and congratulations on your babies."

She stressed that the two "had an amicable split ... The marriage didn't work out."

As for her on-again romance with notorious womanizer John Mayer, Aniston (who said she still wants children) said, "People need to mind their own business! Did you ever think Claudia Schiffer and David Copperfield made sense?"

"Love just shows up."

Of Mayer bragging about dumping her the first time around, Aniston said, "Trust me, you’ll never see that happen again from that man."

Aniston also said she and her mother Nancy are in the middle of a slow reconciliation that began after she split from Pitt.
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let me emphasize what I find important about this...
Finally she spoke:

Tuesday November 11, 2008

In the December issue of Vogue, Jennifer Aniston opens up about Angelina Jolie -- and then some.

When first asked about Jolie, Aniston asked the reporter, Jonathan Van Meter, to turn off the tape recorder for a moment.

She did, however, want to go on the record about one thing: She said she was bothered that Jolie felt the need to recount a detailed timeline of exactly how she fell in love with Brad Pitt on the set of Mr. & Mrs. Smith. (Pitt was still married to Aniston at the time).

See photos comparing the lives of Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie

"There was stuff printed there that was definitely from a time when I was unaware that it was happening," Aniston said. "I felt those details were a little inappropriate to discuss."

Aniston then shook her head in disbelief.

"That stuff about how she couldn’t wait to get to work every day? That was really uncool," Aniston said.

Asked if she ever speaks to Pitt, Aniston said that they have exchanged "a few very kind hellos ... and congratulations on your babies."

She stressed that the two "had an amicable split ... The marriage didn't work out."

As for her on-again romance with notorious womanizer John Mayer, Aniston (who said she still wants children) said, "People need to mind their own business! Did you ever think Claudia Schiffer and David Copperfield made sense?"

"Love just shows up."

Of Mayer bragging about dumping her the first time around, Aniston said, "Trust me, you’ll never see that happen again from that man."

Aniston also said she and her mother Nancy are in the middle of a slow reconciliation that began after she split from Pitt.

My daughter gets very angry over Angelina Jolie, she considers her the sole reason why Jennifer and Brad split up. I don't really know enough to make much of a comment, suffice it to say that AJ's comments do seem inappropriate and continues to rub salt into the wound. It would be so lovely to see Jennifer Aniston settled down with a man she truely loves and have a family. I wish her all the best.
Brad is the reason the two split up. He's the one who ultimately made the decision to cheat. I don't know why everyone has to treat Angelina like some harpy. Not to be insensitive but I feel that Jennifer needs to move on. She still seems very bitter and for good reason but still... Angelina and Brad have kids now. Move on.
I think because Jennifer aniston hasn't really been steadily hitched there is the tendency for her to be reflective of her marriage to brad pitt..and rightfully so..I forgot they were married for 5 years. Bitterness is understandable and given that so much has been said in the meida and insinuated about her and angelina and brad in the love triangle.

i hope aniston finds the right man and settles she can then put all the bragelina bizness out of the way.
Team Jolie!
This is nothing but Karma, Jennifer did the same thing to fellow actress Sandra Bullock! Sandra had a man; actor and live in boyfriend Tate Donovan, They had just been in a few mag's together, I think it was after all the "speed" hype. It was reported that jennifer ''stole" him from sandra. Weeks later, he moved out or was kiecked out and pictures were everywhere of he and jennifer, then about 2 years later she marries Brad Pitt.

Karma. Karma. Karma.

Angelina knew that he had a wife......she couldn't wait to get to work everyday????UGH! That's disgusting...Talk about coveting your neighbor's wife (or other way around in this situation..) But yeah, Jen said that when she met Angelina, she told her that Brad was so excited to work with her on the movie. Plus, I remember that Jen said that when Brad started working on the movie, she could tell that he had checked out's gross.
And Brad is no better. Um, when you are married, you shouldn't be getting that close and intimate with another person. Gosh- what is wrong with ppl?

And we are talking about marriage, not like Sandra and Tate- like sacred vows before God. Boyfriends and whatnot arent the same. Datinng is to find out what you want before marriage.

Whatever....I don't really care that much..only when ppl bring it up- then I state my opinion (don't worry, I know what I typed here, and that doesnt mean that my life revolves around it, lol....just an opinion of mine..)

Angelina knew that he had a wife......she couldn't wait to get to work everyday????UGH! That's disgusting...Talk about coveting your neighbor's wife (or other way around in this situation..) But yeah, Jen said that when she met Angelina, she told her that Brad was so excited to work with her on the movie. Plus, I remember that Jen said that when Brad started working on the movie, she could tell that he had checked out's gross.
And Brad is no better. Um, when you are married, you shouldn't be getting that close and intimate with another person. Gosh- what is wrong with ppl?

And we are talking about marriage, not like Sandra and Tate- like sacred vows before God. Boyfriends and whatnot arent the same. Datinng is to find out what you want before marriage.

Whatever....I don't really care that much..only when ppl bring it up- then I state my opinion (don't worry, I know what I typed here, and that doesnt mean that my life revolves around it, lol....just an opinion of mine..)

MJPYT1 allow me to be more clear on something, I failed to mention with my post in this thread: As a married 40's something woman, I understand and know fully what vows and marriage are. Sandra Bullock made it clear to the world interviews during the height of her career that she and Tate "were committed" and very much in love. 'she" obviously thought this union was sacred and for some folks; a marriage liscense isn't needed in order for them to feel the committment and bond are sacred.
I think sometimes people in hollywood just don't take vows or committments serious enough.
MJPYT1 allow me to be more clear on something, I failed to mention with my post in this thread: As a married 40's something woman, I understand and know fully what vows and marriage are. Sandra Bullock made it clear to the world interviews during the height of her career that she and Tate "were committed" and very much in love. 'she" obviously thought this union was sacred and for some folks; a marriage liscense isn't needed in order for them to feel the committment and bond are sacred.
I think sometimes people in hollywood just don't take vows or committments serious enough.

Well, I am sure that you know what vows and marriage are, I never mentioned that you didn't... I probably would have said "GOSH-you guys know what marriage is!!!!!!! or vows!!!!!!!!!" But thanks for mentioning it and being clear in this post :)
I was speaking that in my opinion (and I mentioned that this was only an opinion) marriage is before God. People break up and end up going out with other people's girl and boyfriends quite often before marriage, but I don't think that what Angelina and Brad did was cool. I don't know what Sandra and her boyfriend were, and I'm sure that she did see themselves as being committed and very much in love.
I don't think that I said that a marriage license is needed to feel that a commitment and bond are sacred, but that's what a marriage is.
I personally wouldn't say that Jen got what she deserved through karma. To have her husband fall in love and be with a woman that he met on a movie set. But that's just me, and we obviously disagree, which I am fine with.

Basically, I was using your example to explain the difference that I feel between dating and being married. We don't agree, and that's fine with me!!:D
We do agree on this one aspect: What happened between Brad and Angelina during his marriage was not cool.

As I said earlier, I do not think (many) people in hollywood take their vows and committments seriously.
As I said earlier, I do not think (many) people in hollywood take their vows and committments seriously.

I wouldn't say that is just a problem isolated in hollywood..... seems to be a general occurance in society as a whole.

the only difference is that these people are under the microscope. But there are literally hundreds of marriages in hollywood that are considered a "success"
You are right L. J. it's not 'just'' an ''isolated" problem in hollywood. My husband and I know couples who have gone through very similar ordeals, if this thread was about married couples in general, other points could have been explored in my original post but I stayed on topic as the topic is about celeb folks.
Team Jolie, indeed.

Firstly, I have never thought of Jennifer and Brad's marriage as the "All American Couple" as so many pinned them to be. I used to watch them on the red carpet, and any other colored carpets and I didn't see fire, flame, smoke or sparkle. I had an instinct that the relationship was a "dud" and that Brad really wanted something more than just the opinion of onlookers and outsiders saying that his union with JA was the perfect of connections since peanut butter and jelly. It wasn't.

I felt just by watching their body language that nothing was "hot" in the relationship. It was more like tepid at most.

Now, in regards to what JA said and then tried to backstep on when she was on Oprah (clips I saw of the show on CNN Headline News), I couldn't see what she was bothered about. If Angelina and Brad had never hooked up, really hooked up, those words from Angelina's interview wouldn't have meant anything. Who wouldn't want to work with Brad in the role of Mrs. Smith. Jennifer would have flopped horribly in the role and Angelina simply mastered it and won the man, Brad's affections. What can you say? The "keep-your-man-glue" wasn't too tight or prime choice at Brad's house.

My mother used to always say in conversation with friends and relatives...that a man can not be stolen away from you...the man has to want to leave. That is fact. Brad, definitely wanted to leave. He could not fight the feeling, and why should he have...because of something the all american people thought was wrong...naaaaahhhhh.

Jennifer, Brad was not yours to keep. You lost fair and square. Live it down. Take some more acting classes. Believe me you need them. Sorry, but I'm Team Jolie, all the way.
Team Jolie!

I'm Team Jolie

What I like about her is she doesn't disguise who she is as a person.

I'm inclined to agree with ladyplatinum.... I never noticed a real connection between Brad and Jen, they always came across like they were out and about promoting some kinda film that I wasn't aware was coming out LOL
if a man is a cheater hes a cheater. if it wasnt angelina it would be someone else.
i'm with jennifer on this one. sharing details about ur relationship with a married man and how u couldnt wait to get to work to be with him is uncool indeed. it was bad enough that angelina did what she did with a married man she doesnt have to put oil in fire now by talking about it.
Team Jolie, indeed.

Firstly, I have never thought of Jennifer and Brad's marriage as the "All American Couple" as so many pinned them to be. I used to watch them on the red carpet, and any other colored carpets and I didn't see fire, flame, smoke or sparkle. I had an instinct that the relationship was a "dud" and that Brad really wanted something more than just the opinion of onlookers and outsiders saying that his union with JA was the perfect of connections since peanut butter and jelly. It wasn't.

I felt just by watching their body language that nothing was "hot" in the relationship. It was more like tepid at most.

Now, in regards to what JA said and then tried to backstep on when she was on Oprah (clips I saw of the show on CNN Headline News), I couldn't see what she was bothered about. If Angelina and Brad had never hooked up, really hooked up, those words from Angelina's interview wouldn't have meant anything. Who wouldn't want to work with Brad in the role of Mrs. Smith. Jennifer would have flopped horribly in the role and Angelina simply mastered it and won the man, Brad's affections. What can you say? The "keep-your-man-glue" wasn't too tight or prime choice at Brad's house.

My mother used to always say in conversation with friends and relatives...that a man can not be stolen away from you...the man has to want to leave. That is fact. Brad, definitely wanted to leave. He could not fight the feeling, and why should he have...because of something the all american people thought was wrong...naaaaahhhhh.

Jennifer, Brad was not yours to keep. You lost fair and square. Live it down. Take some more acting classes. Believe me you need them. Sorry, but I'm Team Jolie, all the way.

Alot of people would agree with this ladyplatinum. I too grew very sick of all the hype about them as a couple, they were being promoted to death.
wow- because we didn't see "fire" in their relationship and apparently Jen wasn't good enough to "keep her man", and we just got sick of seeing them..
The real point is that being with and falling in love (and following through with) w/ a married man is wrong. And if you are married and you fall in love with someone else and end up leaving your wife, it's wrong. Call it what you want, lol
I would feel the same way Jen does if it was me.
Regardless of how some of us feel about the media hyping their marriage (jen & brad), Jennifer has the right to feel how she apparently does.
God love the celebs... they are just people, as LJ pointed out, living their lives under the microscope and open to the scrutiny of all, maybe Jen and Angelina would both stop talking about it if reporters would stop asking them questions about it and keeping it out there for everyone to take shots at one way or the other.
yeah I agree friend, I think the press are still hoping for a cat fight that they can use for their front pages :no: