Jazz Veteran Honors Legend Icons John Coltrane & Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Alfonzo Blackwell is in the studio working on his 8th CD on Utopia Records titled “Quintet: Portrait of Alfonzo Blackwell”

The epic, "MJ" is an original heart-wrenching tribute song and power-ballad that Alfonzo penned in the wake of the unfortunate and untimely death of music legend and icon, Michael Jackson. This song is a flawless performance that will leave the listener wanting more. A part of MJ was channeled in the making of this brilliant piece. Alfonzo says, "Michael Jackson used his voice in so many ways as an instrument like that of a saxophone, bass, guitar and even a percussion drum when the music called him to do so. He had the unmatched ability to pull from his plentiful vocal range to capture sounds that brought out the many emotions of the human soul across the entire world whether you spoke the English language or any foreign language for that matter. The language of music communicates through the hearts of all of us. I had to pay tribute to his gift of music. His genius was a major music influence to me, thus his music is a part of my musical development." Blackwell takes an instrumental approach to capture the sounds of the human voice that is reverent to Miles Davis’ approach to the legend’s “Human Nature” classic masterpiece.

Full article - http://www.i-newswire.com/jazz-veteran-honors-legend-icons/24115