Jason Mraz - Lucky and 'We Steal, We Dance, We Steal Things'


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Canada - ON
Well I just DLed the album from iTunes and I must say I really like Mraz's voice. My fave song from the album is 'Lucky' so far...it has that memorable quality to it... but 'Make it Mine' and 'Cayotes' are both cool as well. Others aren't really ones that will stay in your head per say but they are great when you're actually listening to them.
So does anyone else have the album or like it? And how about Lucky?
Oh and here's a link for those who haven't heard this particular song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAZhTHPgIZI

EDIT : wait I think I got the album title wrong. LOL > I'm such a loser :p
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I don't have Jason Mraz's album but I do like the 2 songs I've heard "Lucky" and "I'm Yours". His music is similar to Jack Johnson's who I've been listening to for years.:)
I have the album and it is great! Mostly all of his songs are great!You should try to listen to Curbside Prophet,The Remedy,Details in the Fabric and The Boy's gone.Brilliant songs! :D
The guy is amazing!He brings a new sound that I,for one,enjoy a lot! :yes: