Jason Derulo - another wannabe Jackson, but nice---


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
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F*** Auto tune
F*** MJ-wannabes today!!!
f**** music today :(
I hate everything about music today.
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There isn't much autotune in this? I can only make it out in the harmonised bits.
I think Jason is talented and I like this song. Thanks for posting!

Great singer! Love it! This song is so catchy. Doesn't need any of the autotune at all!

Great singer! Love it! This song is so catchy. Doesn't need any of the autotune at all!

See,now why couldn't he sing the song like this? Why all the weird stuff on his voice in the video? He sounds much better when you can just hear his singing voice like that.
I don't really have a problem with this guy, I like some of his songs. (they're good to dance to)
It just irks me that singers like him don't show the world how good they can sing but instead rely on a machine to make it "sound cool". Why?
My mate text me telling me to watch this video saying that he was just completely copying MJ, I didn't bother me till I saw him do the Dirty Diana style shoulder pop, that's Mikes shoulder pop :(
Song has grown on me though :smilerolleyes:
When he does MJ's Iconic moves it really annoys me !! but I don't mind his songs, but he's nothing special :)

Me too. Especially when he stands on his toes. I think it's great that so many people look up to Michael, but you can look up to someone without copying every single thing that they do. Where's the originality?
Aaahhh yes! The thread I ALMOST started. Lol!

I've been aware of Jason for a while now.
His obvious "inspiration" comes thru loud and clear.

He is managed by that judge from American Idol, Kara DioGuardi.
Jason appeared on the show earlier in the season.
I like him, his songs are catchy. Obviously no genius or groundbreaker but in todays music who is... *sigh*
Horrible song. Auto tune is for LOSERS.

Saw the other video with no auto tune, the voice is too typical normal in a way, it's nothing special. Hard to explain.
I really like Jason.I think he's one of the best singers nowadays.Yeah he's using auto-tune.So what?Many people use it and he doesn't use it on all his songs.
Apart from his music,he is a great song writer.That's what I like most about him.Some of his demos where he is not using auto-tune have slipped on youtube a while ago and I think they're great.
Beside this as a performer I really like him.He isn't used to live singing and dancing but I think he will be better in time.
We will have to see :)
Nothing new..................Boring............

When are we gonna get some proper variety in today's music???????
There's nothing wrong with 'wannabes' - it's good to see that Michael's influence is still so strong in today's music industry. Even if one is to think it's copying him, the techniques Michael used made him as big as he was/is, so it makes sense that artists today would use them; to a lesser effect granted.

It's not just Jason Derulo though, I was listening to Ne-Yo's new album earlier today (I've had it on non-stop since getting it on Monday) and couldn't help but think how similar the songs, melodies, backing vocals and even Ne-Yo's own voice are to Michael's catalogue. I think the song 'Cause I said so' demonstrates this best.

Just my opinion though.

Much love.
He's alright. Got some catchy songs, but nothing spectacular. Lol I feel like I'm being hard to please.

I wouldn't say that you are hard to please..........

I say you have good standards..............

The problem is that the current standard for music is low...........
That Ridin' Solo could possibly be the worst song of whenever it was put out.

I really like Jason.I think he's one of the best singers nowadays.Yeah he's using auto-tune.So what?Many people use it and he doesn't use it on all his songs.
Not really. I have nearly 300 albums and not one uses autotune. These are current 1997 - 2011 albums too.

He is managed by that judge from American Idol, Kara DioGuardi.
Jason appeared on the show earlier in the season.
She's got a hell of a voice, Kara. Heard her voice last May on the new Meat Loaf album. Just nice.
Heard his album and nothing stood out to me, unfortunately. :( I wanted to like this guy, because I know he's a big fan of MJ and everything, but just couldn't get into it. I'll give him another shot in the future, for now it's a no. :p

edit: Checking out the new single snippet. Still a no. :p
i don't see anything special about this guy. as for the video, it seems he took all the signature MJ moves and packed them together. there is no flow in the choreography. it's good to be inspired. but, to me, this video just doesn't have one dose of creativity in it.
I really like Jason.I think he's one of the best singers nowadays.Yeah he's using auto-tune.So what?Many people use it and he doesn't use it on all his songs.
Apart from his music,he is a great song writer.That's what I like most about him.Some of his demos where he is not using auto-tune have slipped on youtube a while ago and I think they're great.
Beside this as a performer I really like him.He isn't used to live singing and dancing but I think he will be better in time.
We will have to see :)

Two words: Bruno Mars! :D
The new single is HORRIBLE!

I'm not a fan anymore.Too bad :(.

^ Am I the only one that doesn't like him?
I'm pretty sure a bunch of us don't care about him either. :D