Japan / Fans / Culture /How to behave


Proud Member
Dec 15, 2008
Hello dear Friends,

I will be going to Japan to live there for 6 months so i need a bit help from you.

Please could you tell me / give me link/ video picture or anything that can help me there.

Ill be in Nagasaki.

So how should i eat , how to say hello to somebody , do i need to bow is there something that i shouldn't do or should do ....etc

Please help me in this!

Much LOVE,
Hello there DancingToTheEternity :D

I have been studying Japanese culture for about 4-5 years now..I've done plenty of reading online and as well in books..I have one book, that came out 7 year ago, in particular that has been such a great insight to Japanese culture and I always go back onto it if I need any information...I'll type out some things in this great book.

"Customs and etiquette

However Westernized modern Japan may appear, traditional etiquette continues to be very important. Most Japanese expect that, as a visitor, you will not understand the complexities of their social behavior, and that you will behave according to your Western rules. However, evidence of a basic understanding of a Japanese values and a respect for them will certainly be appreciated, enjoyed, and acknowledged by the people you meet.


The Japanese bow a lot to each other on meeting or departing. The depth and frequency of the bows depends on the status of the people involved. To be on the safe side, imitate any bows you receive. Hold both arms straight and bow with the upper body. Shaking hands is an alternative way of introducing yourself and is still a novelty to the Japanese. However a strong shake is not needed and would not be understand."

The majority of the restaurants will have a knife and fork to eat, as well as take credit cards, this is more true for more of the modern restaurants of course..So be sure

I really recommend getting any books you can on Japan and visiting reliable tourist sites who let you know about these kind of things..Good luck :D , If you need to know anything else feel free to ask
I plan to go to Japan next year so I will keep an eye on this topic, maybe I find some useful tips in here too for when I go. I would advise you to buy a travelguide and read as much as you can about Japan. Next to that it's wise to learn atleast some Japanese such as good morning etc because not everyone can speak English and the way they speak English can be slightly different (Engrish) which can make it hard to understand.

A few things I learned (correct me if i'm wrong) :
- They are not used to shake hands but bow instead.
- You don't ask how someone is doing when you first meet them.
- You don't call someone by the first name unless they tell you it's ok and use honorifics.
- They are so polite sometimes that they say they understand you but really don't.
- In some places you don't wear shoes inside such as traditional Japanese houses so flip on shoes are handy.

And I learned some random words and lines from Japanese language courses such as Japanese for busy people, Take of in japanese(from Oxford), Pimsleur, The Japanese page and just watching anime and jdrama. And you even have NDS games such as My Japanese Coach.
I was in Japan last month. Dudie is right, the best advice is to read about the country and culture. And it's helpful if you learn the basics, they are really nice and friendly people and try to help you even if it's true that their English is quite limited. If you have any questions, fell free to PM me :D
I was in Japan last month. Dudie is right, the best advice is to read about the country and culture. And it's helpful if you learn the basics, they are really nice and friendly people and try to help you even if it's true that their English is quite limited. If you have any questions, fell free to PM me :D

Many thanks for your info :D
So in stead of handshake i should bow?
Absolutely... they bow for greeting and thanking... well, the truth is that they bow for everything... no physical contact. :D
With bowing there are differences too if I'm not mistaken. For some people you bow a little deeper then others depends on status. They use it as a form to show respect to someone too.

I've been reading books and such about Japan for years and I still learn new things. Even some things I find normal are not so normal there or even rude:scratch:
I'm jealous. I do hope you had a great time there. There's something I can add for you to know, I heard that Japan forbids chewing gum in their country. I don't know why but I heard about it.
I'm jealous. I do hope you had a great time there. There's something I can add for you to know, I heard that Japan forbids chewing gum in their country. I don't know why but I heard about it.

Many thanks :)

To inform you a bit more.

Since im MJ tribute artist and Impersonator i have been called to come and perform in MJ Theater :



Something like this ^^ Ill be there for 6 months :S
I thought chewing gum was only forbidden in Singapore? A chatbuddy from Singapore once told me it's forbidden because people stick it everywhere or throw it on the ground. They want to keep everything clean there
Yeah... it depends on the kind of restaurant you go... but you have a wide range to choose. From McDonald's to luxury restaurants...