Janet's Website Changed

This re-reminded me of the reality of it...and I'm crying again.
Janet losing the big brother she always loved and admired most...
does anyone know where i can find the video of MICHAEL AND JANET performing together when they were very young? I think Janet had a pink boa in it she was only like 7/8 years old?
This re-reminded me of the reality of it...and I'm crying again.
Janet losing the big brother she always loved and admired most...

Your Sig is the absolute truth. I know everyone is slating Shmuley, but i think he was right when he said Michael was looking for love which he found in performing.
Oh Janet...:(

I pray and pray for her. I know what it's like to loose a treasured sibling...
I see alot of Michael in Janet. I hope she will be able to go on in her career and be very successful. She has a great burden to bear for the family but I am sure she will be fine. I will support her like I always have for the rest of my life. I will be very interested to see how things turn out for her. I wish her nothing but the best.
I love Janet, she is so similar to Mike...God bless her and thank you Janet for your song "together again" It helps me a lot, you will be with Michael again one day sweatheart
Janet lost her big brother. My heart goes out to the Family.
...............awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww:( bless her!
Oh Janet...:(

I pray and pray for her. I know what it's like to loose a treasured sibling...

i also pray for janet. I also know what is is like to loose a sibling. It is very very difficult. She will be numb for a long while. You feel as though you want to ask God why is the world still going on. I have just lost my sibling. But you do realize after a long while...Life must go on.

I love you Michael...God Bless Janet and the rest of the Jackson family
Your Sig is the absolute truth. I know everyone is slating Shmuley, but i think he was right when he said Michael was looking for love which he found in performing.
Thankyou, ParisKatherine and Raylo.
It just seemed so ironic yet at the same time, made sense.
He had such a big heart and kept giving, and to find that it was what failed him at the end...
Poor Janet. :( This must be so hard for her, she and her brother were so close. :(