Janet interviews Michael!, rare audio from 1980

Nice interview,
but why is she repeating the questions by J. Randy, if that's him,
to MJ, like she's translating? :mello:
Cause MJ refused to speak directly to them lying journalist who used to twist everything he said. See, he was right, the moment he started talking to them again they did exactly what he was afraid of. I guess that time he has gone right back to not speaking to them again.
That wasn't JRT, that was some british guy.

Anyway, god, both Michael and Janet are so soft spoken, I almost fell asleep listening to them, lol. I think it's a riot how Michael had the interviewer relay the questions through Janet and then she to him. People try and act like Michael "got weird" after "Thriller", but he isn't weird, he's just different, and has always been that way. He was never "normal" as people percieve it, but they want to act like he was at one point just to justify their liking him from a certain period and allowing an excuse for how they started to mistreat him because he was so unlike them.