Jane Fonda on Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Valley Stream, New York

This is the longest I’ve gone without blogging for some time. But sometimes you just have to let life play itself out without comment. Like so many people, I have been in a wash of images and feelings about Michael Jackson. I knew him as well as one could know him during the time before he did “The Wiz” and up through “Thriller.” I couldn’t pretend to understand him. There were so many complicated signals. Did he want me to be his ‘older women’ friend. He gravitated to older women. For solace? Succor? A beard? Did he want me to teach him the ropes? I never could quite figure it out. But I remember one day he was visiting me at my ranch north of Santa Barbara. It was the first time he had been in that region but he must have liked it because later he bought his ranch in that same area. Anyway, as we walked around the ranch which was perched right at the edge of the mountain overlooking Goleta, I pointed to a spot where I told him I wanted to be buried. Michael had a melt down right then and there when he heard this. He shrieked and bent over and said “no, no, no!” “ What’s the matter,” I asked. “Don’t ever talk about your dying,” he answered. “Don’t ever think about it.”

I think about death all the time. I rehearse my death. I think that’s a healthy thing to do. Death, after all, is what gives life meaning the way noise gives meaning to silence. Ooooh, I thought to myself, Michael will have a hard time of it as he ages. He will spend all his energy trying to flee what is inevitable. And now it’s happened. I like the fact that it was quick. Massive heart attacks that you don’t recover from are quick. You don’t know what hit you. That’s probably the kindest death for Michael. It’s hard to imagine him being happy as he aged. One more demon to try and evade. I like to think he’s happy now, free of his demons. Free and floating and knowing how his art continues to be revered and celebrated by all of us all over the world. It will continue.

Don't know what to think but I do like Jane Fonda...
MJ had demons? - no way. :lol:

But I think she is right in some sort of way.

I could never imagine MJ as a 84 year old man all weak and maybe dying slowly and painfully from some dissease.
But I had hoped he would be more than just 50. :(
He should at least have done the TII 3 year tour they planned. Release one maybe two album more. The way he died was so sad and tragic.
Jane Fonda was on Oprah today. Don't like what jane is implying with the word BEARD.
We all have demons.

English isn't my main language, so I'm not sure I understand.

What could beard imply?
But I had hoped he would be more than just 50. :(
He should at least have done the TII 3 year tour they planned. Release one maybe two album more. The way he died was so sad and tragic.

Yes.... :cry: *big sigh*

Jane Fonda was on Oprah today. Don't like what jane is implying with the word BEARD.
She said something about Michael?

We all have demons.


English isn't my main language, so I'm not sure I understand.

What could beard imply?

Gay person in the closet, dating opposite sex. I only hear the word mentioned with gay people. Probably used in other situations.

Jane is on a media tour promoting stuff. So like everyone she is throwing MJ'S name out there.
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Jane is on Oprah right now re-airing on MYZTV for those who have that channel. I don't know if she speaks of Michael because I missed the first airing today.
Gay person in the closet, dating opposite sex. I only hear the word mentioned with gay people. Probably used in other situations.

Jane is on a media tour promoting stuff. So like everyone she is throwing MJ'S name out there.

Don't you ever think that it's the journalist who, like every journalist, uses MJ'S name out every time they can - They know that if they want to attract some interest they MUST talk about him.
I bet that she would ever talk about him by herself. And we are talking about Jane Fonda, but each time someone who has known Michael is on interview, journalist systematically ask about him - I guess you have notice it, no ?
MJ liking of older women goes back to Diana Ross! I see nothing wrong with that! Plus he never married an older women but, younger them him! Shame Jane Fonda never understood the friendship! Can't he just be a friend? Why? she gotta analyze it for?:mello: and imply things...:smilerolleyes::doh:
Gay person in the closet, dating opposite sex. I only hear the word mentioned with gay people. Probably used in other situations.

Jane is on a media tour promoting stuff. So like everyone she is throwing MJ'S name out there.
Actually, she wrote that blog last year
I know that Michael said himself that he hated that people had to grow old, but I disagree that he would have been a sad old man dying slowly from some painful disease and suffering in the process. Of course, no one knows what will happen to us in the future and how every one of us will grow old and die. But if our parents are any indication about what awaits us, we can only look at Katherine and Joseph to see that Michael's elderly years would have been very strong and graceful. He had a very good genetic inheritance.

Which makes his early passing even more painful and unfair! :(
that's a hell of an admission for her to make.thinking about death all the time. but if MJ ever said anything like that, he'd be labelled bizarre. but then, anything he said would have been labelled bizarre, by the press, as was the case.
Just updating from my last post in here. Jane didn't mention one word about Michael.
To the above poster - I though that was old. Thanks for clarifying.

Jane defender MJ in 2003 tooth and nail when the beshair thing came out...It was on the E-True story.
Jane defender MJ in 2003 tooth and nail when the beshair thing came out...It was on the E-True story.

hmmmm....didn't know this!

Another point we can make is that she didn't factor in his children. Once he had children, I think life had a new meaning to him. I also don't think he was as scared of death, per say. Maybe not as scared as he used to be.
[QUOTEI like to think he’s happy now...

Free and floating and knowing how his art continues to be revered and celebrated by all of us all over the world. It will continue.

This is the only part I'd like to remember from this write-up!
In no way can 'beard' mean anything with gay, cause she was talking about how at that time...what was she for him, or vice versa. How can it even have to do anything with gay? Nothing.