Jana Kratichvilova: GaGa stole her image?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Jana Kratochvilova was an excentric music star in the 70s and 80s and 90s in Czechoslovakia (later in the Czech Rep.).

She had several hits but because of the communist regime, her excenticity was banned and she emigrated to the UK.

Her most famous song:


And now..., compared her with Lady GaGa...

For more pics of Jana use google images to compare!!!!







I'm sure the eccentric pop artist look has been used many times before. I don't believe she just randomly stole it off someone. I think Lady Gaga should be given some credit. It's just the type of person she is and I think the "she wasn't eccentric pre-fame" argument is invalid since everyone is allowed to change, right? ;D
^^^Yeah, she changed after seeing other people did something and copied their style. Which again lends itself to the argument that she is not orginal. It's no big thing. No one is all original. Eveyone borrows. She just borrows a little too much for my taste and then is praised way too much for it. IMO.
^^ Indeed everyone is inspired one way or another so no one is all original. However there's a difference between being inspired and copying in my opinion. Michael was inspired by James Brown and Fred Astaire but he did not copy them. He created his own style.

To be honest I don't see that with Gaga. I see a bit too much Madonna in her, only she took it further - as others said in this thread - because in the 21st century you have to be even more scandalous to get attention. Musically I hear lots of 90's eurodisco in her, like Ace of Base, which is perhaps not a coincidence since her producer is Swedish.
This whole thing has been occurring for longer than anyone would care to recall. Americans are amnesiacs, and the bulk of Gaga ass-kissers are little kids and teenagers who don't remember music history past the year 2000 and whose knowledge of music genres extends only as far as the mainstream takes them. Thus, Gaga seems like god to them, and everything she does is "oh-so-original lyk all the time little monsters raise yer paws up!"

The point is, almost nothing is original in recent times, and this is especially true regarding Gaga and pop music starlets in general.

Wheelchair acts:


Emilie Autumn [she did it first...and best].


Lady Gaga trying her darndest to look all lyke edgy and whatnot [kinda like Marilyn Manson in a way].

But honestly, she stikes me more as Madonna 2.0, but without the magnetism the Material Girl undoubtedly had. There's a looong list of people (and songs) Gaga has allegedly copied, none of which are relevant in my opinion. But just out of interest:

And yes, there's a clear difference between imitation and inspiration. There are a plethora of musicians, artists, directors, etc. who have drawn massive inspiration from their predecessors and, through their work, paid tribute to those past contributions. However, they've done so in a way so as to provide some of their own artistic talent along with said contributions, and not just make some sort of carbon copy.

Gaga's attempts are, in my most humble of opinions, strained and strike one more as imitation.
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...and I think the "she wasn't eccentric pre-fame" argument is invalid since everyone is allowed to change, right? ;D

No. And she is not eccentric, even now. She's common. Clothes do not make the man, and looking like you dress in the dark is not enough to grant you the title of being "eccentric." If it is, then my neighbour may be the most "eccentric" man I've ever met...

And even that's not original. Observe another "magical change due to record deal" example. I love this girl and I'm a huge fan of The Pretty Reckless, but objectively speaking the transformation is so utterly fake. No one changes that much in such a small while, and Gaga fans [and the delusional portion of TPR fans who may believe what miss Momsen says re: her epic change] need to stop deluding themselves into thinking otherwise. It's obvious when a record company has created your image.



"Gossip Girl" prep.





Looking like she could have been picked up from The Jersey Shore.


Common Factor: Record deal.

Oh and I'd like to add Taylor Momsen is incredibly talented when it comes to singing, and Gaga is not un-talented, but her piano playing is better than her singing. However, in the music business image > talent, so I'm not exactly surprised.

This sort of thing happens a lot.
I think her excentric style of dressing, lady gagy stole from Björk. I don't understand how everybody forgot how Björk used to dress all the time in the past.
Music wise LG has alot of Madonna.
Videos have also alot of Björk, madonna and other "excentric" stars.
to me Lady Gaga is so original like Britney was. and must say britney suspass her. she may write her own songs, but everything else is screaming FAAAAKE. her image shes trying to sell as "thats how i really am", her shows to her music shes making today. she did good in the begining, but decided to gain popularity with trying to be "different" then with her music.
My country has our own prototype of Lady Gaga. It's Janna Agusarova. She performs rock and excentric pop and has a great incredible voice. She is the singer of 80th and 90th. Here she is:





And i'm agree lady gaga has a lot from Madonna. When i'm watching her videos i'm always thinking about Madonna of 80th and early 90th
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lom kit;3574121 said:
I think her excentric style of dressing, lady gagy stole from Björk. I don't understand how everybody forgot how Björk used to dress all the time in the past.
Music wise LG has alot of Madonna.
Videos have also alot of Björk, madonna and other "excentric" stars.
to me Lady Gaga is so original like Britney was. and must say britney suspass her. she may write her own songs, but everything else is screaming FAAAAKE. her image shes trying to sell as "thats how i really am", her shows to her music shes making today. she did good in the begining, but decided to gain popularity with trying to be "different" then with her music.

I agree, she's an able songwriter and an okay singer [so is Ke$ha lol], but she is so fake it hurts. Nothing more than a poor little rich girl, really, not that there's anything wrong with that--but for Christ's sake, she keeps trying to say she was so misunderstood or whatever, and there is no evidence whatsoever of that. It's all a fabrication, just like her image.

In any case, Britney Spears rocks! 8D