
Jul 25, 2011

I love this video. Michael's dancing is absolutely incredible in it. He's so fast, so clean and precise that it's mind blowing. Especially the sequence of steps around 4:38. And then when he's showing Michael Jordan how to do the steps. Look at how he put's all of his energy in to each movement, making it so pronounced and powerful, when he throws his arm out and puts his hand on his chest and brings it back. And just his lines, it's out of this world. Never get sick of this video. He's a gorgeous dancer, he really is.
Totally agree! So intense in his movements, I love the song and when I listen to it I feel very energetic. I also love watching Michael performing JAM live, it is the best way to startup a concert and boost the level of enthusiasm amongst the audience.

Just like he said: Great Art Never Dies

I love this video. Michael's dancing is absolutely incredible in it. He's so fast, so clean and precise that it's mind blowing. Especially the sequence of steps around 4:38. And then when he's showing Michael Jordan how to do the steps. Look at how he put's all of his energy in to each movement, making it so pronounced and powerful, when he throws his arm out and puts his hand on his chest and brings it back. And just his lines, it's out of this world. Never get sick of this video. He's a gorgeous dancer, he really is.

my favourite part as well, it's hard to see on the youtube video but the hand movement at the end , lol... one of those moments where i just laugh in amazement.... genius.
my favourite part as well, it's hard to see on the youtube video but the hand movement at the end , lol... one of those moments where i just laugh in amazement.... genius.

Great observation. Michael's intricacy as a dancer never ceases to amaze me. I always point this out, and I was noticing it too the other day when I was watching "Captain EO", but Michael moves and adjusts every part of his body to bring him self in to each pose, so if you watch him very carefully, you see where he actually executes a series of smaller steps inbetween the main poses, rather then just throwing himself in to them or making one giant motion, like most other dancers. That's what gives MIchael his accuracy and precisian. The fact that he litterally breaks each sequence up in to a number of smaller steps. He dances to each pose. Like in "EO", there's a sequence where they all move to the left and then dip down and back over to the right. Well, if you watch Michael in comparison to the other dancers, they keep their feet stationary and in the same position the whole time while Michael actually moves his feet in a series of sections to get to the same spot. He'll often actaully lift his feet off the ground also, to adjust himself in to the right position while other dancers will just slide their feet, making a less precise positioning. And you can tell it ins't a concious effort on his part. It's just something his body does when he dances. And yet it's all so seemlessly connected and without hesitiation, that you don't even notice it as a series of smaller steps, but as one, together movement. I've never seen such an involved dancer as Michael, and he adusts everything and moves with everything right down to his fingertips.
I love the video so much. It's mostly about dancing. Mike's dancing of course, and all the others' as well. Nicole brought the part up...how about the 2:53-2:55 part? Everytime I watch it, I feel his movement is not only energetic but graceful at the same time. "Graceful" is the right word for me. I think I know why some female fans got a thing for his legs:D;D

There's a reason why so many of those who practice dancing almost always name him as their textbook model and influence.
Graceful indeed. Michael carries himself as though he's walking on air, he has so much ease in his step and movement. The thing to also remember is that as much energy as Michael puts in to each movement, it's all controled energy and it's so intense that when he stops the flow, he's moving with so much strength, that you can almost see like this shutter effect go through him. Because he stops so suddenly and on a dime, like a full out stop, even coming out of the most intense and quick step. That's control. He never has excess movement, everything's tight and precise. The power he has, in even the smallest movements, combined with the cleanness of his lines and the speed, is just mind blowing. Two videos which are good for seeing his lines are "In The Closet" and "The Way You Make Me Feel". He has perfect lines, perfect extention. "Black Or White" also.
Look at the part just before he and Michael Jordan start the impromptu song. A couple of seconds beofre they start singing, Michael says to him "do this" and he turns his back agains Jordan to stand to do the signature pose of his. Infact he stays in that pose for the duration of their little song. Its the way he got into that poes that gets to me each time, the passion in his movement, awww man. Michael is just something else..
Yeah man, I know that part. And it's good that you pointed that out because how you look getting to a pose or how you look getting the the end of a pose is more important then the pose itself. That's the dancing, that's the part that's dance. And nobody looks better in the motion of getting to a pose then Michael.
JAM is one of the songs where Michael dose a lot of his solo dancing, very electrifying, there isn’t much ceography in it only when he performs it live for a shot period then he goes back to solo, and this is one of the very few songs where Michael is rapping, in the beginning of the song. It is very noticeable also that the song sings itself, it says JAM with the instruments :)