Jade Goody has cancer


Proud Member
Mar 14, 2008
The news was broken to the 27-year-old when she spoke to her consultant in the UK by telephone but the conversation was not filmed.
After being told the results of a recent biopsy, she burst into tears and ran into the house in hysterics, shouting: "I have cancer."

Goody, who became famous after appearing in Big Brother 3 in Britain, was withdrawn from the show immediately and is returning home from India for treatment.

"She has cancer in the neck of her womb," her spokesman Mark Thomas confirmed.

"She is obviously traumatised and very worried and is now focused on getting home."

The TV star is due to arrive back in London tonight and will see her consultant tomorrow.

Her spokesman added: "They now have to carry out tests into other areas to see if the cancer has spread into other areas."

He dismissed the suggestion that the announcement was a publicity stunt as "ridiculous".

It is believed she went on the Indian show to try to make amends after being accused of racism on last year's Celebrity Big Brother.

The show features 12 Indian celebrities and is hosted by Shilpa Shetty, 33, the Bollywood star bullied by Goody and other housemates.

Goody later said she was "embarrassed and disgusted" by her own behaviour in the house but denied she was a racist.

She was thought to be earning up to £100,000 for her appearance on the Indian show, called Bigg Boss.

Her career suffered as a result of the racism row with her perfume, Shh..., being taken off the shelves and publishers dropping a paperback edition of her autobiography.

I heard this on the radio, I do hope she will be ok. I wish her well :flowers: :flowers:
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I don't really know who she is, but my best wishes goes to her.
That disease is horrible and no one should have to deal with it. :no:
I don't know who she is (I don't watch reality shows), but I hope she gets better.
that is terrible. i wish her the best treatment.

cancer isn't necessarily a death sentence
Jade Goody: 'I smoked crack cocaine'

Jade Goody has admitted that she once smoked crack cocaine.

The former Big Brother contestant said she took the drug in an attempt to dissuade her mother Jackiey, who was addicted.
"I decided to show her how nasty and heartbreaking it was to see a member of your family - your own flesh and blood - killing themselves in front of your very eyes," Miss Goody said.
"I took some of her crack, put it in a Rizla paper to make a joint, and I smoked it. I felt dirty and disgusting. 'How does it make you feel watching me do this?' I asked."
However Miss Goody said that her efforts were in vain and that her mother continued to use the drug.
In her new autobiography, Miss Goody explained that her mother's boyfriend Danny was a bad influence. She said: "Danny was heavily into coke and liked to beat me up in his spare time."
She also admitted that as a young child she regularly saw her father Andrew smoke and inject drugs.
The admission follows news last month that Miss Goody, who became famous in 2002 when she appeared on the third series of Big Brother, is suffering from cervical cancer. Shortly after she was told of her condition, her boyfriend, Jack Tweed, was jailed for assault.

Source: Daily Telegraph (UK)
Brave ... Jade Goody

Dying Reality TV Star 'Ready to Go to Heaven' After Marrying

Jade Goody's Cancer Fight Inspires More U.K. Woman to Get Cervical Cancer Screenings

var addthis_pub = 'abcnews';
Jade Goody, the U.K.'s most famous reality TV star, who has terminal cervical cancer, said she is "ready to go to heaven" after her wedding to Jack Tweed Sunday.
Cancer-stricken reality TV star Jade Goody and her fiance Jack Tweed, right, share a kiss

Cancer-stricken reality TV star Jade Goody and her fiance Jack Tweed, right, share a kiss on the drive way of her home in Upshire, southern England on Saturday. The couple is scheduled to marry Sunday in a lavish ceremony at a country house hotel just eight miles from her home. The ceremony will be aired on cable television, and the photographs printed in OK! magazine. A brash young British reality TV star whose ups and downs have captivated the nation is approaching her death the same way she has lived on television. Given just months to live from cervical cancer that spread to her liver and bowels, 27-year-old Jade Goody sees no reason to turn the cameras off now.
(Chris Radburn/PA Wire/AP Photo)
More Photos

In an exclusive interview with OK! magazine, Goody said the wedding had been "the happiest day of my life." Doctors believe that she has only two weeks to live, as the cancer has already spread to her bowels, liver and groin.

Tweed, 21, proposed to Goody, 27, in front of cameras in London, and the British luxury department store Harrods gave her a designer gown by Manuel Mota, worth $5,798.

"I was very moved by Jade's plight," Harrods owner Mohamed Al Fayed said in a statement released to ABC News. "When I heard of her intention to get married, I wanted to give her something. So I offered her one of our beautiful wedding dresses from Harrods."


I pray for a miracle for Jade: Shilpa It’s ironic that Jade Goody, who earned worldwide notoriety for being rude and racist towards our Shilpa Shetty when they were competitors on

Jade Goody and Shilpa Shetty More Pics

the UK reality show Celebrity Big Brother, should invite the Bollywood actress for the last two reality shows she will ever be involved in.

These are Jade’s wedding this Sunday in London reportedly at Sir Elton John’s home; and, her funeral! Yes, Jade has little time left. The cervical cancer that she discovered when in Mumbai to participate in the Bigg Boss show, has spread and almost consumed the young woman’s life. In the few days that she has, Jade intends to get married and then orchestrate the rites of her own funeral. It sounds macabre, true, but she’s doing it to raise enough money for the future welfare of her sons Bobbie (5) and Freddie (4).


Yeah I've read about her.. it's very sad :( And she has so little kids, too..
Age's 4 and 5 they dont understand that soon mommy will be in heaven with the Angels looking down on them instead of being there for them in their live's i cant imagine what they are going through if they understand that their mom is dying of cancer
god that's just crazy...to have to prepare your own funeral..I can't even imagine
when I die I don't want to have time to realize I'm gonna die I just want it to happen quickly
feel sorry for her kids but i find the whole thing distaseful interms of making a media cricus out of it. then again what do you expect from the likes of max clifford. u think there would be some dignity shown but it seems shes ending her life as she lived it.
I haven't always agreed with the things she has said, however I feel that a lot of the time she has been manipulated by the media just to make her look a fool and exaggerating the things she has said or putting it out of context. However, nobody deserves to die such a painful death at such a young age. She will never see the joy of her children grow into adults, maybe marry, have their own kids etc. So sad.
Dying in the public arena is a very brave thing to do, but if she encourages just one woman to get herself tested, to avoid what Jade herself is going through then her death won't be entirely in vain.
I pray for her, her children and family as well as all those who are suffering with cancer.
feel sorry for her kids but i find the whole thing distaseful interms of making a media cricus out of it. then again what do you expect from the likes of max clifford. u think there would be some dignity shown but it seems shes ending her life as she lived it.

They would have made a media circus of it anyways.. without Jade doing a lot of press stuff or photo shoots, why shouldnt she make what she can from it? It's going to be plasted all over the papers anyway. If she can make as much money as possible from them by selling stories and pictures to leave for her sons then that is a smart move in my eyes. A lot of people have bashed her for doing that. she's just thinking of her sons futures at the end of the day. :)
They would have made a media circus of it anyways.. without Jade doing a lot of press stuff or photo shoots, why shouldnt she make what she can from it? It's going to be plasted all over the papers anyway. If she can make as much money as possible from them by selling stories and pictures to leave for her sons then that is a smart move in my eyes. A lot of people have bashed her for doing that. she's just thinking of her sons futures at the end of the day. :)

totally agree's with our junior moderator :lol:
this is classic media 101. she was hated by everyone for what she said until she got sick. now they're loving her and her stregnth and her fight and her love for her sons. in reality, that person always existed but the media chose to show the other side.

this shows that the powers that be, when they're against u, if going for u makes more money, they'll do it and they have.

im glad she was able to have the wedding of her dreams and is makingmoney from this so her sons can have a savings for when they're older. it's just a shame that respect from the media had to happen like this for her
this is classic media 101. she was hated by everyone for what she said until she got sick. now they're loving her and her stregnth and her fight and her love for her sons. in reality, that person always existed but the media chose to show the other side.

this shows that the powers that be, when they're against u, if going for u makes more money, they'll do it and they have.

im glad she was able to have the wedding of her dreams and is makingmoney from this so her sons can have a savings for when they're older. it's just a shame that respect from the media had to happen like this for her

my point exactly hun they called her pig and everything before she got sick now they love the attention urgh damn media