Jackson's 'This Is It' moved friends to tears


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Québec, Canada
VIDEO in the link of CNN.

A look at the value of Michael Jackson's estate kicks off an "American Morning" series "Michael Jackson, The Legend Lives On," Monday 6 a.m. ET on CNN.
New York (CNN) -- For Kenny Ortega, Travis Payne and Michael Bearden, "it" is a bittersweet feeling.
The three men expected to be spending their time this summer and fall working on Michael Jackson's concert engagement at London's O2 Arena, which was scheduled to begin in July. Instead, they are talking about Jackson's last days and the new movie about that time, "This Is It."
I got to sit down with all three of them to talk about "This Is It," the movie that they've made from rehearsal and backstage footage of Jackson, shot just before he died June 25. The film, which has been dominating advance ticket sale outlets, opens wide on Wednesday.
The full movie wasn't screened for critics, with only 12 minutes of footage available to the media before the interviews. But from what I've seen and what director Ortega told me, it tries to blend backstage footage with the performance to give an inside glimpse of those last days at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California.
The scenes show the superstar working on his dance moves, figuring out choreography, practicing on stage and running the show. From the clips, there's no question that Jackson was in charge. His physicality is vibrant: At one point, he dances with a troupe of top-notch hoofers and keeps up with all of them. There's no indication of the infirmities that would ultimately take his life.
All three men -- Payne was the show's choreographer and Bearden its music supervisor -- stressed to me how they wanted this movie to represent the Jackson they knew.
"It was an honor project," Bearden said.
According to Ortega, the film is for the fans. He said he was inundated with e-mails from fans wanting to know just what Jackson had planned for the concerts he would never give.
Above all, they said they were concerned about Jackson's three children. They said that they wanted to make a film that his kids -- Prince Michael, Paris and "Blanket" -- would be able to see in years to come that would make them proud of their father.
Though the men acknowledged a heavy responsibility, there were light moments during the interviews.
Payne and Bearden both smiled as they talked about working for the King of Pop and how he'd try to tell people what he wanted.
"I know you mean well, but ..." Jackson would say as he corrected colleagues, they recalled.
But all of them talked about he emotional toll that making this film has taken on them.
There were "a lot of tissue moments on this film," Bearden said.
Ortega added that he didn't know whether he could handle the emotional stress involved in making this movie so quickly.
Ultimately, according to Ortega, the movie proved to be cathartic.
"I thought I'd collapse," Ortega said. "I thought I'll never get through it, it's too hard, it's too soon, but in fact it was healing and helpful."
He hopes Jackson's fans will feel the same way.

Thank you
I know it must have been very hard for them and especially Kenny to put all this together while they were still greiving.
but I also know it is healing becuase when I started making tribute vids again it helped me tremendously _ to be able
to do something to honor Michael.

All the conspiracy theories rumors about his health etc etc aside
This film is not an expose of Michaels problems _ It was made to honor Michael
It was made with love by friends to show his genious, his siprit of Love and his ART as he created TII..

It was an honor project," Bearden said.
According to Ortega, the film is for the fans. He said he was inundated with e-mails from fans wanting to know just what Jackson had planned for the concerts he would never give. Above all, they said they were concerned about Jackson's three children. They said that they wanted to make a film that his kids -- Prince Michael, Paris and "Blanket" -- would be able to see in years to come that would make them proud of their father.
There were "a lot of tissue moments on this film," Bearden said.

Thanks for posting.
I like those three men, they seem to be very sensitive.

I really hope that the movie also will be 'healing and helpful' for me, too. I know I'll need lots of tissues ... :cry:
Seeing clips make me so emotional. I can't imagine how it must have been for them. All of this is like a wound that is not allowed to close. It just hurts in my stomach.
everytime i see footage of the movie i always get moved to tears. its so emotional seeing michael get ready for a tour that should have happened. i will be seeing the movie the night it comes out and i know i will be in tears the whole time.
I am just so thankful that this film has been made.Michael was on top form and he was certainly in control of what we were going to see at the shows.
I really like how this article referred to Michael as "the superstar" and "The King of Pop"and didn't use the "self proclaimed king of pop" line. God, I hate it when people say that about Michael. He was the most humble person you'd ever want to meet.
This is craazyyy. I dont know if i could really handle it...watching the movie. I cry when I read articles or even watching the little trailers that they've put out. To see the whole thing is gonna be one of the hardest things I'll ever experience! For the 1st showing, i'm going with my whole family, and I am gonna sit a lil far from them so i can have a little moment to my self. I think when we all watch it for the first time we should let everything out (tears, anger, sadness, pain, regrate...) Then maybe we can watch it without those feeling when we watch it the next time.

Thankyou for this article...

I hope that ultimately this movie will be healing for all of us. I think we need to see this. When I saw the trailer at the movies, I wasn't overcome by sadness. I was actually exited and felt happy for once. I know that there are some fans boycotting the film, I think we all should see this.
I feel helpless and depressed. I am glad that I wouldn't be driving after the movie. I do no know if I will want to talk about it either. Maybe after I have seen it for a few times, I may feel better.
i feel sick!! im getting more depressed as the 28th draws near
Ultimately, according to Ortega, the movie proved to be cathartic.
"I thought I'd collapse," Ortega said. "I thought I'll never get through it,
it's too hard, it's too soon, but in fact it was healing and helpful."
He hopes Jackson's fans will feel the same way.
OMGawl! :cry:
Thats because MJ is so sweet, kind, and genuinely nice.
Thats why its so hard. He should still be here.....with us.

He is so missed.
My sister isn't even a fan and she doesn't want to watch the movie because its too sad and painful! She said "He wasn't ready to leave". She avoided watching the memorial too and couldn't listen to his songs the first 2 weeks after his death! This is all coming from someone who likes Michael Jackson's music but that's it. She knows he is the greatest but is in no way a fan like me. So if Michael has this affect could you imagine how some die hard fans like ourselves would be taking it?

I'm watching it, I feel it will be a part of the healing process.
I was asked by my friend if I wanted to go with her, but I mentioned that I'd feel more comfortable going alone. I just really don't want to cry in front of her. I've been having a few bad days lately, I've been having dreams of Mike for the past 3 days...all very good, but my heart is still breaking. This just hasn't sunk-in yet. Soo damn hard...
wow good article I really not ready to see this movie I know me and my friends are going to brakedown every time I see the clips tears start rolling down my face.
I'm going to the first showing with my parents and sister I thought it was a good idea but as it comes nearer I'm thinking I don't wanna cry in front of them.
My mom understands it a bit but I think my sister and especially my dad don't...
None of what has taken place since June 25th seems real to me still! But, I'm gonna be purchasing my ticket tomorrow for the showing on Saturday here in Jamaica and as much as I dread going alone, I know I'll be bawling my eyes out.

I miss him so much!
Im scared and im excited too. For this reason I have bought tickets to see it 4 times. I think that will be enough to process it, cry it out, enjoy it and feel like ive had my fill of MJ on the big screen without going over the top. I think by the end of 4 times I might feel better? at least I hope so....