Jackson registered three original songs since 2006


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Those are:

1) "WHAT S IT GONNA BE" (2006)
(written, composed, arranged/produced by Michael Jackson)

2) "SHE GOT IT" (2007)
(written, composed, arranged/produced by Michael Jackson and Bryan Loren)

3) "SERIOUS EFFECT" (2007)
(written, composed, arranged/produced by Michael Jackson and Bryan Loren)

While the last two were old co-production that needed to be registered before the release of "Thriller 25", the first song (not to be confused with Busta Rhymes and Janet Jackson's duet) is of unknown nature:

1) in the past, Michael registered songs that were to be released but practically were not due to complicated reasons (like "I Have This Dream");

2) usually songs registered right before their release, but back in 2006 or so there was no information that Jackson was to release anything;

3) there are big chances that this song will be eventually released, but not necessary on the album -- just like "I have This Dream" and some others;

4) time of song registration is determined by song's ID; so it can be seen that "WHAT'S IT GONNA BE" is not related to "Thriller 25 release".

As you see, not so much news, not so much to discuss, but still FYI.
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hmmmm...very interesting! thanks for posting :yes:
Latest Michael's release (even though with horrible audio quality in "YouTube" clip) reminded how smooth his voice is and that you have to try really hard to find much of those kind of high quality voices ever. To be honest, even I want to hear some new material Jackson. But I understand that new album may not arrive before 2009, depending on circumstances.
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Latest Michael's release (even though with horrible audio quality in "YouTube" clip) reminded how smooth his voice is and that you have to try really hard to find much of those kind of high quality voices ever. To be honest, even I want to hear some new material Jackson. But I understand that new album may not arrive before 2009, depending on circumstances.

But thats what most fans say lol..ooh wait till 2009..or wait a year or 2 or more lol..
Hmm...this is interesting. I wonder if maybe Michael was working on Serious Effect or She Got It to put on Thriller 25 instead of For All Time. Or maybe he re-worked them for the new album
He also registered "Unknown" in 2006... And "Be Me 4 A Day" in 2004.
"Be Me 4 A Day" is most probably not Jackson-registered song, but song by outer author using part of Michael's music.

However, "Unknown" is sole work -- written, composed, arranged/produced by Michael Jackson. I somehow missed it; thanks for addition.
That Bryan Loren is a pretty good producer, really talented musician, I wouldn't mind him doing a few new songs with Michael (no duets just producing).
Where do you guys go to find all of this stuff out. Not that i want to really know. im just wondering. Do some of yall just be on the computer searching for any info on michael! i just wonder sometimes.
Registration does not mean Michael personally called to BMI and filled the papers. Jackson gave away administering of his Mijac Music Publishing catalogue to third party, so they do this for him, most probably.

I do not know about TSCM, but I just check from time to time some sites and that is it.
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some misleading info in this thread:

a) Michael Jackson himself does not register songs on BMI & Co.

b) There are more than three added titles since 2006

c) "Serious Effect" and "She Got It" have NOTHING(!) to do with "Thriller 25" and these songs were registered by Bryan Loren's record company
To be correct, the misleading information in this thread is that there is misleading information in this thread like "Michael himself does not register songs on BMI" :)lol:) -- as I pointed above, of course he eventually does not do it personally.

However, such pretence is matter of formality. For example, it is correct to say that Michael does not own and never owned any share of ATV MP or S/ATV MP. Indeed, he bought, owns and controls it through other companies which he eventually directly owns as person. But people usually omit those details because in essence it still Jackson who controls/(co-)owns the companies anyway.

As to quantity of tittles added, TSCM's addition was accepted above, so the grand total of original songs is actually 4, not three. By the way, whatever else songs that could be added are not original ones, those re-use Michael's work and that is how they get in the BMI catalogue.

And no, you are not correct that two co-production songs have nothing to do with "Thriller 25". The album itself includes, for example, "For All Time" -- the song that was not recorded at the time of original "Thriller" sessions at all.

Obviously, there is no reason why would "Serious Effect" and "She Got It" registered all of sudden at the time of "Thriller 25" preparation unless those two were considered as candidates to be included in "Thriller 25", because there was no Bryan Loren album that time or after released anyway.

Also, there is no way how you can see who *not* registered the song. That is why I did not state that registration was Jackson's exclusive. And you claim that Michael did not register those two co-production works. Did you ask him? Or are you working at BMI?

Resume: as of now, you have made a "trolling" post, since none of your points have merit (every aspect of your claims was dissected above) and you even put them numbered for bigger impression on readers. However, if some third party reader would understand things clearer after this round, then it is just fine, thank you. :)
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:rofl: @ the suggestion these songs would've been on "Thriller 25". :lol:

Then again they made the mistake putting "For All Time" on there, they should've put in "Monkey Business" in there too. :lol:
Agree, I was :blink: :doh: when I saw that "For All Time" was in "Thriller 25". But once it was there, you have to thank LR/S-BMG ME for the suggesting that those two co-productions were also candidates for the album.
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And, it was hardly "mistake" from LR/S-BMG ME since it is forever running practice by major labels to put in re-releases and compilations songs that are not actually related to title of re-release or compilation; they call it "marketing".
Yeah that's true, lol. Just shows you how crappy labels are, they'll put it any unreleased song and claim it came from that era when it came from an entirely different period. :lol:
b) There are more than three added titles since 2006
True, although the other titles added since 2006 (excluding the Thriller 25 tracks) which haven't been mentioned here merely sample Michael's music.

c) "Serious Effect" and "She Got It" have NOTHING(!) to do with "Thriller 25" and these songs were registered by Bryan Loren's record company
Agreed. At the exact same time that Loren added these two tracks to the BMI repertoire, he also added Janet Jackson's "Work". I do not believe that this had anything at all to do with Thriller 25. Not every song is added to BMI before being released, Got the Hots still does not appear on the list despite being for Thriller 25.

"Be Me 4 A Day" is most probably not Jackson-registered song, but song by outer author using part of Michael's music.
It's impossible to say whether or not this song merely samples Michael's work or it is a new composition. But, it was clearly an autobiographical song with alternate titles including "Just For One Day Be Michael" "Me 4 a Day" "Be Michael" etc...
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At the exact same time that Loren added these two tracks to the BMI repertoire, he also added Janet Jackson's "Work". I do not believe that this had anything at all to do with Thriller 25. Not every song is added to BMI before being released, Got the Hots still does not appear on the list despite being for Thriller 25.

That is understandable position, however, practice tells that songs get registered when those are expected to be actually released or the leak outside of studio could be expected. Before song registered it may leak to anyone who then may register it first, re-doing it, and that may further lead to complicated legal problems.

That is one of basic reasons why songwriters bother or feel urge to register their work just about time of albums.

And, Loren (and Jackson) had no whatsoever apparent reason to all of sudden register those songs just shortly before "Thriller 25" albums release. Not a quarter, half-year or year before, not five years ago, not even ten or fifteen years ago. And not this year after "Thriller 25", or five years ahead from now.

Janet's song also being registered is, most probably, just convenient occasion since Loren was contacted by "T25" production people anyway. Brian possibly searched his stashes and found out that co-production with Janet better to be registered too, just in case.

There is simply no other credible explanation why would all of sudden those songs got registered that time.

Of course, all of our talks here about it is just guessing; argument is only about which one is more probable and sensible than another and that is it.

It's impossible to say whether or not this song merely samples Michael's work or it is a new composition.
Theoretically, yes, that is why I used "most probably". However, there was no leaks that would lead us to belief that Michael had collaboration. But yes, small probability of that case exists, too.
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There is simply no other credible explanation why would all of sudden those songs got registered that time.

There is: As I already stated, "Serious Effect" and "She Got It" were registered by Bryan Loren or his company because his whole back catalogue (with unreleased songs) was added to BMI around 2006.

Also: "Serious Effect" and "She Got It" were intended for a release in 2001 ("Dangerous - Special Edition") BUT they were not registered.

And another thing: SonyBMG did never consider a song from DANGEROUS for "Thriller 25" but Michael recorded "For All Time" for the Thriller album in 1982. What he couldn't recall however (Michael has recorded houndred of songs) was that he did indeed re-record it later in the late '80ies for the DANGEROUS album (that's why his voice no longer fit to the other Thriller tracks). But Michael apparently still wanted this track for "Thriller 25" and this was his decision only.

That's the simple story why we hear (a different take!) of "For All Time" on "Thriller 25" despite containing vocals that were actually recorded in 1989.

@denisrs: I dunno what your problem is for plucking my post into pieces. I did not even offend anyone, but your post was kinda harsh against me.

Btw, I did not read the entire thread, just your first post which you could have corrected in the meantime ;) - because THIS one is still misleading and that's the only thing I wanted to point out, nothing else...
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That is understandable position, however, practice tells that songs get registered when those are expected to be actually released or the leak outside of studio could be expected. Before song registered it may leak to anyone who then may register it first, re-doing it, and that may further lead to complicated legal problems.

That is one of basic reasons why songwriters bother or feel urge to register their work just about time of albums.

And, Loren (and Jackson) had no whatsoever apparent reason to all of sudden register those songs just shortly before "Thriller 25" albums release. Not a quarter, half-year or year before, not five years ago, not even ten or fifteen years ago. And not this year after "Thriller 25", or five years ahead from now.

Janet's song also being registered is, most probably, just convenient occasion since Loren was contacted by "T25" production people anyway. Brian possibly searched his stashes and found out that co-production with Janet better to be registered too, just in case.

There is simply no other credible explanation why would all of sudden those songs got registered that time.

Of course, all of our talks here about it is just guessing; argument is only about which one is more probable and sensible than another and that is it.

Theoretically, yes, that is why I used "most probably". However, there was no leaks that would lead us to belief that Michael had collaboration. But yes, small probability of that case exists, too.

Janet fans have known about the unreleased song "Work" she was asked about it by a fan and she said she was going to release it but decided not to and it might be on another record in the future :yes:
Korgnex said:
There is: As I already stated, "Serious Effect" and "She Got It" were registered by Bryan Loren or his company because his whole back catalogue (with unreleased songs) was added to BMI around 2006.

There were only three co-production songs registered at the time (two with Michael and one with Janet) and it was not related to earlier catalogue registrations.

Also: "Serious Effect" and "She Got It" were intended for a release in 2001 ("Dangerous - Special Edition") BUT they were not registered.
Songs that meant to be released may get registered or not depending on stage on which ones get "ditched". Sometimes it happens in time, sometimes not.

And another thing: SonyBMG did never consider a song from DANGEROUS for "Thriller 25" but Michael recorded "For All Time" for the Thriller album in 1982. What he couldn't recall however (Michael has recorded houndred of songs) was that he did indeed re-record it later in the late '80ies for the DANGEROUS album (that's why his voice no longer fit to the other Thriller tracks). But Michael apparently still wanted this track for "Thriller 25" and this was his decision only.

That's the simple story why we hear (a different take!) of "For All Time" on "Thriller 25" despite containing vocals that were actually recorded in 1989.
I made no point on whether it was exactly/only Sony-BMG/LE decision to include "FAT" in the "T25" album, or not. That is why I used terms like "production team" when I spoke about it. But we have label's practice I am not sure who/what is the source of information that "this was his decision only".

Also, there is no information that "FAT" was ever actually from "Thriller" sessions, even though it is possible. All there was is mass-media's pieces from last year that even did not mention that the song was actually from "Dangerous" sessions. They simply did not know and guessed that the song did not made it for "Thriller" (since the title of new release is "T25"). And, on the contrary, no known pre-"T25" mentions of this song refer to year before 1989. Though yes, theoretically it is possible that the song existed earlier; but there is simply no information about now.

@denisrs: I dunno what your problem is for plucking my post into pieces. I did not even offend anyone, but your post was kinda harsh against me.

Btw, I did not read the entire thread, just your first post which you could have corrected in the meantime - because THIS one is still misleading and that's the only thing I wanted to point out, nothing else...
There was obvious problem with your earlier post since it claimed that the "thread", not the "first post", is misleading. Claim that someone's thread is misleading, if the claim is incorrect, is offensive (it would be not, if the thread was indeed misleading; I do not feel particularly offended anyway). That is why when I correct information that other people gave I do it concretely addressing, not overgeneralizing like replacing "post" with "thread".

As to my previous reply, it was not harsh, it was strict. For example, in the last paragraph I did not make pretence to you as person, but to your concrete post and used disclaimer-phrase like "as of now" (just for the sake of strictness of my statement since it could be theoretically turned out to be false if some unexpected information would be uncovered). Everyone can make inapplicable, improper post occasionally, there is nothing to be offended about for me or for you.

For example, I was not offended by TSCM's post, which uncovered part of information in my initial post as false; I thanked him. I did not correct initial post so readers could see actual development of the discussion and information gathering with no wondering why people make corrections to post that already has information right. Also, readers should be able to track the source of certain information with proper credits going to contributors (TSCM this time). So everything should be fine. :)

sharon007 said:
Janet fans have known about the unreleased song "Work" she was asked about it by a fan and she said she was going to release it but decided not to and it might be on another record in the future

Thanks for addition; if so, then this could be another possibility why her song was registered; it could be not a mere convenient occasion for Loren to initiate registration, but actual song could be considered to be included in Janet's album.

Every variant is possible, with higher or lower probability. Michael's co-production songs could be registered because it is convenient occasion to do it along with Janet's one, or vice versa, or because those were considered by production team as "T25" candidates along with "FAT" song (due to typical recording companies' practice to use unrelated songs in thematic projects).
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