Jackson or morrissey?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I just wonder if anybody in here loves Morrissey?
Im a mj fan and a morrissey fan. I know theye are to very diffrent artists. like very opposite. mj is spectacular and morrissey is really an outsider and down. I really think he is a geniues whene it commes to lyrics!

what to you think?
I don't really see any similarities between them. I don't know a lot about his stuff, but Morrissey's songs tend to be sarcastic.
I like Morrissey and I like what he has to say. I've got some of his Smiths songs that I bought from iTunes. He's a great artist and live performer. I saw him life when he was the opening act for David Bowie (as I'm also a huge Bowie fan) in 1995 on the Outside Tour. I also walked past Morrisey once around 1990-91, as he used to live near me in London which I recently discovered.

Jackson or Morrissey, Jackson of course no one is as electrifying as Michael Jackson.
Michael jackson is amazing, he impress me and I get e kick from looking and listening to him. But morrissey writes really deep lyric that has a really deep meaning to me. It amasing how much he knows about every corner of life. I can sit and read and listening to his music for houers....

maybe im getting older...I dont know;)