Jackson Film Crosses $100 Million Internationally


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Jackson Film Crosses $100 Million Internationally

Fri Nov 6, 2009 2:13pm EST

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The Michael Jackson concert film "This Is It" has crossed the $100 million mark at international box offices as it enters its second weekend in theaters, the studio behind the movie said on Friday. The film has grossed $144 million worldwide, including $44 million from the United States and Canada.:clapping:

That is more than double the tally of receipts for 2008's blockbuster concert film "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds," a movie some box office watchers had used as a benchmark for "This Is It."

Outside of North America, the biggest theatrical markets through Thursday night were: Japan with $18.2 million, Britain with $11.1 million and Germany with $8.9 million.:clapping:

"This Is It," distributed by Sony Corp-owned Columbia Pictures, was produced from footage of Jackson rehearsing for a series of comeback concerts in London in the final weeks before his June 25 death from an overdose of powerful medication.

The movie opened on October 28 and originally was planned to play for just two weeks, but Sony extended the film's run. The film is now slated to run until early December in the United States and Canada.
(Reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis: Editing by Steve Gorman)

Never doubted it would. Those who did were just hated and never understood and will understand how powerful the word "Michael Jackson" truly is.

Grats Michael, although you are not here to see it, you are still kickass and making haters cry.
Best revenge ever - make the haters cry in a theatre. I witnessed that too. Though Im sad that some only discovered him after his death, Im happy they found out they were wrong to begin with and its their loss that they didnt get to experience his magic when he was still around. Well too bad for them.
Beyond what amount do the children start to get their 90% share? I read the figure somewhere but can't find it anymore.
Beyond what amount do the children start to get their 90% share? I read the figure somewhere but can't find it anymore.

OK let me break it down as I know it..

AEG spent about $30mil on the concert......and they recouped their expenses when Sony paid them $60mil for the movie...

sony spent $60mil for the movie..+ estimated $20mil for distribution =$80mil

the estate gets 90% of profit.. so $144mil - $80mil= $64mil x 90% = $57mil and counting!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's great! I wish Michael was still here to see this appreciation he is getting. It was long overdue in my opinion.
Best revenge ever - make the haters cry in a theatre. I witnessed that too. Though Im sad that some only discovered him after his death, Im happy they found out they were wrong to begin with and its their loss that they didnt get to experience his magic when he was still around. Well too bad for them.
It's highly unlikely that someone that dislikes Michael would go to see him at a theater. So I don't understand your comment.
This is excellent. Seems like the film is having a very strong second week.
It's highly unlikely that someone that dislikes Michael would go to see him at a theater. So I don't understand your comment.

I think some people have out of curiousity. I heard some say they were not fans but were curious to see what everyone is talking about. I think also they are people who had these assumptions of Michael and after watching this is it have a new appreciation or respect for him.
Believe me some the haters went, because they wanted to prove we the fans wrong. That he was a monster and a 24/7 falling down addict who lost his touch. I guess they were wrong. Like someone said earlier post, this is the best revenge.
There's something that I don't understand... It's been said that Sony paid 60 million dollars for the movie and gets only 10% of the profits. So the profits should be at least 600 million dollars or otherwise Sony wouldn't even get their 60 million dollars back? :mello:
Believe me some the haters went, because they wanted to prove we the fans wrong. That he was a monster and a 24/7 falling down addict who lost his touch. I guess they were wrong. Like someone said earlier post, this is the best revenge.

yeah haters went.....Oprah.. Gail King...RF..alot of those critics.. the list goes on
yeah haters went.....Oprah.. Gail King...RF..alot of those critics.. the list goes on
That's different, movie critics see movies for free. They have to watch movies whether they like them or not. But just someone off the street isn't going to pay money to see someone they don't like.
That's different, movie critics see movies for free. They have to watch movies whether they like them or not. But just someone off the street isn't going to pay money to see someone they don't like.

Maybe they went with someone who was a fan as a support and found out they were wrong in what they thought of him after seeing it.
OK let me break it down as I know it..

AEG spent about $30mil on the concert......and they recouped their expenses when Sony paid them $60mil for the movie...

sony spent $60mil for the movie..+ estimated $20mil for distribution =$80mil

the estate gets 90% of profit.. so $144mil - $80mil= $64mil x 90% = $57mil and counting!!!!!!!!!!!!!

not as simple.

Sony paid 60M for the rights and spent another 40M$ for marketing & producing over 15000 prints of the movie. It is not public knowledge how AEG & the estate split the 60M...but Sony spent a total of 100M (60+40) on the movie

The theater owner split all RECEIPTS 50-50 with Sony. Therefore the movie has to make 200M$ before Sony makes any profits. 100M to the theater owner and another 100M for SOny to recoup their investment.

It is assumed that after recouping their 100M initial investment, Sony also take between 10-20% profit (which is pretty standard). So another 40M (20 for theater owners +20M for Sony's 20% profit)

Only then will the estate start collection their portion. So, the estate won't see a penny of the movie if receipts don't go over 240M.

Even after that 240M, the estate & AEG will continue splitting profit with theater owners (50% Estate & AEG and another 50% Theater owners).

Estate & AEG 50% will be split 90% estate-10% AEG.

ETA: I do not think AEG got all THEIR initial 30M$ investment from Sony's 60M$. During the hearing for the Exhibition tour which happened AFTER the Sony deal, AEG lawyer told the judge, the estate might be liable to them because of the money they had spent on the memorial & the tour preparations.

From that, I assumed they hadn't recoup their full investment. Because they could have sued the estate to recoup the full amount if they weren't in business with it.
This Is It is kicking ass at the box office as it should!

Go MJ! Mesmerizing the entire damn world!
There are people who go in who happen to be at the cinema and just decide to watch it.

Some people go to the movies without having decided what to see. Since MJ's movie is being talked about a lot, they decide to see what it's all about.

They are not fans and they are not solid haters, but are influenced by what they hear.

I sat next to two such people and i heard them mouth off certain comments as the movie started, but as it went on, i could notice the effect it had on their preconceptions.

So, yeah, there are some who go to watch and based on comments they make, they are not fans or favourable to him but might be there for curiosity.

The good thing is that when it finally hits DVD and TV, not even the haters who avoided cinema, will be able to avoid it.

This will solidify MJ's legacy as it will be his final work and portrayal, and it can't be better than him engaging in music, creative work and showing elements of his nature and character as well as what he believes in, Heal The World.

GO MJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clapping: :wub:
Sony's Michael Jackson movie, "This Is It," held very well for a concert film, dropping 40% on its second weekend to $14 million domestically, good enough for second place at the box office. Most concert movies trail off quickly after a big opening, but "This Is It" appears to be generating strong word of mouth and repeat viewings, validating Sony's decision to extend the movie's run beyond the initially planned two weeks.
Thus far, the picture, for which Sony paid $60 million, has sold $57.9 million worth of tickets domestically and $128.6 million internationally.
