Jackson Family Member: Movie Is 'Riveting'


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Finally a member of the Jackson family is speaking out about the Michael Jackson movie "This Is It" -- up to now the family has either been silent or negative about the flick.

But Jackie Jackson -- who saw the movie on Thursday night -- liked it a lot, telling TMZ:

"My brother's movie 'This Is It' is truly riveting. Michael is electrifying! We get a glimpse of a true genius at work. His passionate message for healing the world, saving the planet and our children's futures is something he was always striving for in his lifetime."

So far Katherine Jackson is unmoved -- we hear she will not see the movie.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2009/10/25/jacks...ing-michael-jackson-this-is-it/#ixzz0UytUpSyd

Is it fair to say the family is divided? Obviously, Latoya & Joe don't want the movie to succeed.

They haven't seen the movie, yet they claim it is not Michael's voice (?), or there are body doubles. We all know from past history, these two have ZERO credibility. But it is still mind boggling that his own family is going out of their way to make it hard for his children

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Finally a member of the Jackson family is speaking out about the Michael Jackson movie "This Is It" -- up to now the family has either been silent or negative about the flick.

But Jackie Jackson -- who saw the movie on Thursday night -- liked it a lot, telling TMZ:

"My brother's movie 'This Is It' is truly riveting. Michael is electrifying! We get a glimpse of a true genius at work. His passionate message for healing the world, saving the planet and our children's futures is something he was always striving for in his lifetime."

So far Katherine Jackson is unmoved -- we hear she will not see the movie.

On Access Hollywood, she said she couldn't bare to see it right now, but eventually she might.

I'm excited to see it, and I'm a mess at the same time. I can't even imagine what it would be like for her to see him now when she's still trying to reconcile that he's actually gone.

ETA: And it still amazes me how a tabloid can imply that Katherine not wanting to see the movie is somehow a reflection on the movie itself versus a reflection of her trying to deal with the loss of her child. I shouldn't be amazed, but still, it's incredible.
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Very nice words by Jackie. I've always liked him. He seems like a nice guy and definitely has a lot of class. But I agree that TMZ is ridiculous with their comment about Katherine. She doesn't want to see it because she's still grieving and cannot handle seeing the movie, but she said later on perhaps she might go watch it but it's too much for her right now to handle which is completely understandable. TMZ needs to cut it out already with that. Unbelievable.

Anyway, I can't wait to see the movie! Mostly everything i've heard so far by family members of MJ's and critics has been positive. Thanks for posting.
Very nice words by Jackie. I've always liked him. He seems like a nice guy and definitely has a lot of class. But I agree that TMZ is ridiculous with their comment about Katherine. She doesn't want to see it because she's still grieving and cannot handle seeing the movie, but she said later on perhaps she might go watch it but it's too much for her right now to handle which is completely understandable. TMZ needs to cut it out already with that. Unbelievable.

Anyway, I can't wait to see the movie! Mostly everything i've heard so far by family members of MJ's and critics has been positive. Thanks for posting.
I like Jackie as well and Tito and his sons seems like nice persons to me.