Jackson Family - Keep Up The Push Back!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I just saw CNN with Larry King and Anderson Cooper this evening. To the Jackson Family (if you ever receive messages from this community) keep up the fight!!!!

Show #1 with Larry had Jermaine Jackson and Miko Brando giving the WORLD the real perspective of Neverland. Guess what, the clueless American Media Representative Larry King was surprised at the serenity, beauty and expansiveness of Neverland. Is there a reason that the media never bothered to investigate Neverland as it was and not how it was SPUN by the vendetta driven DA from Santa Monica and other individuals wishing to profit from Michael's financial empire?

Show #2 with another gutless wonder Mr. Anderson Cooper. This show had Rev. Al Sharpton explaining that thousands of Michael Jackson fans were in the rain to pay tribute to THE KING at the Apollo and thousands will be celebrating and paying tribute to his life as an entertainer and humanitarian for months to come. WHY? The fans did not "believe the HYPE" {his words not mine} about incidents in Michael's life that were blown way out of proportion by the media. Sharpton said , the fans know the totality of who Michael was (We Are the World for Africa, Neverland trips for underpriviledged and sick children, and giving millions of dollars to charities, musical genius, etc). He also threw in for good measure that Michael's entire family was with him every DAY of the trial, supporting him and loving him. Where were they (the media). If you could have seen the look of shock on Coopers' face and that smug psuedo lawyer from CNN Toobin.

Cry me a river the great all knowing MEDIA cannot believe that his family, friends, business associates and fans will not allow Micheal to die portrayed by their hand as some washed up, has been who had drug problems. The video for AEG surprised the media today! Keep the pressue.
hot dog, Batman, I need to see sum footage of that second one!
yeah..that second one is important...key words: explaining stuff in MJ's life that the media BLEW out of proportion...like the media is doing, now.

Thank you. I was wondering how things turned out last night. We definitely need to be defender legacy mode. I aint playing.
bumping up this post, because i think it's important