Jackson Family Arrives At Dr. Murray Hearing

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i know i know i post on the wrong thread but i can't not get in that thread so i post it on here

so i hope is o.k
FIRST PUBLISHED: April 5, 2010 4:34 PM EDT
LAST UPDATED: April 5, 2010 6:04 PM EDT

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --
Members of the Jackson family have arrived the Los Angeles Superior Court in downtown Los Angeles on Monday, where they will be present in the courtroom where Dr. Conrad Murray – who pleaded not guilty to a charge of involuntary manslaughter related to the death of Michael Jackson – is appearing for a hearing.
Access Hollywood is inside the courtroom, providing you with an account of all of the action.
2:48 PM: Jackson family members Katherine, Joe and Jermaine exit the court house. They didn’t stop – they just walked to their SUV. The attorneys held no press conferences after the hearing.
2:45 PM: Judge Pastor begins telling the courtroom that he will be fair in this case. He adds in that one of the District Attorneys in the case is up for a position as a judge in LA Superior Court soon – also, Judge Pastor himself was appointed in 1983 by then-Governor Jerry Brown, who is now Attorney General and representing the California Medical Board against Dr. Murray. Pastor wants everyone to know that he is disclosing this information to the courtroom and assuring everyone that he will be fair.
The judge reads Dr. Murray his rights. He responds, “Yes, your honor,” a few times. June 14 at 12:30 PM is announced as the time of the next hearing, at which Murray will be required to appear.
2:20 PM: Randy Jackson Tweets, “Inside the courtroom… The press is getting preferential treatment and seating over us. They seem to have forgotten that we are a family.”
2:18 PM: The family has moved to the new courtroom and is waiting for the hearing to begin. Katherine is seen getting emotional and begins to cry. Janet comforts her and hands her a tissue. The rest of the Jackson family sits quietly in the courtroom waiting.
1:44 PM: The case has been assigned to Judge Michael Pastor. Hearing judge said that Pastor handles “more complex criminal cases.” Everyone in the courtroom has been asked to move to the new courtroom downstairs, where no cameras will be allowed.
1:33 PM: Katherine, Janet, Randy, Joe and Jermaine are seated in courtroom. Janet is talking quietly with Katherine. Other members of the extended Jackson family and friends are sitting in the rows behind them. Dr. Murray is seated on the opposite end of the courtroom. He is looking straight ahead not making eye contact with the Jackson family.
1:25 PM: - Dr. Murray just walked in - all of the MJ fans in the court hallway are booing him.
1:07 PM: Janet and Randy Jackson arrive at the courthouse, arm-in-arm.
12:56 PM: Katherine, Joe, and Jermaine Jackson – arrive. Jackson fans and impersonators gathered outside of the courtroom gave roses to Katherine as she walked in.
The hearing will decide on a judge for the case, preliminary hearing date and determine if Murray’s medical license will be revoked.

here is link:http://www.accesshollywood.com/jackson-family-arrives-at-dr-murray-hearing_article_30835
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