Jackson disc may be counterfeit (in Sweden)


Proud Member
Apr 18, 2009
A platinum disc for the album "Thriller", which allegedly belonged to Michael Jackson personally, is being auctioned off online by Music Aid "for girls' right to attend school." The highest bid was on Saturday at over 2.5 million swedish kr ($300 000)

The disc has no certificate of authenticity, but it has been reviewed by an expert who says that it "is most likely true." But the disc expert Stefan Dimle, who has extensive experience of counterfeits, is sure of the facts:

- It is 180 percent a pirate forgery.

Stefan Dimle says that he has been called by Swedish Radio - one of the organizations behind Musikhjälpen - on two separate occasions.

- They wanted to know the value of the disc and mailed me nice pictures. I judged it directly as an illegal product and advised them to hide the bottom of the basement.

Dimle thought that his advice would be followed because he was asked as an expert.

- But when they did not get the answer they wanted, they chose to still put out the disc for sale, says Dimle said.

Stefan Dimle believe that the current disc differ on ten accounts from the real thing.
Michael Jackson did indeed recieve a platinum disc (symbol of successful sales) in the early 1980s for the album "Thriller". Quincy Jones-produced the album and therefore also he has a platinum album for "Thriller".

- Tomorrow I will meet with his ex-wife and his children. They can certainly say that "that is not how dads disc looks like"

But Dimle think it is unfortunate that the Swedish Radio is behind the sale of a pirated copy. He is also critical to e-commerce site eBay has chosen to put the advert, because he believes that they therefore clears more similar sales.

- Everyone is a loser in this. Both the buyer and the seller and lose their credibility.

Pia Kalisch, music and events manager at the Swedish Radio, is surprised by Stefan Dimles statements.

- It was not that he told us. He gave us no give ten reasons.. He did not say that we should hide the dic in the basement. He counseled us to call ahead and he could not decide whether it was false.

Kalisch says she's done extensive research on the disc and says that there are several things that indicate that it is correct. "Thriller" went platinum several times over and Kalisch says the discs during the time changed in appearance. The current disc will be from when the album for the first time sold more than one million copies, and it did in the space of one year.

- Stefan Dimle can not have an absolute knowledge that it is fake. That is just speculation. We discussed a long time if we would go out with the disc. When we decided to do it, we chose to say that the "most likely" to be genuine. Bidding on the disc started on the day.

- The acution went on good and we contacted a number of bidders. But it turned out that the bidder who was leading decided to withdrawal of the bid. Since it re-started on auction bidding has reached the 85,000 swedish kr ($11, 578), which is a reasonable sum, according to Kalisch.



Platinum disc awarded Michael Jackson when the album "Thriller" passed 1.000.0000 copies sold in the U.S. in the early 80's. The plaque says "To Michael Jackson" which means that this album belonged to Michael Jackson personally.

The donor states that the disc was bough at a U.S. charity auction in the early 90's. When the certificate of authenticity missing, the item reviewed by Jan-Erik Ekblom, one of Sweden's foremost experts on vinyl, record history o dy. Jan-Erik Ekblom estimates that platinum disc is most likely true.

The value is difficult to estimate, but at an auction in 2009 in the U.S. went a similar item for $ 10,000.

Platinum Record Award Presented to Michael Jackson for sales of over 1.000.0000 units in the U.S. of the album "Thriller". It Is The Actual American platinum record that was Presented to Michael Jackson Personally.


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they are gonna meet with Michael's e-wife and his children?? Meaning Debbie..or...Lisa...also Prince Paris and Blanket?? Confusion much,,,duh,,:unsure:
How can they in good conscience sell something as "most likely" genuine?
I took it to mean Quincy Jones' ex wife and children?!

No, they mean MJ's kids and ex-wife... LOL

the dude says that he is sure when the kids will see the disc they will know that is not what their father's discs looks like....
No, they mean MJ's kids and ex-wife... LOL

the dude says that he is sure when the kids will see the disc they will know that is not what their father's discs looks like....

No, I'm pretty sure they mean Quincy Jones' kids and ex-wife.

Quincy Jones-produced the album and therefore also he has a platinum album for "Thriller".

- Tomorrow I will meet with his ex-wife and his children. They can certainly say that "that is not how dads disc looks like"
Once I thought you could trust public radio and TV in Sweden.
Now they sell something they don´t know is genuine.
(I don´t forget public tv thought it was important to send the documentary with Murray)
Fake Michael Jackson discs? Hmmm, where've I heard that before??