Jackie Chan pays US$250,000 for Michael Jackson glove


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011


Jackie Chan's son Jaycee Chan

Posted: 21 May 2010 1650 hrs

HONG KONG: Action superstar Jackie Chan has bought one of Michael Jackson's silver gloves for US$250,000 (S$352,000) for his son Jaycee Chan at a charity auction, reported Hong Kong media.

"This is the coolest gift my father has ever given to me!" said the 27-year-old.

Good things certainly come in pairs for the the younger Chan, who is currently in Taiwan to shoot six self-directed music videos in just nine days.

- CNA/ha


Jaycee Chan has just released his new album, “Luan,” in Taiwan, and to celebrate, father Jackie Chan bought Michael Jackson’s glove for two hundred and fifty thousand dollars (US) at an auction last month to give to Jaycee. Jaycee exclaimed, “This is the coolest present that my dad has given me in history!”

Jaycee has always been a huge fan of Michael Jackson. He especially love Michael Jackson’s moon walk and dance moves in the classic, “Beat It.” Michael Jackson’s music has also inspired Jaycee in many ways, “I hope that by composing music, I can lead the trend. I don’t want to follow what others do.”

:lol: I just looked at the picture and didn't read the story and thought to myself "Wow Jackie looks really young!" lol

he looks just like his father right!!

That is my type of guy! can MY dad buy me and MJ glove lol...please?
Hahahaah!!! YES AWESOME!

GO JACKIE!!! :punk:
Aww, Jaycee looks so much like his father. Thanks for posting.
:lol: I just looked at the picture and didn't read the story and thought to myself "Wow Jackie looks really young!" lol

Same here! :lol: It seems like most people did hahah!

Thanks for posting this story:)
I love Jackie Chan :D i always knew he was a MJ fan i remember watching a interview with him and Chris Tucker, and Jackie was talking about how MJ phoned him and he thought it was a prank lol! I think it's the same interview where Chris sings Dangerous.
Lucky guy. I wish I could have one. Off topic, Jackie needs to make a decent film.
LOL it's lil Jackie :hysterical:
I didn't know Michael was friends with all Rush Hour cast
I will never understand how come MJ's belonging are sold. Everything should belong to his children.