Jackie Chan Pays for $1.57 Million for Signed MJ Vinyl Record


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Angela Zhang Bids for Michael Jackson Vinyl Record,
Snatched Away by Jackie Chan for $1.57 Million

For her beloved Michael Jackson vinyl record, Angela Zhang would not give up even for famous showbiz veteran Jackie Chan! Recently, the two of them were intensely bidding for an autographed MJ vinyl record, in the end the bid shot up to a crazy $330,000 RMB (approx $1.57 million NTD).

On November 2, Angela Zhang flew over to Shanghai to sing "Invisible Wings" for the "2009 Gary Player Invitational Event" which was a charity function in support of orphans suffering from AIDS. Furthermore, she participated in a charity auction together with Jackie Chan, Wilber Pan, JJ Lin and other artists, all giving their compassion. Unexpectedly, Jackie Chan and Angela Zhang became bidding opponents.

At the function, JJ Lin was in charge of auctioning a limited edition autographed Jackson vinyl record at the opening bid of $100,000 RMB. Angela Zhang who has always seen Michael Jackson as her idol, immediately started to bid. Who knew that Jackie Chan would follow, shouting prices with a determined expression. The two of them consecutively bidded 4-5 times, competing fiercely; in the end Jackie Chan was the highest bidder as $330,000 RMB, making Angela feel a bit disappointed.

Angela who lost the bid, sang her signature comforting song "Invisible Wings" at the function and suddenly asked Jackie Chan to come onstage to sing with her. He assertively went onstage and although he wasn't very familiar with the lyrics, he still happily hummed along. This was their first duet together and although this had not been rehearsed before, they had great tacit understanding and the atmosphere of the scene reached its peak.

Mushu? You hungry?

I'm a huge Jackie Chan fan but shame he outbid Angela Zhang though :(
I would of done the exact same thing....if I had the money!!!!!
Hah, aw.
Cute story.

Sucks for Angela Zhang, but you gotta do what you gotta do to get that vinyl! Can't blame the man!
Yet another reason to LOVE jackie Chan. He's so amazing. (I used to have a Jackie Chan action figure as a kid,lol. And I would walk around goin' "Jackie Chan go' whoop yo' head so you best watch out. Cuz no one beats Jackie Chan" It was a theme song I did for him the rest of it was just me repeating his name over and over and over)

Was it an album?Or a single? And which one. (Yea, I'm nosy)
wow thats cool. I love Angela tho, too bad she didnt get it! thanks for posting
When Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan were promoting Rush Hour 3, Jackie Chan told a story about how Michael called him on the phone one time, but apparently he was sleeping and Chan's assistants didn't wake him up. When he found out that he was that close to speaking to MJ he went crazy. Very big fan :)
Re: Jackie Chan An MJ Fan?

Jackie Chan has Trump money! He better treasure that vinyl. It really is worth a million times it's weight in gold!
Hey, Michael Jackson outbid McCartney for the Beatle's catalogue.

It's business and part of 'just bein a fan'.
love Jackie Chan one of the clean entertainers.
Not really. He was once embroiled in scandals of extra marital affairs.

I never knew angela zhang is a huge MJ fan. So many people all of a sudden said they have always been a huge MJ fan after his death. lol oh the hypocrites

When Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan were promoting Rush Hour 3, Jackie Chan told a story about how Michael called him on the phone one time, but apparently he was sleeping and Chan's assistants didn't wake him up. When he found out that he was that close to speaking to MJ he went crazy. Very big fan :)
It was on youtube. I like that interview. I like Jackie Chan for liking MJ. ;p and I find it interesting that a legend is a fan of another bigger legend. ;p
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Hah, aw.
Cute story.

Sucks for Angela Zhang, but you gotta do what you gotta do to get that vinyl! Can't blame the man!

Hahahaha, Jackie is the man, I love Jackie, he's a cool guy, lovin' his movies! :D
And I agree with the above quoted post! :)