Я сошла с ума--(I've lost my mind.)

Severus Snape

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Dungeons
I won't be posting much on here for a while. I'm sure some of you have already noticed the trend--this may come as a relief to some, who knows, who cares. All I know is, inside I'm hollow. Thus, no one has anything to say, so I am not going to be as active as I used to be for a long time. Summer is always the most depressing time for me, but now a greater tragedy has struck, so I cannot go on like this. I need to regain my mental sanity, or at least descend into the abyss with dignity.
If you feel wounded, then let me encourage you to find all the strength you need to heal. I don't want want any hurt or sorrow for you. Hurry back to MJJC. All the best.
I won't be posting much on here for a while. I'm sure some of you have already noticed the trend--this may come as a relief to some, who knows, who cares. All I know is, inside I'm hollow. Thus, no one has anything to say, so I am not going to be as active as I used to be for a long time. Summer is always the most depressing time for me, but now a greater tragedy has struck, so I cannot go on like this. I need to regain my mental sanity, or at least descend into the abyss with dignity.

:( I'm really sorry you aren't feeling well again... You know, it's good to stay away and takes breaks from the online life, which gets to fuel depression suffering a lot. Try to breathe more. .. But try not to overisolate yourself and not cut off all contacts with people. .. I used to tell you a couple of time, I guess, to try to purchase a little animal, or a bird, some kind of a soul to keep you warm and confide to. Not just a mere plant, although they have their own life and wonderful secrets in them.. but are really not movable and are too silent... A labrador I'm thinking of.. To me, the definition of empathy and goodness and beauty in an animal or a soul in general.. They really really do can help...

I'll be thinking of you.. Please, though, don't do anything stupid or life-threatening again!... And I wish you health, clarity and peace. ..

I agree that taking a break sometimes is good in order to keep things in perspective. I hope it is not too long. You will be missed. I jope you are able to sort things out! And, we'll be here for you when you get back! :)