ive had a horse accident


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hollywood Blvd With My Boy Ryjin .. Las Vega's
they say never work with animals and children
and so far my life in the outdoors is not going
so well

today i went off as usual to look after horse's
as my new part time job yeah it lasted 15 mins
a horse backed me up in a corner angry and frustrated
turned around and kicked me full in the leg of course it hurt

im in pain and i have his autograph of a hoove and its blue but ill be okay thats the good news just been told to stay at home
and rest for however long it takes so here i am skipping work new job too so much for a life offline eh

pray for me
Oucchh that must have hurt I'm so sorry this happened :(

yeah it was scary for me as it could of easily proved fatal but thanx im hoping to be well again in about a week to two weeks time
So only few weeks? Be thankful it's nothing more searious, who knows what could've happened...

Hope you get better soon, hugs. :flowers:
ouch I would say that was sore. Indeed your right never work with children or animals its so true.
ouch I would say that was sore. Indeed your right never work with children or animals its so true.

yeah they can cause problems checked on it this morning and i have a black bruise the size of the front of my leg and swelling well the size of china

if i was to get married i wouldnt be the thin bride id be the swollen fat bride :lol: