I've been a victim of card fraud...


Free As A Bird
Mar 22, 2009
I don't know how someone managed to get my details, because I am very careful with them and I never pay for things over the internet unless the site is secure.

But the internet is the only way they could have got my card info and the last thing I bought was an MJ ticket from seetickets.com. I don't know if someone got my card details during that transaction, or whether they got them from another time and just waited a while before using them.
Now it may not be linked to my payment with seetickets.com at all. It's just one of the more likely possibilities.
Anyway, if you bought a ticket from seetickets.com, I advise you to just keep an eye on your bank statements.
I'm sure I'm just very unlucky, but I thought I should warn you.
Thanks. Yeah, this couldn't have happened at a worse time and the thief left less than £90 in my account! :(
Luckily the bank are gonna refund me sometime next week hopefully, but I have to get a new bank card and I'm moving house on tuesday. This is all very inconvinient.
:( there are some really scummy people out there it makes me so angrey!!

You never know though you could of mistakenly ordered front row tix thats where all your money has gone!! ;) LOL
i thought websites like seek tickets were supposed to be secure,makes you think doesn,t it.sorry to hear about it.
Thanks for the support guys.

You never know though you could of mistakenly ordered front row tix thats where all your money has gone!! ;) LOL
LOL. I wish!
It says what the person bought on my bank statement. I just hope they get thrown in jail so they don't do this to someone else.
Hope you've reported this to the police, and closed your account or something!
I reported it to the fraud department at my bank and they cancelled my card. I hadn't really thought about telling the police... The bank didn't say anything about that.
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I don't know how someone managed to get my details, because I am very careful with them and I never pay for things over the internet unless the site is secure.

But the internet is the only way they could have got my card info and the last thing I bought was an MJ ticket from seetickets.com. I don't know if someone got my card details during that transaction, or whether they got them from another time and just waited a while before using them.
Now it may not be linked to my payment with seetickets.com at all. It's just one of the more likely possibilities.
Anyway, if you bought a ticket from seetickets.com, I advise you to just keep an eye on your bank statements.
I'm sure I'm just very unlucky, but I thought I should warn you.

Goodness Gracious Nova...Yes I too have been victim of credit card theft but from my old boss that I worked managing their resturaunt. I had to but a security breach warning on my credit report & social securty number for 3 years...

Its important for each and everyone of us to check up on your credit report at least once a year.

and if possiable your social security number: a few years back my sister Pam was traveling for their electrical business and mangaged to get pulled over...Police officer was going to arrest...their was a warrent for her arrest...turns out an illegal immagrant was using her social sercurity numer to get a drivers license...

So PLEASE...its very important to keep a close eye on your personal information...

:angel:Knowledge is Growth
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The only person who would have your details would have been someone at seetickets.

And their is a fraud dept in the card services dept who will deal with this kind of thing, i work for a bank, we deal with card fraud customers all the time
OMG! Card fraud during this period is unbelievable. How unlucky. I hope everything works out for you and I pray you get your ticket.
Really sorry to hear that and I hope you get everything sorted!

Seetickets is a secure website and I have ordered tickets from them many times with no problems at all. Only thing I can think of is you internet connection (if its wireless) secure, cos people can access your details that way as well...
So sorry to hear about this and hope all works out. This happened to a friend of mine. Apparently, a waiter/server at a restaurant she went to swiped the info from her card as she paid the bill. Can you believe that? Seems like nobody is safe these days.
Just be glad you caught it right away so you know it's being taken care of. Credit card companies are pretty good about that usually.

One thing I learned the hard way is that ANY "secure" website can be compromised... or someone who works for that company can swipe your card details maybe?? You should always check your account monthly, even if you're not using it.

About two years ago I had a credit card I had NEVER used. The first and only time I used it was to buy plane tickets back to the US directly on a very major airline's website (I won't say who, but, um, they fly through Heathrow about 1,000 times daily, ahem). It was a secure site and I even had to go through that "verified by Visa" extra confirmation. Other than that, my card had never once been out of my wallet, not stolen, not looked at, not used somewhere. Nothing. Well, two months later I checked my account to be sure I'd paid off our plane trip and found that some dickwad had just that week used my card details to purchase plane tickets on another airline from Glasgow to London, then tickets on a train from London to Paris! I called the card company and there had been several other attempts to buy other things that were denied, like hotels, trains, planes, etc. Hundreds of dollars hit my card, though. They investigated it for like 2 months and *I* got stuck with fees related to the "purchases" (total crap!), but they refunded the main charges and gave me a new card number. I hope that jerk got caught. It sucks that you never find out if they caught the thief or not.
My card was recently done for fraud too, but a quick call to teh credit card company and they've cancelled that, fully refunded me and send me a new card all within 5 days, no questions asked.
This is what I was thinking about then I first saw this topic. I think everyone is at risk no matter how careful we are. We just have to do our best.

So sorry to hear about this and hope all works out. This happened to a friend of mine. Apparently, a waiter/server at a restaurant she went to swiped the info from her card as she paid the bill. Can you believe that? Seems like nobody is safe these days.
Aw no I'm really sorry to hear that. It happened to my boyfriend last year and it can be really stressful. I'm glad you realized before it got too awful. Everyone just be aware!
That's awful. I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm glad that your bank have agreed to return the stolen funds to you.

Everyone really needs to be vigilant when buying tickets, especially from unauthorised sources. Some ticket agencies are aware of the high demand for these tickets and recognise the fact that fans will commit to buying them at inflated prices.
I'm really sorry to hear that, I hope the bank refund you your money. It happens quite frequently these days and I think like many others have said we have to be really vigilant and check our statements etc carefully.
Thanks for all your support. I really appreciate it.

I suppose someone could have hacked into my wireless connection, or maybe I have a virus that my virus scanner missed and it recorded the information I entered into a webpage. I don't know. Hopefully it won't happen again.