ITVs reponse to my email (RE: LWMJ)


Proud Member
Nov 12, 2007
Dear Chris

Thank you for your email.

The programme is a 60 minute version of the 90 minute Living with Michael Jackson documentary which aired on ITV in 2003.

The documentary provides a unique insight into Michael Jackson’s life and work at a time when there is clearly an enormous interest among the public following his tragic and untimely death.

Your comments and concerns have been registered here at ITV to be seen by programme schedulers and senior management.

Thank you once again for your feedback.

Yours sincerely
ITV Viewer Services-kb
So basically "Thanx for complaining but we wont do jack shit!"
If they truly wanted to show a unique insight of Michael's life, you can't get more personal then Michael Jackson's private home movies. Why don't they just re-broadcast that? Why do they need to show the one documentary that practically DESTROYED his life. I can't understand them.
oh dear :S

i totally know where they are coming from when they said how there is now enormous interest of hs life amongst the public now. Perhaps this is the only "realy insight" that has been filmed and therefore the only footage left to show the people who have only just discovered his music?

Martin bashir was the only person who Michael opened his gates of Neverland to.
Can you please tell me the email address you sent your message to?

We should petition. Seriously, there will be like hundreds of new fans just by watching that. If it doesn't happen, WE should keep viewing it on youtube and make it most watched. Seriously, Michael needs us.
This is what I posted yesterday:

I read in the Mirror newspaper (and on the website) today that ITV are planning to re-air LWMJ, perhaps with some additional footage. :bugeyed

I don't know about you, but I think this is terrible! The impact this program had on Mike's career, life, and public image was disastrous and this could potentially ruin the huge amount of positive public opinion surrounding him here in the UK at the moment. Potentially this documentaary lead to Mike's recent death. People close to him have said that he never recovered from the 2003 allegations. I can't believe they are planning to do this! Haven't they done enough damage?!!

I don't want this to happen, so I am writing to ITV To express my extreme unhappiness at their decision to do this, particularly after the recent events.

If you agree with me, PLEASE WRITE TO THEM!!

Perhaps if enough people write they will change their mind.:angel:

Email Viewer services:

Telephone Viewer Services: 08448814150

Postal Address:
ITV Viewer Services
Gas Street
B1 2JT

As we know with the recent MJ related programmes being shown straight after his death was announced, this program could air at any time, so if you want to do something, please do it now! :punk:
If it is a 60 minute version of the documentary then maybe they have taken the time to cut out alot of Bashir's voiceover which was the parts which dammed Michael. Hopefully this will be a positive version, as there was alot in there that was excellent. It was literally Martin's narration and the baby sequence.
They say they are cutting parts -

''Among the segments that will not be repeated are the interview with then 12-year-old Gavin Arvizo, who talked about his relationship with Jackson and was seen holding hands with him.''

''However, the edited documentary will still include Jackson's comments in which he defended sharing a bed with children.

ITV will not add any new footage to the show and prior to the broadcast the ITV1 continuity announcer will refer to Jackson's death and the fact the documentary is six years old. An update will also be given in the end credits.

Bashir, who now works for the US network ABC, is not involved in the preparations to repeat the documentary.''
If it is a 60 minute version of the documentary then maybe they have taken the time to cut out alot of Bashir's voiceover which was the parts which dammed Michael. Hopefully this will be a positive version, as there was alot in there that was excellent. It was literally Martin's narration and the baby sequence.

Wishful thinking, but do you honestly think they would be that kind? I'm afraid not.. *sighs*

Ok, I just saw the post about them cutting out some of the worst parts. Sorry, my bad.
I've sent them my email - mentioning LWMJ Take Two, and MJs Private Home Movies - we need to get them interested in showing these. Especially MJs Private Home Movies.
The media make me sick! They won't air the Bashir doc take two (Michael's version), or Private Home Movies or concerts or positive docs - just BS docs! Can you believe channel 9 in Aus aired What Really Happened. People got sucked in thinking its about what happened with his death and what a shock they were in - a total fabricated (If only the viewers knew) portrayal of MJ. I fuckin hate the media!
I read on an MJ Board it is likely to be 16th July, but I haven't confirmed it.
60 minutes instead of 90 so maybe they got rid of the scenes witht eh lying bastard kid GAVIN ARVIZO and some of Bashirs terrible questioning.
I watched lwmj the other day and i forgot how good some of the scenes wher, Besause of all the negitivity that came out of it. I hope they do cut some of the shit out an it shouldnt be to bad.
P.S Love the bit with MJ an the scooter around the hotel at night..Legend
So it seems this 60-minute version is the one going to be shown from now on, for whatever reason. Here in Brazil they've shown a 60-minute version of LWMJ on Sunday, and then again on Tuesday simultaneously on 3 channels. Are they airing it anywhere else in the world?
I honestly think that fans the world over need to bombard ITV, I have 4 email addressess and I will do something from all 4. We must do whatever we can to stop this, of everything that the media did to him, Michael would want us to do this.
I actually love Living with Michael Jackson. It is what actually made me become a fan. and i know all the terrible reception it got from it. but when i watched the final interview with MJ was when i fell in love with Michael!
don't have ago at me for saying this but.. i hope they do show it! i love it very much, and even my sister said she'd want to watch it now and not look at Michael as a "W****"
so would many people, anyone with eyes and ears would realise it's martin that is the pervert.
but, if for you guys who really don't want them to to show this because of what happened because of it. I hope they show Private Home Movies..
Ok got that off my chest.
I's not that bad guys. Remember MJ's sales shot through the roof when this was shown. I enjoyed it. YES there were parts which I didn't like, but it's not the end of the world.