itunes - can anyone explain why it makes sense?

Remington Steele

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Given the upcoming release of Michael made me think about it again...

I never got why people are interested in all these download music things. I grew up in the digital age, too. But why would I want to pay 10-15 Euro or $ if I get a physical CD for it? The download music is compressed most of the time and I can hear the difference. And even if it's uncompressed, I prefer to have a physical CD instead which is supposed to last 100 years. And I can rip music from it myself.

Can anybody explain the hipe to me? From my point of view, I never would have thought more than 10 persons out of 100 000 would have used itunes etc.
I'm also from the 'digital age' (15). And i don't get it either. Convenience and price (even thought he pre-order price for MP3 Michael is more than the price of CD Michael) are usually reasons for MP3 but I like to have the CD, artwork, liner notes physicality. I've spend 1000s on CDs but not a cent on downloads of any kind and most likely never will. It's a shame really because before too long CDs won't be made anymore, shops don't stock anywhere near as many and independent music shops are closing left, right and centre. If nowhere is selling them then the labels won't produce them anymore. Amazon will probably sell them for as long as they can though.