It's really not my week...


Proud Member
Jul 29, 2009
On Monday my boss told me that finally they will not be able to keep me in the company, so I've been home since and sending offers to some places to work.. I'm unemployed for the first time in my life...

Today, Friday, my doctor just called me...

I may have cancer.

I still have to pass test but it's probable. I'm 28 years old.

I actually reacted better to the cancer thing than to the job thing, because I've been talking about dying since I'm 8 years old.. so for me, the possibility of having a disease that would kill me is not much. But with the job thing, knowing that I'll be living with stress of not knowing when I'll find another job is worst..

Anyway, don't pitty me, just wanted to share that week moments with you.

You know they say that when you have a big stress or a big emotion, your body may react and mess up and 'liberate' some possible disease that were sleeping in your organism...

Since Michael died, I've been having my periods every 3 weeks instead of every month (sorry for the details guys), I had to take pills to sleep, I had to take Prozac, I've had little things of skin growing which we discovered are actually viral and today the cancer thing. Wow, that's a reaction.

Anyway, have a good day...
I'm sorry, hun. :hug: :(
Last week I was told the health issue I have may be cancer. I am 20. I don't have the test result back yet. Though they said it's unlikely to be cancer, it is pretty worrying.
Anyway, I really hope that you do not have cancer and you will be okay. We're all here for you. :huggy:
Im so sorry you lost your job :hug: tip: when one door closes another one opens :)

I hope you dont have cancer :( ..and that this test comes out negative..

Sending you my strength! :hug:
there is definitely a chance you do NOT have cancer. in my experience, ninety percent plus, of the doctors that i have seen, have been wrong about me, when diagnosing negative things.

I'm thinking of you, Carine... (and Nova too!) :huggy: :heart: Sending you healing wishes!

Just a practical thing, Carine, in case you are in a state of shock and haven't thought of this yet -- I'm not sure where you are located but here if some info if you are in the US (and something similar may apply in other countries?). If you currently have health insurance through your employer, be sure to talk to your human resources department or supervisor about getting COBRA coverage, which continues your health care but you pay the full premium instead of your employer. It might be pricey but it could really be worth it if you have a health issue that needs treatment. Also I believe that if you lost your job for no fault of your own (laid off), you only have to pay 35% of the premiums! If you were to shop around for other independent coverage, some companies may not cover you with a "pre-existing condition" (I've heard these can be many types of conditions unfortunately, even mental health issues). Just a friendly word of advice so you will not be adversely effected financially speaking. I recently left my job so I've been thinking about all of these and have been making about ten billion phone calls!

I really hope you do not have cancer and that you find another job soon! It may be a tough job market out there but several of my friends have been able to find work recently, so it may not be easy but it's certainly possible!!

Please continue to let us know how you're doing!! BIG HUGS!! ~ Janine
I live in Quebec, Canada. There are many jobs avalable and I already applied to some of them.

I did not have health insurance at work so whatever happens they probably can't do anything with that. And I always have to choice to not get treatment. I'll just wait and see, anyway.
As for the state of shock, I thought about it but I don't think it's the case... I guess I'll see that too in the next days.

Thanks for your messages :)
Oooohhh vraiment désolé Carine tous va s'arranger on est tous avec toi :)