It's been a month...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
... since he's gone. The time flew by. It still feels like he's around...
I know..
Time honestly flies like wow a whole month already?
Counting the days and hours. :-(
It is all still so raw. :-(
Missing MJ like crazy, watch him on dvd and listen to his songs, but it's killing me inside.
It still feels so surreal. I was thinking back to that day and I remember everything perfecty from the time I saw the report he was in the hospital to the end of the day. Nothing before. My whole house was quiet because we were watching CNN the whole night. No words could describe how I was feeling.

It doesn't even feel like a month. It feels like a week. :(
I still can't believe it. Everyday I pray that this is all one huge nightmare I'm going to wake up from.
I really have no words to describe how I feel. I thought that after a month it would be better. But no.
I found myself crying this morning when I saw a clip of Paris speaking at the memorial. I feel like I'm wavering between denial and acceptance over his death :(
Time stopped for me. I'm starting to convince myself that he is someplace far, where I can't go and visit him anymore...but he's fine, and there'll be a time when I get to see him again and hold his hand again, and get that long sweet hug and see him smile.
Some nights I go to sleep wishing the next day a big joy will come upon me, something larger than life, that will make me crazy happy...the only thing that could make me whole again is to open TV and see he is actually not dead...:(
Been a month and i'm still as sad as ever. I just cannot believe Michael is no longer here. It just wont sink in for me.
I know its so hard to imagine that its been a full month since Michael left this world and now lives in Heaven. My dog passed away this past December in a few weeks she will have been gone from this world for 8 months and sometimes it seems like it was only yesterday that she departed this world. I hope that she has meet Micheal. :)
it's sad when reality kicks in but been watching vids and listening to his music damn he's so alive :)
I fluctuate between periods of deep depression and anger at God for taking him from us, honestly it's like I've lost my best friend. I wish so badly I could wake up from this never ending nightmare and be back in a world with Michael in it,because it's just not the same without him :(
I can't understand it, a month is a long time but it feels like yesterday.