Italian court convicts Amanda Knox of murder


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

PERUGIA, Italy - American college student Amanda Knox was found guilty of murdering her British roommate and sentenced to 26 years in prison early Saturday after a year-long trial that gripped Italy and drew intense media attention.

Her Italian ex-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito was also convicted and sentenced to 25 years. They were also convicted of sexual assault in the 2007 murder of Meredith Kercher, a 21-year-old student from England.

As soon as the judge read the verdict just after midnight following some 13 hours of deliberations, Knox began weeping and murmured, “No, no,” then hugged one of her lawyers.
I just saw this on Tv tonight about this case. I'm sorry, but I just can't see her as guilty with the evidence they presented.
I can't believe they said she was guilty!!! Sorry but with any murder there will be DNA of the murderer there! I think with the way the media was all over this coverage it had to influence the outcome.
its like, they got YOUR life in THEIR hands and plead you (not) guilty whenever they want. I dont think she's guilty. pretty much every ''murder'' says he/she did it after they pleaded them guilty nd that they'll be in prison for the next 20 years of their life. but she, didnt. she's in prison anyway now, so why act innocent and cry.
sorry but it makes me laugh how the majority posters saying shes not guilty are american. this case went on for 2 years i doubt the majority of the public have a clue about the facts of the case.

pretty much every ''murder'' says he/she did it after they pleaded them guilty nd that they'll be in prison for the next 20 years of their life. but she, didnt. she's in prison anyway now, so why act innocent and cry.
its abit early for that. time will tell whether she admits it or not depedning on whether she did it or not.
* No DNA found
* The prosecution changed their case 3 times
* Not enough evidence to directly link her to the murder
* jury was not sequestered.

She got screwed. She needs a retrail
And I also think that if she actually did it she should have gotten life imprisionment or even the death penalty. 26 years doesn't seem enough.
sorry but it makes me laugh how the majority posters saying shes not guilty are american. this case went on for 2 years i doubt the majority of the public have a clue about the facts of the case.

its abit early for that. time will tell whether she admits it or not depedning on whether she did it or not.

That was pretty insulting. The American press has been covering this story almost as soon as it happened. Dateline, Primetime and 20/20 have all done numerous broadcast all following along. Even last night they did a last minute 20/20 story after the verdict was read. So, the facts have been told. That's like me saying anyone who lives outside of the US knows nothing about the Casey Anthony case. Yeah, I do think her and the boyfriend were up to no good. But how can you murder someone so brutally abd there be no DNA?
Can't the government just spend money on lie detecor machines it would make life so much easier
they arent admissable as evidence cause ppl can cheat them

hat was pretty insulting.
sorry but thats the vibe i get from the reports ive read, seen.the us media will always be pro her because shes an american

That's like me saying anyone who lives outside of the US knows nothing about the Casey Anthony case.
well tbh most dont.theres nothing in mainstream media about it. if the internet didnt excist ppl would have no clue whats so ever about it. i only know from what ppl have talked about on here
And I also think that if she actually did it she should have gotten life imprisionment or even the death penalty. 26 years doesn't seem enough.
death penalty is banned in europe. life very rarely means life in the euro system their sentences are pretty severe for europe considering their ages
The Italian justice system is vastly different to that of the UK and US. There is a very strong possibility here that the jury were in fact influenced by news coverage of the trial, which would not have been allowed in UK or US courts. Also the prosecutors were calling Knox things that would have them kicked out of court in the UK or the States. Someone murdered Meredith Kurcher but a lot about this trial had me questioning the Italian justice system and their methods. It really did not seem like a fair trial to me.
Verdict in Italy, but American’s Murder Case Isn’t Over

Published: December 5, 2009

PERUGIA, Italy — Tensions and cultural misunderstandings ran high on Saturday after an American college student was found guilty here of murdering her British housemate.

Rather than clarifying the saga of what prosecutors said was a sex game gone fatally awry, the conviction on Saturday of Amanda Knox, 22, a Seattle college student, for killing her roommate, Meredith Kercher, 21, seemed only to heighten the conflicting public opinions voiced in two years of fierce international news coverage.

As the yearlong trial unfolded in the media as much as in the courts, Ms. Knox was often depicted in the United States as an innocent abroad, a fresh-faced young woman caught in the vagaries of the Italian justice system.

Yet in the Italian press, she was a blithe, dope-smoking party girl who had accused a former boss, Patrick Lumumba, of the crime before changing her story. (She later said the police had pressed her to accuse him.) On Saturday, she was also found guilty of defaming Mr. Lumumba, whose lawyer called her a “little she-devil” in closing arguments last week.

The trial also tapped into longstanding town-and-gown tensions in Perugia, where residents blame foreign students like Ms. Knox for helping transform the picturesque city into a pub crawl.

The Knox family insisted Saturday that this cultural clash and the concern with the gossipy details of Amanda’s personal life obscured the focus on what really happened on Nov. 2, 2007.

“It appears clear to us that the attacks on Amanda’s character in much of the media and by the prosecution had a significant impact on the judges and jurors and apparently overshadowed the lack of evidence in the prosecution’s case against her,” the family said in a statement.

The family vowed to continue its campaign to free Ms. Knox. Asked if they would appeal, her father, Curt Knox, replied, with tears in his eyes, “Hell, yes.”

Ms. Knox was sentenced to 26 years in prison, and her Italian former boyfriend, 25-year-old Raffaele Sollecito, to 25 years. A third defendant, Rudy Guede, 22, is appealing a 30-year sentence for sexual assault and murder. He has admitted that he was at the house the night of the murder, and his DNA was found on Ms. Kercher’s body.

For many in Britain and the United States, what was on trial here was Italian justice.

In a statement after the verdict was delivered early Saturday, Senator Maria Cantwell, Democrat of Washington, said, “I have serious questions about the Italian justice system and whether anti-Americanism tainted this trial.” She added, “The prosecution did not present enough evidence for an impartial jury to conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that Ms. Knox was guilty.”

Ms. Kercher’s family saw it differently. Relatives, who held a rare and sober news conference here on Saturday, expressed satisfaction with the verdicts.

“Ultimately we are pleased with the decision, pleased that we’ve got a decision, but it’s not a time for celebration, it’s not a moment of triumph,” said Lyle Kercher, the victim’s brother.

Another brother, John Kercher Jr., added, “Her presence is missed every time we meet up as a family.”

Asked if they were convinced by the verdict, Ms. Kercher’s mother, Arline, said, “You have to go on the evidence, because there is nothing else.”

Prosecutors used both forensic and circumstantial evidence against Ms. Knox and Mr. Sollecito, whose defense lawyers failed to persuade the jury.

Beyond the atmospherics, Italian legal experts said, the case appeared to have been deliberated on the merits. “It’s true that the longer the trial, the longer the pain, but it also means that there can be an in-depth analysis of the facts,” said Michele Ainis, an expert in Italian constitutional law. “I hope that happened.”

“Our justice system is certainly in rough shape,” he added, “but it has a lot of self-correcting mechanisms.”

In the Italian system, the end of this yearlong trial closes only the first chapter. Unlike in the American system, in which appeals center on issues of law, not fact, in the Italian system, appeals are automatic and defendants can ask to retry the entire case in a first round of appeals.

From there, the case can go to Italy’s highest court, which is required to hear every appeal.

It may be years before a definitive sentence is reached.

wtf! I can't believe she was found guilty! The man already convicted, his DNA was all over the place! The jurors were told to watch the news and read newspapers/magazines or w.e, basically they were told to look at media coverage of the case in Italy. The fawking media were of course sensationalizing the whole thing!! ughhh... jkhvdkjfhdkjf for some reason this is bringing me back to Mike's trial. If the jury here in the U.S. were told to watch/listen to the media, omg I just don't even want to think of what would have happened. Since the media had basically already convicted Michael.

They best appeal this verdict.
sorry but it makes me laugh how the majority posters saying shes not guilty are american. this case went on for 2 years i doubt the majority of the public have a clue about the facts of the case.

its abit early for that. time will tell whether she admits it or not depedning on whether she did it or not.

If you'd like to know. I have been following this case for awhile.
and I swore that she was going to be released/the verdict would have been "not guilty".
They had NOTHING on her. NOTHING. the lack of evidence didn't matter to them
and she was convicted because she is an AMERICAN period!

yes I'm an American, wasn't born one though.

even the thought of as me typing right now, she's over there crying/scared.
i feel so fxcking bad for her it's killing me.
it could have been me, it could have been others that i love.

and i don't see any reason to laugh about it.
I'm pissed beyond words.
wtf! I can't believe she was found guilty! The man already convicted, his DNA was all over the place! The jurors were told to watch the news and read newspapers/magazines or w.e, basically they were told to look at media coverage of the case in Italy. The fawking media were of course sensationalizing the whole thing!! ughhh... jkhvdkjfhdkjf for some reason this is bringing me back to Mike's trial. If the jury here in the U.S. were told to watch/listen to the media, omg I just don't even want to think of what would have happened. Since the media had basically already convicted Michael.

They best appeal this verdict.

i know!!

if the jury here were influenced by the media then Mike would've had 0 chance.
and it makes me mad. i swear my eyes are bleeding right now.

all for money. media best burn in HELL.

THEY GOT NOTHING on her or her boyfriend.
That was pretty insulting. The American press has been covering this story almost as soon as it happened. Dateline, Primetime and 20/20 have all done numerous broadcast all following along. Even last night they did a last minute 20/20 story after the verdict was read. So, the facts have been told. That's like me saying anyone who lives outside of the US knows nothing about the Casey Anthony case. Yeah, I do think her and the boyfriend were up to no good. But how can you murder someone so brutally abd there be no DNA?

because she's an American so she has NO DNA, because Americans are not considered human beings. :rolleyes:

every American are just a bunch of monsters, devils, ignorants, A-holes, i guess.
It's like saying all German are Nazi.
i hate prejudice.

Guede got his DNA all over the crime scene.
and he didn't even knew who Knox and Sollecito first time around until he was interrogated then suddently he knew them??
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What the hell? I don't think it has to do with the fact that she's american. We americans are so paranoid with what other people think of us. If they convicted her it must have been cause of something. The jurors and the judge are not retards. It's not only America who has a strong justice system you know!
and she was convicted because she is an AMERICAN period!
youve proved my point with that comment. sorry.

. at the end of the day the american media will have reported only what they wanted to so of course alot of americans will probably think shes happens everywhere. lousie woodward case in boston is an example over here.ppl jump on the nationalist bandwaggons. its humant nature for most
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The Italian justice system is vastly different to that of the UK and US. There is a very strong possibility here that the jury were in fact influenced by news coverage of the trial,
yeah its pretty different and strange. but 2 judges were also on the jury and they had overriding power so its not like a "normal" jury. and tbh theres no worse country for jury tainting by media than america.we have all see that with mj and how prosecutors can leak whatever evidence they like without pnishment and have 24 hr coverage on cases
if the jury here were influenced by the media then Mike would've had 0 chance.
and it makes me mad. i swear my eyes are bleeding right now.
several jury members were influenced as they said themselves afterwards. thankfully the other jurrors who had brains talked them around.
youve proved my point with that comment. sorry.

. at the end of the day the american media will have reported only what they wanted to so of course alot of americans will probably think shes happens everywhere. lousie woodward case in boston is an example over here.ppl jump on the nationalist bandwaggons. its humant nature for most

it's okay? but your point was?

it's not really the media. i don't see why she would be convicted.
maybe I'm missing out on the evidence. but they had nothing that connects her to the girl's death.

they really based the case (for most i can see from here) was her and her boyfriend's reaction to Kercher's murder.

i can say the same for Italy/other countries' media.
you can't trust the media period.

i could'nt care less where she's from, what race, sex, color.
She's not guilty was my feeling so I defend her.

I feel that she is an American was the reason, and maybe I'm wrong maybe not.
but that's not the reason why i defend her, that's the reason i feel as to why she was accused.

just saying that some people really do have something against others because of their nationality.
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What the hell? I don't think it has to do with the fact that she's american. We americans are so paranoid with what other people think of us. If they convicted her it must have been cause of something. The jurors and the judge are not retards. It's not only America who has a strong justice system you know!

no no that's my opinion. I mean i can't read minds but that's the vibe i got that she's an American that's why.

to be exact, I won't become an American til next Feb.
I'm just Burmese then they'll add "American" afterwards... really strange... anyways...

... yes some Americans are paranoid, I for one am (though I'm not American yet, speaking from experience i do feel that some people at times judge you from where you are, your race, color, sex etc) but not everyone of course.

but that's the thing. i can't really put my finger on why she was convicted when there was no strong evidence other than the scandals and what not the media came up with. who knows half the things are true.

Well i hope they are not mentally ill :bugeyed
>_> if you were replying to me that is. I never said America had a strong justice system.

but coming from a dictatorship country, i do like the America's justice system more
and other countires's justice system.

So put it... I guess it doesn't matter why she's was accused.
I just don't feel that she is guilty at all.
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And I also think that if she actually did it she should have gotten life imprisionment or even the death penalty. 26 years doesn't seem enough.

They don't have the death penalty in Europe, and 26 years is a hell of a lot.

I was not in the court room and have not heard the arguments of the prosecution or defense or seen evidence, so I can't say if the verdict is right or wrong.

It is strange and disturbing that she was laughing and did cartwheels in the corridor of the station after she was arrested though...and she falsely accused someone else of murdering Meredith.

I do not think she was convicted because she is American.. the guy was a wealthy Italian and he was convicted. The other guy was living in Italy originally from the Ivory Coast and he was convicted. Don't get caught up in the media mob mentality telling you that she has been convicted because she is American, that is media propaganda at its best. Meredith was British so it wasn't as if this was an Italian victim causing some kind of local pressure. If this has been a miscarriage of justice then it is a miscarriage of justice American or not American.

From what I have READ, there is very little information available.. it doesn't seem to reflect the fact that this was a 2 year investigation.

I have read that both Knox and Meredith’s DNA were found on a knife which matched one of Meredith's wounds, Knox’s on the handle and Meredith's on the tip.. the defence said this was contaminated. I have also read that Knox confessed but then claimed she was forced to sign the confession. Knox also changed her story a few times claiming she was high and forgot what happened. Her parents employed a PR this standard practice? Her boyfriend said he was at home downloading films but computer evidence said he wasn't..Knox said she was with him, he said she wasn't and then changed his story to that he couldn't remember if Knox was with him or not..? but then again wait Knox tried to frame the actually innocent Lumumba by saying she was in the flat Meredith and heard Meredith's screams after Lumumba entered her room (Lumumba was never there that night). So did she make her mind up where she was? and then wasn't Solecito's DNA found on Meredith's bra? Apparently witnesses placed both Knox and Solecito close to the murder scene six times that night. There is a lot more I have read but I will not bother to post it here, as this is a Michael Jackson forum.

I don't know if Knox is guilty or not of murder but I think she was involved, she obviously didn't think she would be convicted as she apparently had planned to appear on US talk shows and had a multi-million pound book deal.

What is certain is that poor Meredith Kercher died a horrible death.
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I think this case and the two OJ cases shows that there are flaws in the Justice System. Fortunately, it worked for MJ....otherwise, who knows, he could've died from a 'Guilty' verdict.