It seems sadness never end...

Lady with the Tramp

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
My beloved dog passed away 2 days ago and I feel devastated. I'm so sorry and feel guilty that I couldn't stay with her when she's dying because my family didn't called me as I was off to university summer camp. If I was there holding her in my arms she wouldn't feel much pain when she's dying. She died very soon she's only 10 years old. She had heart condition and Pleural Effusion. She was sensitive she feel sad every time when we leave home even just for an hour. When she’s sad her condition get worse. I know she know that I’m going to live in dorm next month which means I will rarely see her once when I’m on campus. So maybe she won’t die if I didn’t decided going to study at university for the next 3 years. I’m selfish that letting somebody to suffer while I’m having my happiness and luck. I wish I could sacrifice my happiness to bring her back to life. My heart is broken. Me & my family were so sad and crying like crazy. She's the sweetest and cutest dog who always brings joy to my whole family and we love and cherish her very much. My home seems turn to silence without her. We miss her so much. I can’t go on without her. Since Mike passed away I never expect I have to face another grief again. I can’t handle it. It seems sadness never end.
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im so sad to read this and i know exactly what you are going through. my dog died several years ago. like most it was more than just a pet it was a family member. and i dont like to think about it but basically the back went all of a sudden and he developed breathing problems. it was so fast. literally within 24 hours he went from a happy healthy dog to bad spine and the vet said it would cost $5000 to operate and even then they said there was practically no chance of him ever getting better. it was like being hit with a brick in the face. it all sounded so hopeless. and so the decision was made to put him down and i held him in my arms and watched the tube be attached to his chest and i saw the fluid go up the tube and i had my fingers over his heart and soon as the fluid went in he yelped once like he was surpised or shocked and then his heart stopped beating. he was dead. i cradled him like he was my baby in my arms for the longest time and after he died his bladder emptied and he weed all over me and i didnt care. i just cried for the longest time. i never wanted to let him go. it was all so devastating. and its been years now but it still makes me cry when i think about it. over time i learned to live with the pain but it never went completely away. some things you just never get over and being honest i wouldnt want to. he meant the world to me and it was taken away. but life can sometimes be so cruel you know. *hugs*
I am so sorry for your loss. I had a Parakeet named Tweetie, and he was hand tame, loved to play, and he talked. He lived for 10 years. he passed in 1999. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him or miss him. He died in front of me. He gave me 10 years of unconditional love and friendship. I had him cremated, so he is still with me in a way.

I know all too well what it's like to lose a pet. They are members of your family. Some people don't understand that, but I do.

It took me so long to get over the grief of my dog passing (she got ran over so I of course blamed myself for that though looking back now, I shouldn't have. We were traveling and went off on a back road that no one was on to let her out to pee. She was having a great time, and then some car sped out of no where over a hill and she ran across the road to get to me and ... )

Anyways, I am really sorry to hear of your loss. Please don't blame yourself or feel guilty for enjoying life. Take your time to mourn, and then start to remember the good times. A smile will eventually come back to your face..and she'd want that.
Oh bless you *hugs* I love my 2 dogs so much too, we had a dog before when I was younger and the day we lost her I was looking for my student digs in London and wasn't there. I too felt bad but I just thought back to the lovely memories of her and she knew I loved her. I have 2 dogs now, they are both lovely but one sits on my bed when I'm ill and busts open my door if its shut to be with me bless her. Please don't blame yourself, all you did was love your dog - she would have known that :)