It just doesn't feels right, buying albums of his unreleased songs?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Melbourne Australia
It just doesn't feels right, buying albums of his unreleased songs that Sony had compiled. Ofcourse those people are just taking advantage of MJ's death to make extra money and it's totally normal in this modern (greedy & selfish) world, but I will just feel very weird if I ever buy them. It just won't feel right so I know I won't buy them. I would probably just listen to it online and download those I like better. True, MJ's new material will then be introduced and people will listen to it, but who would buy it except for millions of huge MJ fans? People already have his official albums, why would they need to add a posthumus album collection?
Because it supports MJ's estate and thus his children? Because it continues his lecagy? Because the fans just wants to listen to his singing?

Sigh... I wonder what MJ thinks about it. I'm not againts it or anything but, I just don't feel right.
Anyone else feel the same?
This is nothing unique. Since Jimi Hendrix died, there's been many albums of unreleased material, including one just recently released this year. Then there was a period new Tupac albums were coming out after he died, including one mixed by Eminem. Other acts like the Beatles, Genesis, Bob Dylan, David Bowie, and many others have released stuff that was sitting in a vault. During his last years at Warners, Prince refused to record new material for them and just gave them a bunch of unreleased songs to make into albums.
The thing is, if Michael didn't want to release a song, the why should Sony and the Estate release it????????

However, if Michael planned to release a song then it is the duty of both Sony and the Estate to get it released!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its nothing new though like everyone has said. A new Johnny Cash CD has just been released with unheard material. Plus multiple other artists as well like 2pac, BIG, Eva Cassidy etc
It just doesn't feels right, buying albums of his unreleased songs that Sony had compiled. Ofcourse those people are just taking advantage of MJ's death to make extra money and it's totally normal in this modern (greedy & selfish) world, but I will just feel very weird if I ever buy them. It just won't feel right so I know I won't buy them. I would probably just listen to it online and download those I like better. True, MJ's new material will then be introduced and people will listen to it, but who would buy it except for millions of huge MJ fans? People already have his official albums, why would they need to add a posthumus album collection?
Because it supports MJ's estate and thus his children? Because it continues his lecagy? Because the fans just wants to listen to his singing?

Sigh... I wonder what MJ thinks about it. I'm not againts it or anything but, I just don't feel right.
Anyone else feel the same?

You just answered your own questions, with questions. :)
Michael knew what he was doing. He knew this music would be a valuable asset to his children once he passed and I wouldn't be at all surprised if he deliberately kept some of this material aside for the sole purpose of continuing on his legacy after his death.

Michael DID think about these things. He always spoke about his legacy and what he wanted to leave behind.

It seems almost eery now, but I remember reading a news article only a few months before he passed saying that he had put a bunch of songs into a vault and was leaving it to his children. Does anyone else remember that article?
It just doesn't feels right, buying albums of his unreleased songs that Sony had compiled. Ofcourse those people are just taking advantage of MJ's death to make extra money and it's totally normal in this modern (greedy & selfish) world, but I will just feel very weird if I ever buy them. It just won't feel right so I know I won't buy them. I would probably just listen to it online and download those I like better. True, MJ's new material will then be introduced and people will listen to it, but who would buy it except for millions of huge MJ fans? People already have his official albums, why would they need to add a posthumus album collection?
Because it supports MJ's estate and thus his children? Because it continues his lecagy? Because the fans just wants to listen to his singing?

Sigh... I wonder what MJ thinks about it. I'm not againts it or anything but, I just don't feel right.
Anyone else feel the same?

I´m just wondering ,don´t you take advantage of MJs death if you listen to his new songs online and download it for free?
Michael was working so hard with the songs, do you think he didn´t want someone to listen to it or only those fans with computers who can download it?
I think he have a lot of fans with no computers and he loved them too and wanted them to be able to hear his music.
For me it would feel better to buy it , knowing that it supports his children who he loved so much and charities that he cared for so much when he was alive.

To the OP, there is a rumor that Stevie Wonder has it set up that upon his death, any unreleased recordings, demos, & unfinished songs are to be destroyed. If Mike had done this, would that be better to you?
Re: SW

To the OP, there is a rumor that Stevie Wonder has it set up that upon his death, any unreleased recordings, demos, & unfinished songs are to be destroyed. If Mike had done this, would that be better to you?

And I always wondered if the will of an artist of the magnitude of MJ would specify such requests in his will.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but there were no such instructions? It makes me think that MJ might not wanted everything destroyed.

I personally feel that his oeuvre, his work should be played, catalogued and ENJOYED just as the music of other passed artists is.

My only worry is that some guys in suits will fail to put his legacy into perspective, into a timeline. I am kind of sick and tired about releases of box sets that contain 90% old stuff with 1 "new" song- about which we only get to speculate. When was it written, when recorded etc?

Michael Jackson has written enough material for somebody qualified to walk in there and catalogue his entire work, give it opus numbers, catalogue it the way his art deserves to be treated.

His art and music should be enjoyed by those who want to cherish it.
I've said it before, I will buy no more material because it's being released by Sony and not by Michael.

Just because Michael wrote and recorded the music does not mean it was music he wanted to make public. Any future albums will have the tracks chosen by Sony's execs, they won't have the thought put into them, they won't be thought out by Michael himself.

I gave Michael a lot of money when he was here, when he needed it. People will say, "But the money you spend will help his kids", but come on ... use the head people. Michael will have had his children well looked after in his will and his estate as it stands will see them in good stead, as will the Jackson family.

The Sony execs WANT you to buy into the whole "buy it for his kids" mentality ... it's nothing short of milking Michael's name for all it's worth.
I agree with MattyJam. Michael knew what was up. He knew that he was a commodity, a name brand, and no longer an artist. He wanted to live forever.
Now Sony and his estate have that responsibility. And yes, they're gonna make a ton of money doing it. I don't see anything wrong with that. However, I do find it mildy amusing to read some of the fans comments about boycotting ALL future MJ releases because Michael himself didn't personally approve them. They're just talkin shit.
However, I do find it mildy amusing to read some of the fans comments about boycotting ALL future MJ releases because Michael himself didn't personally approve them. They're just talkin shit.

Some fans said the same thing about This Is It, but I have yet to speak to a single fan who hasn't seen the movie multiple times and bought the DVD.
Some fans said the same thing about This Is It, but I have yet to speak to a single fan who hasn't seen the movie multiple times and bought the DVD.

I know few people from here, who never seen TII and don't intend to.

About the unrelesed material. Michael was an artist, a musician. He defined his life through creating music. His official work won't be forgoten easy, but what he leaves for after his gone is what keeps him rememberable.
Alot of misicians made music and never ever had success. But what was found or leaved in their legacy made them famous or made people hear, notice their music. And many of the best songs by an artist are made avaible after their death. Thats what hapened with many Bigger classic musicians.
I don't understand why MJ fans always have to see it so tight. If you have feelings of guilt, don't buy it. Of course for the music company is just making money. For us is discovering, cherish, appreciative of his work. Just because he is death, doesn't mean "book is closed", "what it was, it was". that's it, never ever again.
He said he leaved alot of songs for his children. It's often that children release never relesed music of their parent, cause they know the fans, people who loved their parent would like to hear/see this work. If one day his kids do that, would you judge them too? Aren't you sick of people acknowledge only his peak times. this is a chance they can see what great musician he always was. If he didn't want the world ever to hear this songs, he would have take precedence, this would never hapend.
Just listen and enjoy, don't bother yourself.
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I know few people from here, who never seen TII and don't intend to.

About the unrelesed material. Michael was an artist, a musician. He defined his life through creating music. His official work won't be forgoten easy, but what he leaves for after his gone is what keeps him rememberable.
Alot of misicians made music and never ever had success. But what was found or leaved in their legacy made them famous or made people hear, notice their music. And many of the best songs by an artist are made avaible after their death. Thats what hapened with alot of the Bigger classic musicians.
I don't understand why MJ fans always have to see it so tight. If you have feelings of guilt, don't buy it. Of course for the music company is just making money. For us is discovering, cherish, appreciative of his work. Just because he is death, doesn't mean "book is closed", "what it was, it was". that's it, never ever again.
He said he leaved alot of songs for his children. It's often that children release never relesed music of their parent, cause they know the fans, people who loved their parent would like to hear/see this work. If one day his kids do that, would you judge them too? Aren't you sick of people acknowledge only his peak times. this is a chance they can see what great musician he always was. If he didn't want the world ever to hear this songs, he would have take precedence, this would never hapend.
Just listen and enjoy, don't bother yourself.

I agree. MJ was not naive- if he never ever wanted any of his unreleased music out, he would have made sure that it was to be destroyed upon death.
I would love to hear his complete works. Sure, the whole Sony story sucks- but I honestly rather hear and appreciate his art, than get uptight about Sony. I just hope they get their act together- that is THEIR chance to do something historic, they should see it as an opportunity.
I've seen This Is It, but I've not bought a personal copy of my own, I borrowed a friends copy.
The thing that bugs me the most is that it is a Sony produced album, not a Michael produced album.

Its not the tracks that Michael would have picked, its not the track list that Michael would have picked. Michael may and probably would have produced it slightly different before releasing it etc. knowing how much of a perfectionist MJ is.

However he did release such unfinished tracks as In The Back.
In the end the music company is the one that decides which song makes on the album. the same was with Invincible and the same is with other artists.
Of the songs which MJ didn't release I could say is his best work... Carousel dare I mention. I understand that it just didn't fit right with the rest of the album but it's still a top class song... and these unreleased songs shouldn't be dismissed as inferior as I imagine Mike might have looked at it.

We know Michael tried like 1000% with every song he did so I'm justified enough to listen to it and love it.

The only downside to it is that corrupt Sony and their backers are involved in this and will benefiting.
However heartbreaking it is for me, I do want to hear unreleased material. Then, what's left? I wanna know him better and better, know what he was thinking about, how was he feeling... and now those songs gives a chance to do that. Most of us feel it's not totally fair to release them now and totally unfair that it's $ony who's gonna release it. But should I remain u how was it when - do not look far away from now - "Another Day" was leaked? We do want to hear more and more from Michael.
It also doesn't feel right for me, that I am buying what maybe won't be released in the shape he'd finish it, if he had a chance. We all know, his demos are mostly much better, than songs of the other artists, which make final cuts on their albums, so I only hope, they'll leave it untouched.
Is boycotting upcoming albums better way for us? IMO not, I choose to keep his legacy alive and to show the world, that he's still on top, even if in that way, I am gonna to feed f*** $ony. I do hope that at least part of this money will go to the children. There is no way in this situation, to comfort everybody: just as I do understand fans, who won't buy it, I want them to understand those of us, who's gonna do it.
I just want everything related to Michael more than ever now... :(
It just doesn't feels right, buying albums of his unreleased songs that Sony had compiled. Ofcourse those people are just taking advantage of MJ's death to make extra money and it's totally normal in this modern (greedy & selfish) world, but I will just feel very weird if I ever buy them. It just won't feel right so I know I won't buy them. I would probably just listen to it online and download those I like better. True, MJ's new material will then be introduced and people will listen to it, but who would buy it except for millions of huge MJ fans? People already have his official albums, why would they need to add a posthumus album collection?
Because it supports MJ's estate and thus his children? Because it continues his lecagy? Because the fans just wants to listen to his singing?

Sigh... I wonder what MJ thinks about it. I'm not againts it or anything but, I just don't feel right.
Anyone else feel the same?
I can understand where you comin from, but uh...I have no choice but to buy them all. It'll always be a bittersweet experience and I can feel the bitter part will be like, it'll provide the backdrop for the sweet part from listening to brand-new tracks. They will keep on keeping on doing things to take advantage of us fans' longing for new material. It's like a battle I could never win. Things will never be the same as when Michael was here...
Naa I agree it doesn't feel right. Of course it's going to happen and that's fair enough..but for me there's just no buzz in buying something of Michael's when he's not here, which is why I haven't yet bought TII DVD, when most of the time I'll be queueing outside shops on it's day of release!!

People are like to me "what you haven't bought it yet? What's wrong with you" It's weird because its not like when Mike was here he would even know what I bought or whatever lol, but as with everything, the fact he was here made all the difference to me.
What is up with all this Sony talk? All record labels are the same, so it doesn't make a difference which one releases it, unless he planned to go independent like Prince & The Eagles, which was unlikely.
I sort of know how you feel, when I first found out there were going to be albums of unreleased songs going to be released I was excited then unsure because I'm not sure how Michael would feel about it. He was a perfectionist so would he really want unreleased songs being made available? They were, afterall, unreleased for a reason. Perhaps they weren't finished, only demos or maybe he just didn't like them. I am excited to hear new material though instead of the usual re-releases of his biggest hits in a compilation package and I've heard some of the unreleased songs and so far what I'm hearing I'm really liking. Obviously I don't expect anything that equals Thriller, Billie Jean or classics like that to be amongst the unreleased songs but there may be a few hidden gems in there.