It hurts so bad


Proud Member
Aug 25, 2011
Hey you guyz,

I thought this is the right place to share my pain and my despair, this is the place where people might understand me - my feelings. I know I am not the only person who is suffering this loss, there are millions who are feeling the pain. Especially his family, his children, parents, brothers and sisters....
You guyz, cannot imagine how much I loved him, everyone loved him in a special way. It breaks my heart that he is gone. I accept the fact that it was God´s will. He meant the world to me. I am a long-time fan and there was not a day where I did not think about him or wished him and the family the very best. He was a big part of me. I loved him so much that it hurt, and now that he passed it hurts much more. I am not a teenager or a crazy fan, God knows who much I cared for him in spirit, I wish I was there for him, but I was only one in a million. I think he knew that we loved him and that we were really important to him, he always said that and I am so thankful that God let me love this beautiful and sweetest person that lived with us on earth.
The thing is that I don´t want to bother anyone, I just want to share my pain with you here, I am still shocked, and I guess that I am not the only one who still cannot get over the fact that he is no longer with us.

I know he doesn´t want us to be sad and go on with our lives, but this emptiness will always remain. With the time we will get used to the pain and to the loss but we will never have someone like him and that is so painful, this thought breaks my heart and many many other hearts into pieces. Like I have told you, I loved him, he was the man of my dreams, I know it was unlikely, very unlikely to marry him, and I was aware of it when he lived. I only wanted to meet him and tell him what a wonderful human-being he is and that I will be forever thankful for all he did for the world and for the fans. This love was so strong when he was on earth and I will love him till eternity, but I wish I was there for him. Not only me, also other people who loved him from the bottom of their hearts. I could go on with writing, but I think I should stop now...this won´t bring him back and I don´t want to bother you at all. I thank God that I loved the most caring man of the world and I am proud that we all stood behind him and that we loved him, US members here and all the fans worldwide for what he was - am man with the kindest and biggest heart and with the purest soul. Which shell now rest in peace.

Thank you all for reading this *tears*
I feel what u're feeling. It hurts soo much but what else can u do except pray to God to protect him and for our hearts to not be soo heavey. I'll comment more on this later but I jsut want to tell you that I'm here, we're all here and we'll get through this!

I feel what u're feeling. It hurts soo much but what else can u do except pray to God to protect him and for our hearts to not be soo heavey. I'll comment more on this later but I jsut want to tell you that I'm here, we're all here and we'll get through this!


thank you very much.
This section has been a great help to me. I am glad that you feel that you can post here. We are going to get through this thing together. Keep the faith.

The celebrity statement thread has been a lifesaver. I focus on the people who actually had interaction with Michael. Their words come from the heart and it confirms what I know about him - an incredibly talented, warm, giving person.
I feel your pain. I just hope that wherever Michael is that he is looking down on us and is much happier there.
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened"

You shouldn't worry about how you're feeling. Many people across the world have been more upset than they could have realised. I think, only now, people are realising what a special human being we have lost.

When things get bad, try to think about the wonderful things Michael did when he was here, and the wonder and enjoyment his song and dance will give to future generations to come.

I am a grown man with a wife and 2 children, but I will admit that I have had a few 'watery eye' moments for the man I 'knew' for nearly 40 years. I'm not ashamed to admit that.

The thing that really helps me is this. I can not help but smile when I see Michael perform - on his 'short films' or his concerts - his obvious joy is infectious. Try it when you're feeling a little low.

As the shock and sadness slowly decreases (although it will never completely go away), I am left with an immense sense of pride in what 'our friend' has achieved in his lifetime.

Michael may have left us too early, but by God he shook up the world - and he will continue to do so even after his death!

The Angels certainly have a new 'Lead Singer'!
I feel the same too, he was truly special, and his death was tragic. The best we can do, however is to keep him always in our hearts!
Oh my when I have seen the rehearsals on cnn it was over :( I can´t take the pain any longer...
God it keeps hitting me so hard He realy has gone.Its ripping my heart and soul to pieces,x
Hey you guyz,

I thought this is the right place to share my pain and my despair, this is the place where people might understand me - my feelings. I know I am not the only person who is suffering this loss, there are millions who are feeling the pain. Especially his family, his children, parents, brothers and sisters....
You guyz, cannot imagine how much I loved him, everyone loved him in a special way. It breaks my heart that he is gone. I accept the fact that it was God´s will. He meant the world to me. I am a long-time fan and there was not a day where I did not think about him or wished him and the family the very best. He was a big part of me. I loved him so much that it hurt, and now that he passed it hurts much more. I am not a teenager or a crazy fan, God knows who much I cared for him in spirit, I wish I was there for him, but I was only one in a million. I think he knew that we loved him and that we were really important to him, he always said that and I am so thankful that God let me love this beautiful and sweetest person that lived with us on earth.
The thing is that I don´t want to bother anyone, I just want to share my pain with you here, I am still shocked, and I guess that I am not the only one who still cannot get over the fact that he is no longer with us.

I know he doesn´t want us to be sad and go on with our lives, but this emptiness will always remain. With the time we will get used to the pain and to the loss but we will never have someone like him and that is so painful, this thought breaks my heart and many many other hearts into pieces. Like I have told you, I loved him, he was the man of my dreams, I know it was unlikely, very unlikely to marry him, and I was aware of it when he lived. I only wanted to meet him and tell him what a wonderful human-being he is and that I will be forever thankful for all he did for the world and for the fans. This love was so strong when he was on earth and I will love him till eternity, but I wish I was there for him. Not only me, also other people who loved him from the bottom of their hearts. I could go on with writing, but I think I should stop now...this won´t bring him back and I don´t want to bother you at all. I thank God that I loved the most caring man of the world and I am proud that we all stood behind him and that we loved him, US members here and all the fans worldwide for what he was - am man with the kindest and biggest heart and with the purest soul. Which shell now rest in peace.

Thank you all for reading this *tears*

Oh god, that sounds like me, I share all your feelings exactly. I agree also that you are right we should all be proud of how we supported and stood by him through everything. I am 100% sure he knew how much we loved him, and he loved us the same way. He was very loving and giving, a kind soul. Even though he didn't know all of us individually I believe he could feel our love, and that's important to remember. :)

Massive hugs and love to you :) xx
I feel your pain, I really do. It's so good that there is a place we can all share our feelings with other people who feel exactly the same. I am too one of those who haven't accepted it yet. I just can't stop crying, but still I don't really understand it. It's just so surreal. I can't accept it. It just hurts too much.

I just hope that we all can stop hurting eventually. I think we will. Or at least the pain will ease in time. I don't know. We just all love him, and he always knew that.
He was a huge part of me too, and always will be.