It happened in Romania


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The day of the 29'th of August was a really busy day for the romanian fans. First of all, we went the National Stadium, where the '92 concert was held, then we had 3 flash mobs:
In the North Railway:

In the Plaza Mall (just have a little bit of patience on this one):

And in the Romana Square, near the centre of the city (yes, we blocked the trafic, yes, the police was there - no one was caught, though, they didn't have the time :tease: - and yes, the driver of the bus was an %$@#$#):

You can hear the police in this video:

As the night came, we all went to a park for the inauguration of "Michael's way" ( 19.000 people signed a petition so that Michael could have his own aley in Herastrau park). There was a giant screen where videos were broadcasted and a memorial plaque was inaugurated.
Then we had the most emotional moment of the day: all the fans that were gathered there sang to a megamix of Michael's most touching songs and some girls from the fan-club... Well, i am not going to spoil the surprise so you have to discover yourself ;D

These are the last two songs and i am going to translate what the guy from the microphone said at the end:
-Yes, yes, applaud... I see teary eyes, a lot of tears... Applaud, don't stop applauding... Though it should have been a sad day, it is one of the most beautiful day in the life of many of you who are here, am I right?... A moment of silence please, I want to hear your reaction after I say this : Michael sees us! Let us celebrate him the way that he deserves! You are truly amazing in a day that is magical! May we never forget! Let's keep the flame of remembrance burning inside us no matter how many turbulence we will have during our life and let's remember Him every day and may we meet again every year on the 29'th of August, promise? I want to say thank you to the Michael Jackson Fan Club, all the people that are here, they offered us another magical moment, and to the 19.000 people who signed the petition "Michael Jackson Alley".

Then, the '92 Bucharest Concert was broadcasted.

Romania loves you so very much, Michael!


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Thank you so much for posting these! I was stuck all day in planes and was just impossible for me to attend, though I wanted to be there more than anything :(

I'm so happy mayor Oprescu approved this, with an open heart too. It's the least this country could do in his memory.

"His Way" will be walked many times by my feet.....that's a promise! :D
Cryingangel, don't worry that you couldn't come to these events. I can guarantee to you that there will be many ways to celebrate the life of Michael. And I don't think that mayor Oprescu had another alternative: imagine 19.000 people with torches ready to lynch him :p
Yeah, all the flas mobs were incredible. We had a really great time and i hope that people around the globe did the same!
Aah Romaina, you guys are the greatest. Michael has his own Romanian star..That is so touching..I hope you all can save this and send it to his children so they can see how much their Daddy was loved..
Thank you parli, and it's a very good idea, to send pictures and footages to his children :)
is it just me or does Romania seem to have a lot A LOT a HUGGEEE amount of michael jackson fans for such a small country????

i like this place.

To be honest, I think it's a global thing since June 25th. To show Michael the love he deserves.
The last time I noticed the massive amount of love was when Thriller 25 was released. Thing is, until now, the media barely had anything good to say about him, to the fans couldn't manifest themselves either. But now that positive stuff sales, the media is willing to pay attention to the fans and show the world how loved he really is.

bezdumnii said:
And I don't think that mayor Oprescu had another alternative: imagine 19.000 people with torches ready to lynch him :p

Or better yet - surgery knives :p

Great idea, parli!!! :)
Wow,this is great! I've seen some little clips of the event on TV.I would have loved to be there!I had other problems those days and I just couldn't leave town.But there was something special made in Iasi,for his birthday,also! I went to that event.We had a screening of his videos,a very positive documentary about his life and music,a dance contest and a "trivia" contest,with prizes (happy to say I had the highest score 20 out of 23 :lol:).It was organized by the Gh.Asachi library,from the Palace of Culture.It was a very nice event.There were almost 100 people,which was very impressive,because the event was organized a little late,and there was not much time for advertising it.

Also,I heare there are Flash mobs organized here,probably for the next week.We'll see how that will go. :)

I'm very prould of the things our country has done for Michael! :D

Edit: Here is a picture of the diploma that,basically,everybody that entered the contest got. :)
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Dude, thanks for telling us about that!!! :D Really cool!

I hope to participate in the next events as well, I always seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time :doh:

I'm also proud, and I'm glad to see more romanian fans on MJJC as well :D
That was great u did that guys!! I watched the concert like 2 or 3 times on MTV!! :D It's good that u did something in Iasi too, cuz here in Bacau, nobody was bothered to do something:(. and btw I'm happy he's got his own alley in the park :)

too bad i couldn't be there:(, but hopefully there will be other MJ related events and i'll be able to participate, since i'm moving to Bucharest in order to go the university :D
Aah Romania, you guys are the greatest. Michael has his own Romanian star..That is so touching..I hope you all can save this and send it to his children so they can see how much their Daddy was loved..
aw I love what you said...that just warmed my heart :wub:
yes we love Michael very much here in Romania...we always did
Cryingangel, don't worry that you couldn't come to these events. I can guarantee to you that there will be many ways to celebrate the life of Michael. And I don't think that mayor Oprescu had another alternative: imagine 19.000 people with torches ready to lynch him :p
oh yeah... oprescu didn''t had the choice here :) i voted for that too was the least i could do to see it happen since i can't travel now and couldn't attent it... 29th was a sad and lonely day for me :( i'm glad there's something with his name on it in my country...hope i'll see it someday..
^ Lol, you posted it before I got to :D

The official one looks fantastic!!!! The footage is a lot better :)

I couldn't help smiling when I saw that cop dancing with them :D