it enters the mind of hollywood that infants are 'sexy'


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
united states
madison avenue in new york, which houses advertisers, and hollywood's commercial makers, AND the media's NEWSWEEK MAGAZINE, say that these toddlers in diaper commercials are 'strangely compelling' and 'hot'.

remember, all of hollywood executed Michael Jackson by accusing him of something that NEVER entered his mind. but..apparently, the same terrifying thinking was ALWAYS in THEIR minds. this is how THEY view these INFANTS. now we know why that hollywood filmaker, who raped a little girl, had such a long career in hollywood. the question is, why would it enter ANYONE's mind to make these commercials in the FIRST PLACE? on some level, all the people i mentioned, above, are on the same page. they all think anything OPPOSITE of repulsive thinking. and it's very frightening that NEWSWEEK thinks that these commercials are 'strangely compelling'. i don't know what the commercial looks like. i'm sure u don't feel like actually watching it, either. i got plenty of an idea of what they were talking about just by reading the article. and, they gloat about free publicity, at msn and newsweek. i shouldn't even be able to have found this link, but msn is my homepage, and it blared in my face. they didn't have to present the article, because it says that they wanted to give it free publicity. i did post it here, though, because of my painful memories of what hollywood did to Michael Jackson:
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That banned commercial is disturbing, not to mention annoying. What I really hate is that reality show "Toddlers and Tiaras" about little girls competing in beauty pageants. The parents put full makeup on these innocent little things, give them fake tans, dye their hair, apply false eyelashes, dress them in suggestive clothing and give them suggestive choreography. I've only seen snippets from commercials and just that makes me so angry. The innocence of these little girls is being stolen from them.
That banned commercial is disturbing, not to mention annoying. What I really hate is that reality show "Toddlers and Tiaras" about little girls competing in beauty pageants. The parents put full makeup on these innocent little things, give them fake tans, dye their hair, apply false eyelashes, dress them in suggestive clothing and give them suggestive choreography. I've only seen snippets from commercials and just that makes me so angry. The innocence of these little girls is being stolen from them.

I so totally agree with what both of you guys had said. Every single time I hear about that show it just really angers and disgust me. I have seen pictures of little girls probably no older than 3 or 4 years old. And they look like they are in their late teens or in their 20s. Wearing make up and clothes they really should not be wearing at their age. To me that is really nothing more than child abuse for a parent to do that to their child. It is like the parent wants their child to end up like another Jon Benet Ramsey. When I was those little girls ages I never wore make up unless it was for Halloween. Or wear the clothes that they were wearing. It is absolutely horrible of why a parent would force their child to do something like that. Don't they realize or even care of just how many child predators there are in the country? Then there is that dance competition that I saw a video of in the news about a group of 9 year old girls dancing to Beyonce's Single Ladies song. I was absolutely shock when I saw how those girls were dancing and what they were wearing. No 9 year old girl should be dancing and wearing what they were wearing. If I was the parent of one of those 9 year old girls there will be no way in Hell would I let her dance and wear an outfit like that. It is absolutely disgusting of what this world is coming to anymore.
Isn't it disgusting? I don't have children but if I did there is no way I would allow them to be displayed like a sexual object being made to appear years and years older than they are. Children need to be protected. If the parents won't do it, who will? Yes, Hollywood and Madison Avenue hold blame but the parents of these children are responsible as well. The level of irresponsible parental behavior that I have seen is just unbelievable. And yes, it's ironic and completely unfair that Michael was wrongfully accused of taking advantage of children and yet the media is doing just that.