Is this true what Stevie Wonder said back in 2005


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Apprantly back in 2005 when MJ was accused of those horrible things Donny Osmand called up Stevie and Stevie said something along the lines of ''I gotta call Mike. He needs a friend right now''

Is this true? and if it is true it wouldn't surprise me one bit
I don't know if this ever happend. I know stevie is a true friend of MJ, which is well known for some years now, since the motown days.
I don't know for sure or not, but like you, it wouldn't surprise me either.

Did anyone see the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame special on HBO last Sunday? Stevie sang "The Way You Make Me Feel" as a tribute to MJ. Stevie choked up in the middle of the song. It was heartbreaking, and so touching. Good for Stevie for sticking by Michael's side!
but MJ was accused in 2003...the trial was held in 2004-2005...?

but Stevie does always supported MJ. :)
and i believe stevie would do/say something like that
Stevie Wonder is actully more than a friend to Michael...he is his cousin. I remember Janet in an interview saying that Stevie and Tracy Chapman were their cousins.
Donny Osmond said on ET that he called Stevie talking about a song that he wanted to cover of Stevie's. Stevie told Donny to call Mike because Mike needs some friends right now. I think this was a little bit before the allegations broke out. Donny called Mike because of Stevie.
I would believe that. He is a true friend. I think I saw Gladys Knight say that during that time she offered Michael support too. If he needed to stay with her or something. I really respect people like her and Stevie. They knew those charges were not true. It's too bad others didn't offer their support.
I've always said that if everyone could see the world the way Stevie does then we would live in a much better place.

The fact that Stevie was blind ment that he couldn't judge MJ on crap like plastic surgery and MJ's skin colour changing (Due to vitiligo of course). Stevie could only see Michael for the person he was
Stevie's wonderful. We all need a friend like Stevie in our lives. During that dark period for Mike its comforting to know that he still had some wonderful friends to support him. Its the dark periods in your life when you find out who your true friends are.
I remember Stevie's words at the memorial...

"Michael I love you and I told you that many times, so I'm at peace with that."

Those words say it all....
Stevie is so fabulous, and such a lovely guy. Got nothing but love and respect for him on so many levels.
Poor stevie..that was so heartbreaking to see him like that....It is so obvious that he loved Michael and lsot a very dear friend...:cry:
I've always said that if everyone could see the world the way Stevie does then we would live in a much better place.

The fact that Stevie was blind ment that he couldn't judge MJ on crap like plastic surgery and MJ's skin colour changing (Due to vitiligo of course). Stevie could only see Michael for the person he was

This is so true analogue, I couldn't have said it any better myself.
It doesn't surprise me that Stevie Wonder showed himself such a good friend. He's one of the few genuine people in the business and really stands up for what he believes in. Because of him Martin Luther King Day came about... He's a very warm, loving, caring person and I can imagine Michael felt grateful having him as a friend.
Stevie Wonder is a awesome person and a true friend to MJ indeed. I LOVE him so much!!!:wub:
i have always loved him.

i did not know he was close to michael, but always felt he was good person.
kind people always are shining somehow...