Is this strange?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Devon - Uk
OK, I've always had such a massive crush on Michael, he's the ultimate to me and I can't help but be very attracted to him. As a teenager I would day dream, naively obviously, about meeting him one day and us falling in love etc :wub:

This feeling has not gone away, I still fancy the gold pants off of him and because of well, you know, his passing...I feel all wrong and guilty for still thinking about him as sexy, am I alone in this, it makes me feel weird :ermm:
There is definitely nothing wrong with that. As a straight guy I can clearly see why girls fell head over heels for him. He was so stylish, elegant, charming, smart and mysterious. It's just like a high school crush on a teacher :) Cant help how you feel, and there's nothing wrong with that.
Absolutely undersands! When I *cough* lurk into the manly, macro or manhood threads..*cough* I enjoy it but sometimes I just think 'hey, what am I doin, is this a good way to pay respect to Michael...' but this lasts for 1/90 of a second...
Absolutely undersands! When I *cough* lurk into the manly, macro or manhood threads..*cough* I enjoy it but sometimes I just think 'hey, what am I doin, is this a good way to pay respect to Michael...' but this lasts for 1/90 of a second...

In my opinion I dont think you have to think about wether your thoughts are 'paying respect' to him. If by paying respect you mean showing the world what he means to you, celebrating his life and keeping his legacy alive, then they are all physical things. You can watch a DVD of his. Buy a CD. Give out information about him. But what goes on in your own mind is totally personal and unique to you. Its human nature to have these sorts of thoughts about people :)
I'm so glad that you guys don't think I'm being wrong or disrespectful for still thinking of him in such a way. I suppose those sorts of emotions don't just go away, not when they've been with you for so many years.

Thank you for replying :)
OK, I've always had such a massive crush on Michael, he's the ultimate to me and I can't help but be very attracted to him. As a teenager I would day dream, naively obviously, about meeting him one day and us falling in love etc :wub:

This feeling has not gone away, I still fancy the gold pants off of him and because of well, you know, his passing...I feel all wrong and guilty for still thinking about him as sexy, am I alone in this, it makes me feel weird :ermm:
i felt and feel exactly the same way as you since i was 13yrs old ,i,m 34yrs old now and married and i still think of him like that i can,t help it,michael drew people to him because of his beautiful nature,and the gold pants,need i say anymore,my favourite michael outfit,
i fell heads over heel for him during the dangerous tour and i still feel the same... Im married as well and are waiting my second child, but if MJ would ever have asked me to marry him, (sorry to my husband whom i love like crazy) i would leave him for Michael in a heart beat.... It sounds wierd but i will love him in a special way fore ever.... Perhaps even more now that he is gone....
OK, I've always had such a massive crush on Michael, he's the ultimate to me and I can't help but be very attracted to him. As a teenager I would day dream, naively obviously, about meeting him one day and us falling in love etc :wub:

This feeling has not gone away, I still fancy the gold pants off of him and because of well, you know, his passing...I feel all wrong and guilty for still thinking about him as sexy, am I alone in this, it makes me feel weird :ermm:

Your words could have been mine! My feelings for Michael are the same as they were when I was a teenager. :heart: I´m still today attracted to him in the same way and still today in love with this wonderful man that he was and still day dreaming about him. I also sometimes feel guilty or wonder if it is disrespectful of me to be desiring him or thinking about him in that way now that he is gone. But I hope he understands, wherever he is now looking down at us.. ;)
I CAN see what your saying... as a child/teenager he was more like a father figure to me, he was the one i went to when i was sad or wanted to giggle.I Loved him but it wasnt in a lutsful way, i was too young, and those feelings towards someone so much older when you are 12 years old just arent possible!!!. As i got older (late teens early twenties) my feelings started to change and i started to like him a little more than I had before... it was confusing, but Ive started to understand it, especially as those feelings have grown since, he left. it still feels weird though.... The way you feel is not weird at all. He has been lusted after by fans left right and centre since he was a teenager, right up until now... only have to see some of the threads in the man in the mirror forum...the mods have a right old time cleaning up the filth in there ;) haha
However, I do find it hard to understand fans who claim who claim to be IN LOVE with michael... especially as they have never met him. I think they are in love with the idea of michael which isnt the real man.
I don't think it's wrong at all. I still have a huge crush on Michael. :girl_love:He's just so beautiful in every way.
Yay, I'm normal! haha.

I'll try to stop feeling guilty for simply recognising how gorgeous of a man Michael is to us. I think it's funny about the cleaning up the filth in the Man in the Mirror section sometimes hormones just take over eh *giggle*
Nothing strange there. When I was 12/13 I had a HUGE crush on Michael. Oh gosh, I still remember daydreamin about "us" during class and some pupils caught me be being absent by staring at me the same way I was staring into nowhere LOL I was so embarrassed LOL When I got older it changed.. I love Michael for who he is, inside and outside.
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Ditto. Ditto. Ditto.
I had a thing for Michael too, same as other fans of stars who passed on like Elvis fans still have their crushes!!! you don't lose feelings for someone because they die, same goes for crushes and how you feel with that.

I guess you never forget either your first crush/or celeb crush when you were a kid/teen.
nothing strange about it SolomentMJ.......i have had a crush on him for a long long time
i am now 50 years old

as a teen i would often daydream about MJ and meeting him,,,,,those feeling do not just disappear,,
No there's nothing wrong with that, and in truth I actually never saw him in that way before until he died. I feel kind of odd for saying that. Of course I was still a kid and just a causal fan, when he was in his prime. But I always felt myself drawn to him since the late eighties or early nineties. Now that I'm older and have since learned more about him, I have a much stronger attraction to his personality and appearance. Now I think he's the sexiest man to ever live lol. If I'm wrong to say all this after he died, then I don't want to be right. I don't see it as being disrespectful. I think of it as just keeping that aspect of him alive.
No way! Im 18 for petes sake! lol. My friends think its wrong that i find Michael hot & dont get why i think hes good looking. They just dont see it. I had a crush on his & still do. He's wonderful in every way.

Hes not like other guys, hes special. Who cares if he was 50 & i am 18! I dont care...
No, there's nothing strange or wrong about it at all. Mike was my first crush ever and I'll always have a crush on him... he's my ideal man. :wub:
Please don't think I was under the impression that having a crush on MJ is strange, I certainly do not think that.

I was just worried that it was strange to still fancy him now because I felt I was being disrespectful. But I'm over it now, clearly the fans have spoken and I have nothing to worry about or feel guilty for - I'll just embrace it, like I always have done :D