Is this story about Debbie Rowe true?

no its false. they did the same thing during the custody battle claimed she had given them an interview saying mj wasnt the father. she denied ever speaking to them
I think this is the same old story and she never actually said that. She has however made a statement saying:
Statement By Debbie Rowe
(27-6-2009) In a written statement, Michael Jackson's second ex-wife, Debbie Rowe Jackson, said:
"Though Michael is now at peace, the world has lost a beautiful and loving soul.
I appreciate the outpouring of support and prayer for Michael, all of his family, me and our children, and hope our privacy can be respected at this difficult time."
Scraping the bottom of the barrel, the tabloids are out in force regurgitating (as mj would say) old stories that werent even true the first time round. Nobody even cares about these stories, the public are too busy missing Michael and supporting his music and buying his albums. These kind of stories fall on deaf ears.
Dont you notice it's not said WHEN Debbie told that... It's old.
Yeah but they do talk about AEG and in the video you see Raymone bain 'defending' the stories about MJ being an addict to pills, when that guy blatantly calls MJ a drug addict. Fuckin asshole.