Is this for real???


Proud Member
Nov 1, 2006
Trying to reach Michael...I cant see him but I fee
TII is NOT showing in DC/VA?

Ok, I've searched everywhere online to see where the movie will be played in VA and DC...But I couldn't find anything there...Its only gonna b shown in MD. :bugeyed

Just check out this site and y'all know what i'm talking about.:scratch:

I'm sooo mad if this is the only place they're gonna play it. Is it me or is this really happening?...

Anyone find another movie place they're gonna play it in?

I hope i'm just being paranoid...and they play the movie in other places too.
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the showing dates only goes up to october 8th. it won't begin till october 28th. IMO that's why it is showing no listings.
Call your movie theater.
There are no showings listed for the theater in my area yet, so I called the one I'll be attending the movie at, and they know they'll be getting it.
So I suggest you call either today or tomorrow and get a definite answer about showings.
Some Movie Theaters dont answer their phones. Some have recordings of upcoming movies. So... Good Luck calling and getting a real person.:)
Some Movie Theaters dont answer their phones. Some have recordings of upcoming movies. So... Good Luck calling and getting a real person.:)

I was on hold for about 30 seconds maybe, and then a person picked right up.
Just be sure to call during business hours, though. That would be best.
I was on hold for about 30 seconds maybe, and then a person picked right up.
Just be sure to call during business hours, though. That would be best.

lol then it just my theater... they never answer even during biz hours... Great huh?
oh please in my theater all we get is a recording is so 2.....bahhh..:mad:
oh please in my theater all we get is a recording is so 2.....bahhh..:mad:

Same here. I called All AMC theaters around me in VA and in DC! they said they're not gonna be showing it...(the recorded voice said that). I called others too and they give me the same Dang answer. i'm literally freaking out cuz I dont know what theater i'm supposed to buy tickets from!
the AMC in my area told me a few week ago that they were not showing it but I call them today and they say yes I will go tonight to get my ticket.... also AMC is not advetising this movie ( it is not on there web site)
I would call the theaters too. That is what I have been doing. I only found one so far, but I'm in Maryland and it is not the theater that is listed on your link. It has to be playing somewhere near you... I hope! Good luck :yes: