Is this crazy for me to think?? ; Michael & Holy Father


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
I dunno if this is stupid or crazy for me to think but I have thought about it & I see the 'similarities' again, but this time with being a Holy Father. Perhaps if Michael was not an entertainer, one thing he could have been doing was this.

First, Michael was very spiritual and very religious. I don't know if Michael was Christian or what besides, Jahova's Witness- I do not really have alot of info on that.

Secondly, Michael seemed to care about people and making the right choices, doing what is best and what is right, so that you do not have to live in fear, live in guilt, live with a bad conscouness ; Feeling and living better for yourself and other ppl, while your still living on earth; Not just for the afterlife.

I'm sure ppl thought of Michael as a healer, as the 'next messiah' already - and he was a healer.

You all understand what I'm trying to say yea? Is this crazy or no??
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It's not crazy to me. I am not religious person, I don't go to church, I pray very rarely (and never in a church, just in my head), but when it comes to Michael, he makes me believe in spiritual things. And he always said that he wanted to be like Jesus (meaning he did his best to follow his example), so yes, I think Michael was as close to a messiah in our modern world as you could get.
I don't think it's crazy to think of him as more than just a celebrity who happens to be missed and loved.
It's not coincidental that one of the biggest Humanitarians of this world is so loved and missed.

His death has caused unique reactions, worldwide. When was the last time a death made people grief like that? When was the last time the death of a human being caused so many different reactions in people- even those who where lukewarm to him at best.

I don't of think him as a religious figure, or anything close to organized religion- but I am quite convinced that this spiritual figure came here to teach us something very important.

No, not crazy at all.
I don't think that's crazy at all. To me, Michael isn't a "celebrity", he's so many things that are much more than that. I also definitely believe that he was a healer and had a message. Love of course was his message, but something inside me tells me he was sent here by something special to spread it. I'm not religious, I'm spiritual and I actually began to have more faith in a lot of things BECAUSE of Michael. He made me believe. I'm not saying Michael is Jesus Christ or any God for that matter but he was much more than a celebrity and music artist. He saved children, he cared for them when they were sick (and "cured" them), gave them love. He gave everybody love. Michael was definitely something special if he had such an enormous impact on the world. He had something to say and he want sent here to say it.
I understand Michael was a human just like all of us but honestly I'm sick of hearing that. I know he had his mistakes etc.. but Michael was a healer ; I can imagine that some of the terminally ill kids he visited are better after his visit/s. His message was love & he carried on, at least tried to, Gods message, etc. Being religious and spiritual as he was.

I know Michael was a human being but he also was a very modest man who wanted to help and love. Thats quite rare.
He was unique in how he raised awareness level in so many people on so many different aspects of life; not by preaching or giving pompous speeches about what people should do or not do. He set an example simply being himself and opening his heart to people.
I simply cannot put a label on him, he was so human and in the same time with so many super human qualities, I just can't...
i guess he showed us that each of us can become very spiritual and how we need to live our life. he was as close to God as it was possible for him. that's the message. like "keep moving on higher ground"
"...when their all holding hands and everybodys rockin' and all colors of people are there and all races,it's the most wonderful thing and politicians can't even do that.."

Unity~*~*~*~*~* L.O.V.E
I agree Michael did not preach and praise about what your life should be, etc. but still, was very special & unique.
I have to say I cringe whenever I hear about people comparing Michel to god, and I'm not even religious.
Michael was just a very unique, very wise, very special and wonderful human being.
"...when their all holding hands and everybodys rockin' and all colors of people are there and all races,it's the most wonderful thing and politicians can't even do that.."

Unity~*~*~*~*~* L.O.V.E

Wow, nice interview. I had forgotten all about Sylvia Chase.

I don't think Michael was a "healer" - if people mean it in the sense of his being able heal sick children. I'm sure he helped them in other ways by lifting their spirits or giving them love, friendship, attention and a nice, fun environment for them when they visited. But I don't think he was a healer in that he could touch a child and they would be cured. That's taking things a little far.
it's not crazy at all. it's about time, we were left with a good influence, that leaves us lessons that result in no guilty feelings, when it's all said and done. and making the world a better place. and leaving a positive representation, and legacy.
Wow, nice interview. I had forgotten all about Sylvia Chase.

I don't think Michael was a "healer" - if people mean it in the sense of his being able heal sick children. I'm sure he helped them in other ways by lifting their spirits or giving them love, friendship, attention and a nice, fun environment for them when they visited. But I don't think he was a healer in that he could touch a child and they would be cured. That's taking things a little far.

he wasn't the source, but he was an instrument..

remember Gavin Arvizo? and his cancer? and how it went away after Gavin spent time with Michael?

I don't think your crazy in the least..I am a Christian, and Michael was a Jahovah Witness but He had FAITH regardless in God..It seems to Me whenever I saw Michael he always had His hands in the "Prayer" position..Am I crazy??


I believe that Michael has ALWAYS been leading Us to God..Like a Black Jesus in modern times..Michael LOVED the bible..and the word of God..We all who LOVE him will follow Him, and sit in God's Presence and be at PEACE...


This I wondered..

No matter what kind of Follower you are,
if you know Him, you knew exactly what he stood for and fought against.

You knew what he preached about, relented,condoned and condemed, through a RELIGIOUS lifestyle He practiced and lived.

He saved people's lives.

He healed people as well, in their spirits.

He made some of the blind see, by allowing them to SEE into another person's life through suffering of his fellow man.

He made some deaf people hear, by inspiring them to do MORE for the planet and for children ALL over the World..

He cured the "incurable" cancer patients, when they had no hope and expected the worst, he gave them the will to hang on for brighter days.

Millions came from far and wide just to listen and hear Him.

He never took credit for the GIFT His FATHER gave Him. He just gave ALL his Father had given Him in LOVE.

He sacrificed Himself to give that GIFT of LOVE to the WORLD in the only way He could.

He knew the price of that kind of responsiblity would SURELY require it's complete payment. The ultimate sacrifice of loving others MORE then yourself.

He accepted the burden of that DUTY, when He saw what needed to be done, when no one else understood the NEED for IT.

His FAITH in His FATHER'S GIFT, created inside Him, would never FAIL Him, this He was shown, time and time again.

He lived to represent a BLESSED example of a SPIRITUAL LIFE PATH, to that GIFT of LOVE from His Father.

He stretched out His arms, extended both hands,
opened His HEART,
and GAVE His LIFE.

Do you know HIM of WHOM I am speaking?

He was a MODERN DAY "Black Jesus" in a way to many,
and He held the WORLD in His LOVING HANDS.


MJ TinkerBell

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Michael helped so many children around the world. He really is an angel.

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^^ I dont like that boy's face lol. Anyway I certainly wouldn't ever compare MJ to God himself but I would say Michael was god-ly.
yes, he was God-like,,,,and i believe he was a healer...even his doctor said theat his wounds heal faster than the normal people.

he is like Juses calling for love and peace.

i love to call him saint MJ