Is there such a thing as a true friend anymore?

Mike P.

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Florida, United States
So I have this friend of mine who I've been talking to for a couple of months now, I considered her to be my best friend and I thought I trusted her but I'm really not so sure anymore.

Tonight, her and a couple of other people were supposed to have come over to my house to watch "A Nightmare on Elm Street" as it is being broadcast in High Definition tonight on a channel called HDNet. Well, Her and the other 2 people she was with decided to go pick up someone else and said that they would be right back. I guess there was some drama going on between them and the other person they were going to pick up.

So, shortly after they left, I get a phone call from this said friend, and after a few minutes I realized that she must have called me on accident as she didn't seem to know her phone was on, which is when I overheard her talking s**t about me and complaining about irrelevant things that happened a long time ago. She had said that she was pissed of at me because I supposedly make promises that I never keep, Which is completely untrue.

Months ago, When this friend was having problems with her ex-boyfriend whom she is no longer with, I had told her that if she needed another DVD player that I may have a spare one she could use, But since she hadn't reminded me and hasn't said another word about it in months, I had assumed she no longer needed it. I don't even have a spare one anymore because my sisters broke some time ago and she needed it.

then this friend said that I told her I would give her a spare copy of the movie "The Notebook" and never gave it to her, which she obviously must have misunderstood because I said that if I happened to ever buy the Blu-Ray edition of the movie, that I would give her my DVD copy. again, this was something that occured MONTHS ago that she had not spoken another word of to me. I was actually planning on buying her the DVD for Christmas as I know it is her favorite film and I alyways buy gifts for my friends.

I just don't know what to think anymore. I've kinda developed a trust issue over the last couple of years from having been taken advantage of by so many people, I just let go of another friend recently because she was taking advantage of me and treating me like garbage, But I really thought this girl was a genuinely nice person.

Lately though, she's been bringing huge groups of people over to my house when the only person she ever mentioned coming was her, and she's been acting loud and obnoxious when ever she comes over. My Grandfather lives downstairs and is trying to sleep, I can't be having a bunch of noise.

I sometimes can't help but feel that just because I'm a nice person who's fortunate enough to have a nice place to live and a big screen television, that people take advantage of my hospitality and kindness and don't appreciate that fact that I go out of my way for them sometimes. I just wish people would show a little more respect. I've been absolutely nothing but nice to this Girl. I've never said anything bad about her behind her back before, because I treat my friends with respect.
I almost cried reading this. :( Can totally imagine how you must feel. Horrible to hear your friend on the phone saying those things....damn! You need to choose for yourself now really need to.:better:

I thought of making a thread about 'so called friends' but thought that it might probably seem strange since it's kinda personal, but..well..might be good to write it down.
Since I was born I always felt different, more mature, more understanding, more what you call a 'high sensitive person'. I can feel peoples feelings and what problems they bare and just seem to notice and understand everything way more than anyone else. Music, scents, art, love, spirituality, all the emotional stuff is very much alive in my being.
I've always been very friendly, trustfull and helpfull, since I was little I would go through fire for people. I couldn't bare injustice. I have veeeeeryyyy high ambitions and a lot of passion. I expected everyone to be like I was. Turns out I was wrong and oh hey....seem to be living in a cruel world!:bugeyed (That's what makes me have a bond with Michael....I can completely compare myself with him, that it almost becomes scary.)
Over the years I have been going through depressions, insecureness, thought no-one ever would be able to love me the way I am, that there was no-one out there like me. So I hang out with people who would never know me the way I am....I put myself a couple of levels lower, just to survive. I've been hurt, many times, but I had to get myself together over and over.:timer:
But that changed all and I'm living my life better than ever, got good people around me and no one is gonna bring me down.

I found out that most of the time, people hurt me because I seem too good....I'm the type of person people probably want to take as example, but I don't have the confidence to see myself that way, and that's when people take advantage of you to make themselves feel better. It's human Michael would say. :ermm:
But you need to choose for yourself, you need to be who you are and let NO ONE get you down in order to live your ambitions the way you want to. You don't need others to be just like you, you have to live with yourself and good things will come if you can be just YOU.
The most important thing is to love YOURSELF, and the rest will follow.

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oh dear oh dear you poor thing...but a friend is upset with you over something like a movie? it's so trivial, and she doesn't like a real friend either bringing people over means she doesn't enjoy one-on-one time with you and she's taking advantage of your hospitality
two months is not enough time to make real friends you have to take it easy it takes a long time to get to know someone really well...and don't be upset because of her she's not worth it
i wonder about that question myself.
you open up yourself fully to someone and then one day they stop treating you with respect, use you, and leave.
Answering to the original question: No.. there isn't :( it's a sad world
i know how you feel i have had so many times where ppl rolled over me like a freight train. i have met a lot of good ppl on the mj websites. i wish they were my friends instead of the ppl i have been dealing with. they are much nicer. when i get frustrated i come on here and start reading and typing and i feel so much better. you hang in there
yeah..I feel you. something like this happend to me yesterday night. And to answer your question, sadly no. :(
erm just to answer the original question - yes there exists such thing as real friends, you just need to keep on looking, don't let one disappointment get to you and it's very important to continue to be the nice person that you are
When you become bitter and full of negativity you can't expect others to treat you any better when you yourself have nothing good to offer and you have nothing but a negative opinion on everyone
when you start thinking everyone is a bastard and you're the only good person left - that attitude is WRONG and it leads you to nothing but loneliness and bitterness...ok I rest my case
What about just talking to her about it about what you heard and see how this person reacts and if you can have a conversation with that. so that she can explain her saying and you can explain your 'never keep promises' thing to her...
I'm sorry that your 'friend' treated you that way, but I hope you don't lose your faith in true friendship. Over the last few years I've noticed that there really is such a thing as a true friend, and I feel blessed to have met a person that is a true friend and whom I dearly love. I'm sure you'll find a true friend someday, too, just don't give up.
I wonder the same thing too. No one's ever what they seem to be. You meet them and become close friends and you think you have them all figured out, but little by little you learn more and more things about that person. Then in the end, they're a whole different person. Someone you thought they would never be.
You learn who your true friends are when your feeling terribly sad and going through a terrible time and you take a look around to see who's still standing by your side.
I have one true friend, who I tell everything to, and she never lets me down. I have other friends, but not like her.

Sorry you were betrayed like that!
I sometimes can't help but feel that just because I'm a nice person who's fortunate enough to have a nice place to live and a big screen television, that people take advantage of my hospitality and kindness and don't appreciate that fact that I go out of my way for them sometimes.

I can kind of relate to this. Back in high school, I had some friends who were always asking to borrow things--CDs, movies, video games, and such. I realized that was the only reason they were talking to me, so I stopped lending things out, and sure enough, they stopped talking to me.
Wow thats intense stuff.

I feel the same way sometimes.
In fact there is one friend I have been upset for awhile & sorry but I will vent here because in the past year I havent been able to do so to my other friends & you shall see why....(sorry this will be scrappy writting because I get worked up haha)

So I have a close friend, but my older friends & I have only known her for a few years. My first mistake was accepting her set up with one of her friends; a boy who I went out with for a few months before I realised she liked him (so we broke it off) BUT I found out only a few months later she had been fooling around with him behind my back AND ALL my other friends knew about it & none of them told me either! To this day she has never said anything about it to me.
I dont care so much that she was doing something behind my back...its that she never confronted me ever after she knew I knew! & she tell people I have done things which I havent!
She also lies & fogs the truth & whenever she tells a story to my friends & me the story is always different and anyone who isnt a close friend thinks she is a sweet angel ...but she istn!!! & bah! There is so much more but I dont want to bore you :p
But after all that she has done; all my friends for that matter, I have lost all trust in my friends...

haha there should be a tread where you can just complain about your friends hehe
i feel the same way with you
some people just talk to you because they need you to do them a favor
when you stop it they change their attitude and become indifferent to you.
but i still believe there is true friend.its a matter of time.
i'll find them some days,so as you
OP to consider someone a "best friend" other just a period of a few months means you must of had a intense quick moving reltionship and I feel your pain for what you must be feeling as I have been backstabbed by a "mate".
"best friends" to me is a term not to be used lightly. Best friends develop over years, years of discovery, memorys and they are the good and the bad ones (memorys). A best friend is not someone you have to call every day, speak to every day - infact you will find these "best friends" wont be around in the next few years.
I suppose friendship goes in stages in a funny way.

I love this quote as welll. ...

"A friend is someone who is there for you when he'd rather be anywhere else."....and i like this "It takes a long time to grow an old friend."
I almost cried reading this. :( Can totally imagine how you must feel. Horrible to hear your friend on the phone saying those things....damn! You need to choose for yourself now really need to.:better:

I thought of making a thread about 'so called friends' but thought that it might probably seem strange since it's kinda personal, but..well..might be good to write it down.
Since I was born I always felt different, more mature, more understanding, more what you call a 'high sensitive person'. I can feel peoples feelings and what problems they bare and just seem to notice and understand everything way more than anyone else. Music, scents, art, love, spirituality, all the emotional stuff is very much alive in my being.
I've always been very friendly, trustfull and helpfull, since I was little I would go through fire for people. I couldn't bare injustice. I have veeeeeryyyy high ambitions and a lot of passion. I expected everyone to be like I was. Turns out I was wrong and oh hey....seem to be living in a cruel world

your story is exctly like mine. its hard isnt it. Ive spent the majority of my life (i left home at 15) moving around searching for something, a connection maybe, I never really knew. I wont to get into it too much, frankly because i dont have any emotional energy, but no, i dont think there is such a thing anymore.

People will always dissapoint you in some way or another. I've started to understand now that it is the way you accept that fact that matters. No one is perfect, in todays society it is human nature to bitch and backstab. Dont ask me why, i dont know.

But I also belive that we should love others despite their flaws, and look at ourselves and realise we have those tendancies as well. Unfortunatly, I find it hard to practice what i preach, and the moment someone hurts me I cleanly cut them out of my life.

But, Life is a learning curve, and Love is the lesson.

All that being said, I had a true friend once. i didnt see him much but when i did they were my happiest moments. Unfortunatly hes not around anymore... just another blow to my perception of personal relationships.
your story is exctly like mine. its hard isnt it. Ive spent the majority of my life (i left home at 15) moving around searching for something, a connection maybe, I never really knew. I wont to get into it too much, frankly because i dont have any emotional energy, but no, i dont think there is such a thing anymore.

People will always dissapoint you in some way or another. I've started to understand now that it is the way you accept that fact that matters. No one is perfect, in todays society it is human nature to bitch and backstab. Dont ask me why, i dont know.

But I also belive that we should love others despite their flaws, and look at ourselves and realise we have those tendancies as well. Unfortunatly, I find it hard to practice what i preach, and the moment someone hurts me I cleanly cut them out of my life.

But, Life is a learning curve, and Love is the lesson.

All that being said, I had a true friend once. i didnt see him much but when i did they were my happiest moments. Unfortunatly hes not around anymore... just another blow to my perception of personal relationships.
Good to hear I'm not the only one! What you've wrote is very true. Sometimes you just need to accept things the way they are and adjust to it and make the best of it, but without losing yourself ofcourse. One of the lessons I've learned from Michael.

I've had only one best friend as well, but turned out she wasn't. Been trough hell with that drama, so I'm glad I cut her out of my life sort of. Still see her everyday and I can see she's trying to be best friends again, but I just can't. Not after what she's done to me. I came out stronger though. Everything happens for a reason, whether that's clear now or becomes later....:)
I know exactly how you feel! I have had some not loyal friends through the years...and I've learned a lot. How old are you by the way?

A person I thought was my best friend, ended up hooking up with my ex 3 days after I broke it up. And did through out the summer, hiding it from me. My REAL best friend, told me when she found out. But, it says a lot about that guy too, we only went out for 5 months...too long, and something I truly regret. Anyways...she did a LOT of shady things..too many to mention. it's insane..none of my other friends could believe i can forgive everything she has done to me. much pain...

but anyways...I am sorry to say. She just doesnt seem like a true and loyal friend. A TRUE friend, doesn't talk shit about you AT ALL!! And because of a dvd and a dvd player?! That's just's just things first of all, that you offered to borrow her, you did a nice thing from the beginning! And bringing friends over and making noise, when you have a grandfather downstair who's trying to sleep..that's not nice. Do you tell them to be more quiet? That is very inconsiderate of them.- It sounds like she is using you a bit...sorry to say. But if i was at my bf's house(or anyones house for that matter), and i knew that her mother was trying to sleep or something, i would tell everyone to be more quiet!

And yes, it is possible to find a true friend. I have found mine. I have like 3 true friends, who I trust..and can say everything to. One I have known since I moved to the city when I was 10, and the two others I have become closer and closer to the later years.

The oldest friend, is the most dearest to me.. We understand eachother without saying anything. I know how she feels just by looking at her..I never ever bad talk her, and she doesn't do that to me either. Actually, bad talking people all in something I dont do, and dont like people doing. When I hear a person go on and on talking shit about someone, I actually fell less of her in a way...if it's not something really BIG and crazy she's mad about, that i can understand. But heearing other bad talk, is not something that will put you in a good light towards others.. it's a bad habit doing that. And it will cause a lot of argueing and drama in your life.

But you cant stop believing that you will ever find a true and loyal friend. You cant think you can not trust anyone. Cause that will only have a very negative effect on you...and you will feel alone, and will probably be alone too... :/ I have trust problems too..I know how you feel. But my problem can be that I trust people to fast, think they are just nice..and then it turns out that they were something else. So you can say that I have trust issues, but I trust people too fast I dont know how to explain it. But you can say I basically believe in the good in people..and that most people are good..

wow..long post now i think...

But how is it going with you? Are you two still good friends? :)
I haven't given up all hope yet, It just seems hopeless to me sometimes because this has continuously happened to me over the past couple of years. every time I think I've found a good person, they turn out to be just like everyone else who's screwed me over in the past. I'm 21 by the way.

I've really only known this person for a few months, but she seemed to be a really nice person for awhile. it wasn't until the last few weeks or so that I started seeing another side of her that I didn't like. She's been acting really immature lately, but I've never heard her actually say anything negative about me until the other night. It wasn't even just the things she said that bothered me, The whole overall way that she was behaving over the phone to the other person she was talking to was completely unlike anything she had ever revealed herself to be like when she was around me.

I would like to talk to her face to face about it, but I haven't been able to get a hold of her on her phone. I think she's too embarrassed about the fact that I heard her talking bad about me and so she won't answer my calls.

And yes, I have repeatedly asked her to be a little more quiet when she is at my house. she'll basically just tell me what I want to hear and than continue on as if it went right over her head.

Another thing that she does that really pisses me off is when I'll go to the bathroom or something, she'll hide some of my things in odd places around my house so that when I come out, She can see how long it takes for me to realize some things are missing and then makes me go around the House looking for them. If there is one thing I absolutely hate, It's not being able to find my stuff in my own damn house.

It just disappoints me for this to have happened because I haven't had a really good friend that I felt I could trust in quite awhile. I just came out of a bad friendship with another girl I knew for about 2 years, who like everyone else seemed nice at first, than she started using me, and blew me off for months while trying to steal other friends behind my back and told lies about me. as soon as I turned 21, she continuously tried to get me to buy her alcohol since she was a year younger than me, and no matter how many times I told her, she never gave up. She would always make fun of my MJ collection and tell me how much he sucked, But as soon as he died, She jumped on the same bandwagon that everyone else was riding at the time and I was suddenly her best friend. She kept going on about how great he was (Which I know is true, But I knew she wasn't being sincere), and she kept bugging me to burn her copies of all of his albums, to which I told her that if she was really as big of a fan as she claimed and pretended to be, she would go and buy his albums. but there are countless other reasons I no longer associate with this person that I couldn't even begin to name, I'd have to write a book of all the things she's done to me.

But anyway, I finally had to let that person go as I could not take anymore of her manipulative behavior. Shortly after that, I met the other girl who is the subject of my original post. Things were going fine until recently. I just don't know anymore, I really wish I knew a place I could go to meet decent people.
Since I was born I always felt different, more mature, more understanding, more what you call a 'high sensitive person'. I can feel peoples feelings and what problems they bare and just seem to notice and understand everything way more than anyone else. Music, scents, art, love, spirituality, all the emotional stuff is very much alive in my being.
I've always been very friendly, trustfull and helpfull, since I was little I would go through fire for people. I couldn't bare injustice. I have veeeeeryyyy high ambitions and a lot of passion. I expected everyone to be like I was. Turns out I was wrong and oh hey....seem to be living in a cruel world!:bugeyed (That's what makes me have a bond with Michael....I can completely compare myself with him, that it almost becomes scary.)
Over the years I have been going through depressions, insecureness, thought no-one ever would be able to love me the way I am, that there was no-one out there like me. So I hang out with people who would never know me the way I am....I put myself a couple of levels lower, just to survive. I've been hurt, many times, but I had to get myself together over and over.:timer:
But that changed all and I'm living my life better than ever, got good people around me and no one is gonna bring me down.

I found out that most of the time, people hurt me because I seem too good....I'm the type of person people probably want to take as example, but I don't have the confidence to see myself that way, and that's when people take advantage of you to make themselves feel better. It's human Michael would say. :ermm:
But you need to choose for yourself, you need to be who you are and let NO ONE get you down in order to live your ambitions the way you want to. You don't need others to be just like you, you have to live with yourself and good things will come if you can be just YOU.
The most important thing is to love YOURSELF, and the rest will follow.

I seriously can't even explain how much I can relate to every single thing in this post. You just described me exactly.

It's really, really comforting to know there's someone else feeling the same as I have since I was a little girl.

I've experienced things like the OP many times, and I think it's why I've kind of always been a "loner". I really hate to use that term, because I love people, but I have always been shy, sensitive and quiet - mix that with an eagerness to please and anxiety over letting others down - people tend to take advantage of that.

I have always gone out of my way for EVERYONE - even total strangers, and I very rarely feel like I get anything in return. In fact, it feels like people go out of their way to be rude and hurtful to me.
So I've often asked myself the question that's the topic of this thread.

But I disagree with those who've said that true friends don't exist.
After all the things I've been through and all the times I've been taken advantage of, hurt and stepped on, I still see glimmers of hope in people and I know we're all capable of being great friends to each other.

That said, I do think true friends are rare.
And I do think it's important to tell yourself that you are worth it, you are important, and you deserve love and respect. Being around anyone who doesn't give you those things just isn't worth it.

This turned into a rant, I'm sorry. :(
Don't give up. There are special people sprinkled throughout this world. It's rare but also precious.
I met someone on this site who I consider to be someone very very special. And I'm grateful everyday as this person really opened my eyes.
Someone I can really talk to. Good people are out there. You're all good people..
If you give up on the notion of true friendship, then hope would be lost.

Time will heal your wounds. Your senses will be heightened as well.

I'm sorry you had this painful experience. :(
I haven't given up all hope yet, It just seems hopeless to me sometimes because this has continuously happened to me over the past couple of years. every time I think I've found a good person, they turn out to be just like everyone else who's screwed me over in the past. I'm 21 by the way.


But anyway, I finally had to let that person go as I could not take anymore of her manipulative behavior. Shortly after that, I met the other girl who is the subject of my original post. Things were going fine until recently. I just don't know anymore, I really wish I knew a place I could go to meet decent people.
I got the exact same thing! You're not alone...:better:
I'm sorry you've been hurt. The girl sounds really weird to me. Very brave that you want to talk to her...let her feel what she's done to you, cuz that's not normal behaviour. I hope she will apologize, but don't expect too much...she's probably embarrased indeed that you've heard it and will go and deny or something. Sayin' sorry/accept the fact they done something wrong seems to be the hardest thing for some people. I really hope you'll find better people to surround you with soon!
That last sentence is what I keep asking myself too...where's that place?:scratch:

I seriously can't even explain how much I can relate to every single thing in this post. You just described me exactly.

It's really, really comforting to know there's someone else feeling the same as I have since I was a little girl.

I've experienced things like the OP many times, and I think it's why I've kind of always been a "loner". I really hate to use that term, because I love people, but I have always been shy, sensitive and quiet - mix that with an eagerness to please and anxiety over letting others down - people tend to take advantage of that.

I have always gone out of my way for EVERYONE - even total strangers, and I very rarely feel like I get anything in return. In fact, it feels like people go out of their way to be rude and hurtful to me.
So I've often asked myself the question that's the topic of this thread.

But I disagree with those who've said that true friends don't exist.
After all the things I've been through and all the times I've been taken advantage of, hurt and stepped on, I still see glimmers of hope in people and I know we're all capable of being great friends to each other.

That said, I do think true friends are rare.
And I do think it's important to tell yourself that you are worth it, you are important, and you deserve love and respect. Being around anyone who doesn't give you those things just isn't worth it.

This turned into a rant, I'm sorry. :(
Aw! Hug for you girl, 'good' to hear you're exactly the same! :hug:What you write counts for me as well.

You know, actually we should be very proud of ourselves.....we have a hard time, but at least we are good people, what not many can say....and Michael would LOVE the way we are!

If anyone needs a talk or anything, just PM me...we could swap Facebooks or something?
I guess I gave up hope for having best friends a long time ago...
Last year I broke up with my bf after having a relationship of 6 years.
That made me lose everyone I had around me (I don't call them friends).
Since that I'm all alone, the only one I can count on and trust is my mom and I consider her my best friend
I'm sorry to hear that happened to you :huggy:
I actually have 2 very close friends, yes one will talk smack sometimes but actually I sometimes about her too without even realizing it.
Honestly though I lost my best friend that I had since I was 4 years old about a few years ago. It started happening in middle school when she was more concerned about figuring out what the guys liked and what you should do with the guys, I was on a computer frenzy and meeting people online since I felt no one around me was nice enough, since a lot of them weren't. Well we slowly drifted apart when she started doing very bad things and I was uncomfortable with it. It basically ended when one day I got upset with her over some of her myspace pictures which showed her in completely upsetting situations and pictures that would make older men think things about her. Well she got upset and said it was her life and even though I tried to explain that it was because I still cared about her and I don't like people who I care about to do that kind of stuff since I learned early on how some people on the internet are just bad people.
I have two very good friends. One is my age, one is 20 years older than me. Well it's the quality of the friendship than the quantity of how many friends you have.
I can say- yes there is. I have 4 best friends. 2 of them have known me since i was 11- they're older then me. The other 2 have known me since high school.
So I have this friend of mine who I've been talking to for a couple of months now, I considered her to be my best friend and I thought I trusted her but I'm really not so sure anymore.

Tonight, her and a couple of other people were supposed to have come over to my house to watch "A Nightmare on Elm Street" as it is being broadcast in High Definition tonight on a channel called HDNet. Well, Her and the other 2 people she was with decided to go pick up someone else and said that they would be right back. I guess there was some drama going on between them and the other person they were going to pick up.

So, shortly after they left, I get a phone call from this said friend, and after a few minutes I realized that she must have called me on accident as she didn't seem to know her phone was on, which is when I overheard her talking s**t about me and complaining about irrelevant things that happened a long time ago. She had said that she was pissed of at me because I supposedly make promises that I never keep, Which is completely untrue.

Months ago, When this friend was having problems with her ex-boyfriend whom she is no longer with, I had told her that if she needed another DVD player that I may have a spare one she could use, But since she hadn't reminded me and hasn't said another word about it in months, I had assumed she no longer needed it. I don't even have a spare one anymore because my sisters broke some time ago and she needed it.

then this friend said that I told her I would give her a spare copy of the movie "The Notebook" and never gave it to her, which she obviously must have misunderstood because I said that if I happened to ever buy the Blu-Ray edition of the movie, that I would give her my DVD copy. again, this was something that occured MONTHS ago that she had not spoken another word of to me. I was actually planning on buying her the DVD for Christmas as I know it is her favorite film and I alyways buy gifts for my friends.

I just don't know what to think anymore. I've kinda developed a trust issue over the last couple of years from having been taken advantage of by so many people, I just let go of another friend recently because she was taking advantage of me and treating me like garbage, But I really thought this girl was a genuinely nice person.

Lately though, she's been bringing huge groups of people over to my house when the only person she ever mentioned coming was her, and she's been acting loud and obnoxious when ever she comes over. My Grandfather lives downstairs and is trying to sleep, I can't be having a bunch of noise.

I sometimes can't help but feel that just because I'm a nice person who's fortunate enough to have a nice place to live and a big screen television, that people take advantage of my hospitality and kindness and don't appreciate that fact that I go out of my way for them sometimes. I just wish people would show a little more respect. I've been absolutely nothing but nice to this Girl. I've never said anything bad about her behind her back before, because I treat my friends with respect.

aw this is so sad...true friends are very hard to find but when you find them, they're like a gold mine, I really hope you'll find a true friend one day
aw this is so sad...true friends are very hard to find but when you find them, they're like a gold mine, I really hope you'll find a true friend one day

I agree, It's so sad to read this all, cause I wish everybody a good friend. Friendship is so important in life. I have two best friends and I can't imagine living without them, living without friends you can trust and you feel safe and happy with.
I think there are true friends for everyone, but it takes time and effort before a friendship becomes a real true friendship. And unfortunateley there are always people who pretend to be your friend, but only want to profit from you.