Is there anyone from Montreal "Canada" can help me?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

My big brother is living in Canada ,he went there last Octobre so l'm asking him to buy Michael's stuff from there because in Morocco there is no official release.

He found "the history vol II" DVD and now he is looking for "the wizz" but he can't find it ,the problem that he don't want to command from internet ,so l want to know where he can find this stuff.

Is there Virgin megastores in Montreal ?
Hey mehdiblanket!

I'm not from Canada, but I did spend 4 months over there last year - a couple of weeks of which was in Montreal (such a great city!!)

From memory I don't recall seeing any large record stores around, but there were a few small independent outlets. A quick Google search shows that there is a HMV out there, but as I say I don't recall seeing it (bad memory hehe)

If you're having difficulties getting The Wiz on DVD, then someone here (including me) can get one for you and send it over. However Amazon is a safe bet with Internet purchases so you shouldn't have any problems.

Hope that helps a little?
I'm from Canada, I bought "The Wiz" 5 years ago, go check at for it, they got it there.
There are several music stores downtown Montreal..including the biggest HMV store on Ste-Catherine Street.

He should be able to get the movie there..if they dont have it in stock, he can have it ordered.
The copy that he bought for me with cd include "30 anniversary edition ",l guess l'm lucky ,l can't wait to have it.
Finally at home :
