Is there anyone else who can't put into writing or even talk about saying gdbye to Michael?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I have a few friends who wrote their goodbyes and what MJ has meant to them and posted them on facebook and myspace....

but I just cant do it.....not yet....

I know other people have and what they wrote is beautiful........but does anyone else feel like me?


I still haven't accepted his passing... I can't say goodbye nor the "R-sentence" until I've accepted it.
I'm just beginning to realize that he is gone, but it will take a while until I can accept it.
I can't bare with Facebook right now, I feel my (and your) pain is more understood and better shared in this place.

Right now I try to learn from you guys - learn and try to understand what you're going through.

We need each other more than ever right now, our pain and grief isn't rejected here - as it might be on Facebook.
I'm putting Facebook to rest at least until the funeral.
I can write about it as it helps me a little. Being on here helps me too, I can't sleep I just keep having all these thoughts. while I can write about it. I still can't believe it. its just too unbelieveable. Our michael???? The michael who I thought of day in and day out. The michael who I cared about and could care less about the rest of hollywood. The michael who i would come on this board and see the lastest news about and would also see other famous ppl who had passed and we would have a RIP thread for them. That's now OUR Michael??? the michael that was just shopping all over LA...the michael that had the most amazing smile, the michael who I thought I would finally see in person in less then 2 week and 3 days is gone. I just can't believe it. This amazing man will never smile again, never, breath again, speak, talk, laugh, joke, cry.... never make another public appearence again...and I just can't believe this:(. I get ok and then I go back to crying. He was so young to now be gone like this. :no:

I never understood why ppl would ask "why GOD?" until now! it not that im questioning GOD about his decision, I just can't understand why and how this happen. And feel like it coulda been prevented.

Don't feel bad, I'm sure a lot of people feel that way. for me, it hasn't really sunk in all the way yet. I've tried to write something about it, but he meant more to me than I could ever capture in words.
Yeah, I feel like I should write something, at least vent out with so many emotions on how I feel right now, and how much he meant to me... :( but I'm guess I'm still too distraught by this, and I'm just not ready to write down something that is like a lasting good-bye. And I don't know how to word it, or how to start. Gah... I know I will vent out more, but it's all in taking baby-steps. :(
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Just wake up and say I'm ok.... michael. *sigh*:cry: I keep wait for that other breaking news....

but he's not coming back! it makes me sick thinking of what WE and HE missed out on, in this world and lifetime. Sick!

so many times with argued on here about the simplest things and all seems light years away. Oh how I wish we could go in circle about him wering his Pj's to the store and his mask. I wouldn't care it he wore them for the rest of his life as long was he was with us. Dear God why michael, why now, why like this. Ohhhhh help me lord.:(

Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiichaellllllllllllllllllllllllll come back:cry:
I still haven't accepted his passing... I can't say goodbye nor the "R-sentence" until I've accepted it.
I'm just beginning to realize that he is gone, but it will take a while until I can accept it.
I can't bare with Facebook right now, I feel my (and your) pain is more understood and better shared in this place.

Right now I try to learn from you guys - learn and try to understand what you're going through.

We need each other more than ever right now, our pain and grief isn't rejected here - as it might be on Facebook.
I'm putting Facebook to rest at least until the funeral.

I also feel the same. MJJC has helped me feel less lonely because i know other people completely feel the same way. I went on facebook soon after the bad news and it just made me so sad, i dont know i just felt distant from everyone talking about his death. They didnt seem to feel it, they just knew it was big. I went on again today and its like nothing ever happened... i think the healthy option is just to avoid facebook for a while like u said.
yes..i haven't been able to put it into words..

to me, there is no saying goodbye to him.
i can't. words dont make sense. "rip" topic just continues to scare me. i cannot put these 3 letters beside Michael's name. come on, it's Michael. his name is like = joy and life
it's hard to talk about him in the past tense.

im more at peace w/ it cuz he's at peace i just worry for the children now