Is there any book to delves deeply into the 1993 child molestation case?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I know about Michael Jackson Conspiracy by Aphrodite Jones, but it only deals with the 2nd trial...

I've already read enough about the 2nd trial to convince me of MJ's innocence thanks to Ian Halperin's Unmasked book. Even though Ian Halperin completely exonerated Michael Jackson on the 2nd case, I'd like to read more about the 1st trial.... and I haven't been able to find any book that deals with the 1993 case as in depth as MJ Conspiracy deals with the 2005 trial...
Redemption, by Geraldine Hughes. She was the secretary of the attorney representing Evan Chandler and had a first hand look at all the crap going on behind the scenes.
There's a good article (not a full book) that was published in the 90's. I think it was called "Was Michael Jackson framed?" If you haven't read that yet, it's a good overview of what happened.
Does Geraldine source something reliable to prove that what she's saying is true? I've been looking for something on the 1993 case that does just that ever since I became a fan.

I mean, I understand who she is and that she says she was there, but Jordan Chandler said he was there, too. I'm not saying MJ's a pedophile (I know he's not one and I support Michael all the way - so don't you dare try to twist my words), but I'm just saying that argument is incredibly invalid if you're going to be biased with it.

Also, the GQ article quotes - for the most part - a diary? Seriously? I love how we treat this article like the Bible, but if GQ talks trash about Michael (like they usually do) then they're unreliable.
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I have been thinking about maybe asking Aphrodite Jones if she would be interested in writing about that case as well. What do you think about that? There are some things I really would like to know, like according to Geraldine Hughes Evan Chandler had been threatening to kill the whole Chandler family and that was the reason the stepfather recorded the phone conversation. She says the stepfather says so in a lawsuit later when the Chandlers were suing each other. The stepfather also accused EC of assulting him so he lost consciousness. I would really like to know if Larry Feldman knew that when he had this whole campaign, which the media totally bought, about "little Jordy" and that critizicing the Chandlers in any way was to bully the victim. If so then he is the biggest hypocrat I can think of. He sure cared about "little Jordy" right? It is in the lawsuit there EC is suing JC and DS that DS is saying in a cross complaint that EC had been talking about killing the whole family and that is why he recorded the phoneconversation and then DS is suing EC for brain damages, two counts of assult and two counts if battery. He says on july 9 1993 at ECs house in Brentwood, EC approched him in a menacing manner with a closed fist and threatened to strike him with his hands and feed. EC wrestled him to the ground and began to kick him and spat on him. In august while at Feldmans office EC punched him and caused him to loose consiousness. The cases were dismissed both the one in which Evan Chandler is suing June Chandler and David Schwartz and the one there DC is suing EC but you can´t deny the fact that EC has atleast been accused of serious assult and death threats. And it is almost the same as what Jordan Chandler later accused him of when he tried to get a permanent restraining order. People sure did not hesitate to investigate allegations against MJ but the allegations against EC are really serious if true and people really shouldn´t just leave it imo. Now I am going on about this again but back to my actual question. Do you think it would be a good idea to ask AJ if she is interested? I would really like to know about these things because the only reasons I can think of for recording a phone conversation is A: if you want to record a conversation with a customer like a contract or B: somebody it threatening you and you want to get evidence .
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ack if u don't wanna read a whole book, especially one that's not really written well like redemption, try mary fischer's article that was in gq

was michael jackson framed by mary fischer. google it