is there a disconnect between media and society concerning Michael?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
united states
i just heard a radio announcer play 'Bad' and say that Michael USED to be one of the biggest stars. now MJ just sold out London and stirred the Augdier party. and i haven't been able to get on this site for weeks due to it crashing constantly cus of the huge amount of people coming on here. what gives?
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If Michael some how managed to outsell Thriller some people in the media will stay say that he isn't a big star anymore.

I just think alot of times the media is lying to themselves because they can't stand the fact that no matter what they say about him Michael will always be huge
yes theres a disconnect atm but I'm shure it will turn around slowly if he keep himself in the spotlight a little more from now on.

I meen. It's undeniable!
There is something of a disconnect. It's mostly that the media loves to tear people down (Michael, Britney Spears, etc.) and the fact that people love to watch a train wreck. For years the media has made their own train wreck out of Michael, therefore people watch. But there are people that stopped to watch that ended up rediscovering the music and becoming fans again.
i'd actually say "disconnect" might be the understatement of the century!

the media are good at writing and reporting fiction. not just tabloids. but mainstream media. you cannot trust what comes from their mouths; if you want to know you must dig around for what's real information. they'll take a little snippet of truth, twist it around, beat it, bash it, until it's unrecognizable but totally believable by the general public, and whore it out there under the name "true story". yeah, it's true that it's a story...nothing more.

and now, because of the conerts, they are either sinking or swimming. they can't exactly say what they used to say, but then again they are too proud to say they were lying or exploiting or whatever. they're trying to keep their heads out of the water to save their necks. USED to be popular? a has been? HA! one look at the sales and the demand, and it is obvious a large portion of the public does not believe that one bit (although admittedly they succeeded in winning over quite a bit of the public...many of which are actually coming back). it is obvious the media lie. they are taking their foot out of their mouth long enough to stick the other one in! HA! they're off in their own little fictional world. well, they can have it.
mmm no, i don't see one. you will have to be a bit more clear and specific. honestly, i have never noticed any bias against Michael in the media. I think you are all a bit delusional :yes:

:D or maybe not :lol:
Well said, Mimik!
Yeah, vnc, I'm really happy if they even play his music (it happens seldom enough) but if they do they have to dismiss him (that never happens to an other artist).
As long they are repeating it, people who only hear and see what the media says will (have to) trust. This image had been given [to] them by the press.

And the press is used to lie, it seems as if they are not able to stop, if they'd do they had to admit they were lying. And they have been lying for a very long time now. And of course they make good money with lies and negativity with the -undenyable greatest - so they hold on tight to the image they have portrayed.
I think if he has some big hits again, something current, that would help to some extent.