Is There A Chance-Michael and Pepsi.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Seeing as Michael's new album is coming out, do you think there is a chance of Michael and Pepsi reuniting to promote Michael's new album? It could be like the 80's and 90's all over again, but without the major album sales. Do you think Pepsi would give Michael a chance? I've heard that SoBe Life Water is somehow related to Pepsi, so....:scratch:
At this point, in my opinion, ANYTHING is possible.

I mean, that Superbowl SoBe Water commercial was a big hit and I'm sure the folks over at the Pepsi organization took note of that. Their only interest is in their bottomline and I'm sure they also know that Michael Jackson is STILL a huge draw. So I wouldn't be surprised to see MJ and Pepsi together again in some capacity. I don't know what they would team up to do, but I wouldn't be surprised if they do team up again, sometime in the future.
Well he better not join with those money loving fizzy drink companies...

Well i have no right to say what Michael should and shouldn't do but i don't think he will...cause he's got kids and he's always on about how their foods should have no i don't think he will do that in case it influences them..

And i don't think he'd like to influence today's kids either..
... like the 80's and 90's all over again, but without the major album sales....:scratch:

Why do major album sales seem so impossible to everybody nowadays? Before Thriller, the music business was going through a terrible period and nobody was buying music because everybody was doing the same thing.
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Not a very big chance IMO. He's way too controversial for Pepsi. There's maybe a slim chance if he becomes hugely successful again, but it's not very likely. They'd probably prefer someone younger who would appeal to the young generation.
I'm talking about selling 104 million copies of an album, lol.

Who knows...maybe that'll happen again! You never know..

Can you imagine...nowadays Michael creating something even bigger and more pioneering than Thriller (as a cultural landmark, I'm not saying that Thriller is his best album or even my fav, cause it isn''s my least fav record)...awww....wouldn't that be amazing...

The album (I think) will sell big.. Considering the industry today.. It's a complete different industry today than it was in the 80's, 90's, and even in the early 00's.. flops then (sales wise) would be considered big albums today..

The times have changed.. Because of technology our culture has changed.. Effecting sales in a HUGE way.. The music industry has sufferend greatly for it and has not found a way to rebuild itself.. Not saying that some how, some day, they may find a way to get people to BUY albums, instead of illegal download and other Piracies... But untill then, Michael is in releasing his album at a time that the music industry is suffering...

To put it to the expectations of his albums in the 80's and 90's, is just setting ourselves for a major let down.. Now I do see it reaching the teens.. Which today is HUGE.. But back then then, that would be just another decent selling album..
At this point, in my opinion, ANYTHING is possible.

I mean, that Superbowl SoBe Water commercial was a big hit and I'm sure the folks over at the Pepsi organization took note of that. Their only interest is in their bottomline and I'm sure they also know that Michael Jackson is STILL a huge draw. So I wouldn't be surprised to see MJ and Pepsi together again in some capacity. I don't know what they would team up to do, but I wouldn't be surprised if they do team up again, sometime in the future.

Ah, you ever thought about Pepsi being a sponsor of his tour?
if i would be mj i would not work with a compagny who dumped me the minute i get accused of something without even waiting for the facts simply cauxse they feard bad publicity as far as i m told thats what the pepsi com did back then(chandler case )
It's too late for that....he was working with Pepsi when he did the Sobe Life Water commercial. That was their product.
Why do major album sales seem so impossible to everybody nowadays? Before Thriller, the music business was going through a terrible period and nobody was buying music because everybody was doing the same thing.

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If you add the amount of illegal downloads, with the album buyers/bought downloads.. albums would sell roughly the same as a decade ago..

Simply put, it's supply and demand..

If the supply was limited to JUST buying.. They would..

But since the SUPPLY is much larger than any company can create for a demand to buy.. There is no way they can have high sales..

the ONLY way(s) sales can go back up is...

1) somehow completely get rid of illegal downloads (which I don't see happening)

2) Think of SOMETHING that would go along with the album that cannot be downloaded, thus raising the demand to BUY it..

Have it be, every artist puts in the CD un-rippable video documentary surrounding each and every album.. Or SOMETHING that would grab peoples interest enough to buy it..

Because many people do not find any reason to pay $15.00 for a CD, when they can just download it for FREE..

What I could see happening in the future, is the government getting involved in a large way.. If the government would supply billions of 'bate' material among all of the illegal download programs.. This way the number of people getting caught for it would SKY ROCKET.. and more people would fear getting caught, and just buying the album..

I know there is 'bate' material out there.. But frankly not enough people are getting caught for it.. If they were, people would STOP..

and music sales would go up in a HUGE way.
It's too late for that....he was working with Pepsi when he did the Sobe Life Water commercial. That was their product.

Yes, and as far as I know lots of people liked that commercial. Bring back the lizards and have them dance to a new MJ song!