Is the "Vindicating Michael" blog a good source?


Ultimate Bad era fan
Apr 29, 2022
I have found this blog called "Vindicating Michael" and in my opinion I find it very interesting and in depth especially his/her/their analysis on the transcript of Leaving Neverland.
But I wonder if this blog is credible?

Here is the link:
I can answer this quite thoroughly, as I have personal experience, as the blog's owner/creator/main writer, a Ukrainian woman named Helena, was a friend of mine until recently.

Much of the blog, from the early years and up until fairly recently, is quite reliable, especially in dissecting the claims against Michael, showing how the evidence actually supports his innocence, as well as dissecting how Conrad Murray and AEG were at fault for his death. Recently, Helena also began doing a lot of digging more or less to figure out how things originated, and did a lot of voluminous and convincing research (technically a lot of circumstantial evidence, but very convincing such evidence) that mogul David Geffen helped spearhead the allegations as vengeance for Michael refusing to join his label, and that Geffen aids and abets the criminality of sexual predators in the industry, using them in transactional relationships: "I'll bury the bodies for you if you help me smear the people on my enemies list." And that Geffen has such a relationship with Harvey Weinstein, Bryan Singer, Kevin Spacey, Lou Pearlman, Gary Goddard, Garth Ancier, David Neuman, and the Digital Entertainment Network founders.

However, Helena, as of late, has gone off the deep end in trying to go beyond the facts and frame it as part of a QAnon-like conspiracy, saying that "progressives, especially 'super gays', made it their mission to take down Michael because of the fact he said he wasn't gay." Acting like the LGBT community had considerable power and clout to do so in the '80s and '90s, which of course is not remotely corresponding with history. And that it's part of a movement by which "academia seeks to legalize pedophilia." And that Michael was a threat because, "He planned to return a focus on God's word and values, especially by which we raise our children, so they had to take him out."

In short, Helena is going full in on culture war narratives, and saying "progressives started it first." She's also virulently transphobic, believes many of the same debunked points and narratives, and says of Paris' sexuality that "she is merely confused and being influenced by groomers and elites, and Michael would straighten her out," implying Michael would send his own daughter through conversion therapy. Despite her avowed hatred of Vladimir Putin and Russian state media, she believes much of the same vile and hateful garbage he and it spews out. (She is still alive and doing well personally despite the war, in case you're wondering.)

I tried to reason with her and point out how this was simply wrong, especially the idea that Geffen's likely involvement is done solely for the sake gathering and conglomerating power and taking out rivals, and that his being gay has virtually no real bearing on it. Geffen would be Geffen if he was straight. And that the LGBT community has been powerless for much of its history, and that it barely had any real teeth to stand up at the time that Ellen came out of the closet in 1997, and that ABC cancelled her sitcom shortly after. If the community had that much power, would they just sit by and let the show be killed like that? Helena refers to Michael as "the most bullied person in history." Yes, more so than people who lost their lives, like say, Emmett Till or Matthew Shepard or James Byrd, Jr. When I naturally say, "How dare you?", she goes, "I dare, because it's the same." (Of course, she completely ignores Matthew Shepard's death like it never happens, which says a lot about her values.) Or when I point out how the press likes to build up and tear down people for sport, and that Michael isn't unique, and that people like Elvis and Freddie Mercury experienced it before Michael, and how someone like Johnny Depp has been on the receiving end now, she says, "They can't compare. They got off so easy." (Yes, Freddie Mercury got off REAL easy, with all the invasive questions and digging in about his sexuality and his health. REAL EASY.)

I kept trying to get through to Helena, especially when she went on her attacks on progressivism, and I went to explain it to her. She wouldn't budge, wouldn't even interact with the evidence, the videos and articles and reports, that I sent her. When I also pointed out how she had no real knowledge or understanding of American history, culture or politics and how off base she was, she said, "I refuse to sully myself by learning and 'understanding' America." Ultimately, I left the blog. In fact, many left-of-center people have left as well. All that's left are Helena and a handful of devoted sycophants that hang on her every word as gospel.
If there are former members/commenters of Vindicating Michael who wish to speak out, feel free to do so here, and share your experiences.
If one had to ask, what exactly happened to Helena? Did she merely fall down the rabbit hole of radicalization simply by using absolutely anyone that had a kind word or word of support for Michael (whether sincere or not) as a trusted source an ally, and came to believe as they did?

Or was Helena always like this, and that the unleashed id of social media and Putin's disinformation campaigns simply bring it to the surface?
Folks, let's keep the discussion on topic - Michael and stay away for political stuff. We want to keep this place safe and welcoming for everyone.
The Vindicating Michael blog is very good on the allegations, the trial, media misrepresentation etc. Helena has done a huge amount of work, there is a ton of stuff to get through, not all of it easy to read. There are several other blogs that did the same thing. Some of them are now inactive but they retain a vital presence on the web so people can continue to access this important information. On Helena's home page she provides links to the main blogs or you can easily Google this stuff. All of these blogs have done invaluable work on this difficult part of Michael's life. I would recommend looking at several of the blogs, they are all good, they all have something to offer.

All of it is hard to read as in, it's depressing but also complicated. A lot of it I had to re-read multiple times. It's time consuming and exhausting but this part of Michael's story is not easy, as we all know. At least one of the blogs presents the info in a shorter version and in a longer, more detailed version. Even the 'short' version will take a good chunk of your time to get through it.

There is lots of other info available - Charles Thomson has articles online plus he's done many, many interviews about all of this.
A good place to start is with Charles' original article about the media coverage of the trial:

There are podcasts out there, John Ziegler* has done stuff on this, Tom Meserau (sp?) has done loads of interviews, there is tons of stuff which is helpful.

And now I just want to offer my grateful thanks to all of Michael's fans who did this work. It is utterly mind-blowing what they achieved. It really is. Just the sheer amount of time they all dedicated to doing this work. They didn't just bash out a quick blog post or two. They didn't sit around wailing like a baby. Despite the ongoing media misrepresentation of Michael's fanbase they tackled this in a serious, focused way. They examined the facts. They read stuff in great detail. They read court transcripts which are not only really, really long but difficult to understand if you have no legal training. You would have to read that stuff many times before you could then try to write about it in order to help other people understand it. They were not getting paid to do this. They had to fit this in around the rest of their normal life. I know this is all really obvious but I wanted to emphasise all of this as a counterbalance to how the media portrays the fans as crazy people.

These fans with their blogs, they followed the lawsuits of WR and JS. They ramped up their efforts when LN landed. They didn't stop, LN did not derail them. They never gave up. All of them worked really hard. And all of it helped me so much as I tried to untangle the unholy mess that is the media coverage of all of this. I am *massively* grateful. I salute all of them.

The time anyone spends reading through these blogs is never going to be wasted time.

*Update - see comment below re John Ziegler.
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I wouldn't necessarily include Ziegler. He's someone who is defending Jerry Sandusky as innocent, after all, and doxxed and harassed Sandusky's victims.
I can answer this quite thoroughly, as I have personal experience, as the blog's owner/creator/main writer, a Ukrainian woman named Helena, was a friend of mine until recently.

Much of the blog, from the early years and up until fairly recently, is quite reliable, especially in dissecting the claims against Michael, showing how the evidence actually supports his innocence, as well as dissecting how Conrad Murray and AEG were at fault for his death. Recently, Helena also began doing a lot of digging more or less to figure out how things originated, and did a lot of voluminous and convincing research (technically a lot of circumstantial evidence, but very convincing such evidence) that mogul David Geffen helped spearhead the allegations as vengeance for Michael refusing to join his label, and that Geffen aids and abets the criminality of sexual predators in the industry, using them in transactional relationships: "I'll bury the bodies for you if you help me smear the people on my enemies list." And that Geffen has such a relationship with Harvey Weinstein, Bryan Singer, Kevin Spacey, Lou Pearlman, Gary Goddard, Garth Ancier, David Neuman, and the Digital Entertainment Network founders.

However, Helena, as of late, has gone off the deep end in trying to go beyond the facts and frame it as part of a QAnon-like conspiracy, saying that "progressives, especially 'super gays', made it their mission to take down Michael because of the fact he said he wasn't gay." Acting like the LGBT community had considerable power and clout to do so in the '80s and '90s, which of course is not remotely corresponding with history. And that it's part of a movement by which "academia seeks to legalize pedophilia." And that Michael was a threat because, "He planned to return a focus on God's word and values, especially by which we raise our children, so they had to take him out."

In short, Helena is going full in on culture war narratives, and saying "progressives started it first." She's also virulently transphobic, believes many of the same debunked points and narratives, and says of Paris' sexuality that "she is merely confused and being influenced by groomers and elites, and Michael would straighten her out," implying Michael would send his own daughter through conversion therapy. Despite her avowed hatred of Vladimir Putin and Russian state media, she believes much of the same vile and hateful garbage he and it spews out. (She is still alive and doing well personally despite the war, in case you're wondering.)

I tried to reason with her and point out how this was simply wrong, especially the idea that Geffen's likely involvement is done solely for the sake gathering and conglomerating power and taking out rivals, and that his being gay has virtually no real bearing on it. Geffen would be Geffen if he was straight. And that the LGBT community has been powerless for much of its history, and that it barely had any real teeth to stand up at the time that Ellen came out of the closet in 1997, and that ABC cancelled her sitcom shortly after. If the community had that much power, would they just sit by and let the show be killed like that? Helena refers to Michael as "the most bullied person in history." Yes, more so than people who lost their lives, like say, Emmett Till or Matthew Shepard or James Byrd, Jr. When I naturally say, "How dare you?", she goes, "I dare, because it's the same." (Of course, she completely ignores Matthew Shepard's death like it never happens, which says a lot about her values.) Or when I point out how the press likes to build up and tear down people for sport, and that Michael isn't unique, and that people like Elvis and Freddie Mercury experienced it before Michael, and how someone like Johnny Depp has been on the receiving end now, she says, "They can't compare. They got off so easy." (Yes, Freddie Mercury got off REAL easy, with all the invasive questions and digging in about his sexuality and his health. REAL EASY.)

I kept trying to get through to Helena, especially when she went on her attacks on progressivism, and I went to explain it to her. She wouldn't budge, wouldn't even interact with the evidence, the videos and articles and reports, that I sent her. When I also pointed out how she had no real knowledge or understanding of American history, culture or politics and how off base she was, she said, "I refuse to sully myself by learning and 'understanding' America." Ultimately, I left the blog. In fact, many left-of-center people have left as well. All that's left are Helena and a handful of devoted sycophants that hang on her every word as gospel.

Meanwhile in reality, Michael Jackson had NUMEROUS friends in the LGBT community and was against homophobia. One of the first major gay "bear" figures (stocky, bearded, masculine gay men) was Arnold Klein, one of MJ's few REALLY close friends. Not to mention I think that he had a gay filmmaker direct the video to Cry.
Meanwhile in reality, Michael Jackson had NUMEROUS friends in the LGBT community and was against homophobia. One of the first major gay "bear" figures (stocky, bearded, masculine gay men) was Arnold Klein, one of MJ's few REALLY close friends. Not to mention I think that he had a gay filmmaker direct the video to Cry.
Helena would basically say "That's different," and say that "real, reasonable gay people are offended by the 'super gays' of today that go around and flaunt everything in our faces and influence children into depravity. That 'this is not what we wanted when we wanted our rights.'" And she also did a lot of the typical anti-Kinsey talking points as well, years ago. (I'm surprised she hasn't brought up the tragedy of David Reimer yet, a typical response transphobes use to co-opt for their talking points.)

Basically, Helena uses Kit Culkin's famous quote that Michael was "like a Victorian old maid" and extrapolates that as reference on Michael's worldview about society, religion and social movements. While not using that to claim Michael was a POLITCAL conservative, she basically positions him as a SOCIAL one, which simply isn't true. Michael's worldview was of unbridled humanism, that spanned all beliefs. A messenger of love and peace.
Thank you @Toxic34 for the update about Helena. While I personally had no interest in her work and the Vindicating Michael blog and I never read it, I know many fans who joined the fan community after Michael died found it useful. After Michael died there was a huge influx of researchers and truth seekers and while they did contribute hugely for the new fan community, I always wondered about the motives of some of them.
Thank you @Toxic34 for the update about Helena. While I personally had no interest in her work and the Vindicating Michael blog and I never read it, I know many fans who joined the fan community after Michael died found it useful. After Michael died there was a huge influx of researchers and truth seekers and while they did contribute hugely for the new fan community, I always wondered about the motives of some of them.
I dont want to turn this into a political issue, but we need more people on the left to be vocal about MJ's innocence and defind him the same way they defended Johnny Depp. I unfortunately think that because of #metoo, theres a taboo twoards questioning accusers because I've seen MJ fans being accused of gaslighting and victim blaming when we point out critical inconsistencies in the 1993 accusations and the 2005 trial.
I dont want to turn this into a political issue, but we need more people on the left to be vocal about MJ's innocence and defind him the same way they defended Johnny Depp. I unfortunately think that because of #metoo, theres a taboo twoards questioning accusers because I've seen MJ fans being accused of gaslighting and victim blaming when we point out critical inconsistencies in the 1993 accusations and the 2005 trial.
Well, there were a lot of left-of-center people on Vindicating Michael in the beginning. Helena basically drove them away, because she can't handle being called out for her culture war attacks, even saying, "If I'm getting this much pushback, I'm on the right track, because I'm shaking all of you monsters loose and bringing you into the light. You're here to stop me at all costs."

Also, I was just saying elsewhere how outrage culture on the Internet works today, the arbitrary way targets are chosen, and how it seems like people are either saints or sinners, and that one even extremely subtle "misdemeanor" is enough to make someone previously judged as likable and nice into an absolute villain, and that previous niceness completely fake. It's absurd, truly.

There's also the way that the good intentions of the initial Me Too movement, post-Harvey, ended up paving the way for extremist firebrands and bad faith actors to hijack everything and take over, and the absolutist beliefs in changing social norms effectively gaslight the population as a whole, making everyone either challenge their own memories so that they now take events out of context but sincerely believe the new version, or because they see an opening and want to take advantage, because "victim is chic."

It started when Al Franken was shivved by his peers in the Senate without his chance to defend himself, and spread from there to tar the likes of Aziz Ansari, James Franco, James Gunn (just about the only one people stood up to defend), Joss Whedon and John Lasseter, ended up picking up and tormenting Michael again; then went on to tar Johnny Depp, Armie Hammer, Shia LaBeouf (who's not a very nice or good person, naturally, but I will defend from charges of battery that are clearly false, because even bad people should be seen as bad in the proper context), Paul Haggis and Marilyn Manson.

And the binary way of seeing people, where one "infraction" or moment of being businesslike or focused on doing a job suddenly makes you a mean person instead of nice, is tarring and destroying people for non-sexual offenses real or imagined, especially Ellen DeGeneres, but doubling back for people like Joss Whedon, once more, and elevating "The Slap" to a point that people questioned whether it should end Will Smith's career, or saying that James Corden's restaurant spat should be career-ending. What's next? Is Drew Barrymore now going to be targeted as "fake?" Are we back to saying Paul McCartney can't genuinely be a nice guy?
I can answer this quite thoroughly, as I have personal experience, as the blog's owner/creator/main writer, a Ukrainian woman named Helena, was a friend of mine until recently.
I am the Helena you allegedly know and I am the admin of Vindicating Michael blog. Let me state that you have NEVER been “the main writer” for the blog, not to mention being its “owner” or “creator”. You have NEVER been part of the team that has written for the blog since its inception in 2009. The most you did was write comments on my blog posts and continuously attack me with your straw man arguments (repeated here too).

And you have never, ever been my friend. In fact, I don’t even know who you are because you always come under different names - like Michael Moore, M. Moore’s brother, Toxic34, Lucy Coe, and probably other names still unknown to me.

The statements “quoted” by you here as if they were mine don’t belong to me and are false – I have never said any of those things. NEVER. And the VMJ blog is the best proof of it. No one will be able to find any of the ideas you allege about me in the blog posts or comments I made there.

Funnily, if anyone comes to the VMJ blog now, they will see my latest post exactly about the subject you’ve raised here - transgender kids. This post is the only one I’ve ever made about this subject and it was written as an answer to YOU and your message sent to my email address in December 2022 (as Lucy Coe this time). How do I know that it is always you who is stalking me wherever I go? Because the pack of your arguments and claims is always the same, so you are either one person with different names or a group of people speaking exactly the same stereotyped language.

Let me also say that if you hadn’t repeatedly attacked me with your straw man arguments regarding LGBT, I wouldn’t have had to discuss it at all. The LGBT community is not a monolith and I say BRAVO to movements like “Gays Against Groomers”, for example, and support them with both hands, but I am against people like David Geffen and his ilk whom Michael Jackson himself called the gay MAFIA – a very close circle akin to a mafia that was responsible for sinking his career, according to Michael’s own words. There is ample proof of it in the VMJ blog.

Ordinary gays are not responsible for what this mafia is doing behind their backs, same as all priests are not responsible for the child abuse done by some perverts among their ranks. There is no need to generalize.

The reason I touch upon these issues at all is that same as Michael Jackson cared about children and worried about their future (remember his lyrics “Do you know where your children are?”), I am worried about them too and want them to have a happy and trouble-free future. In my opinion, this is the main thing all of Michael Jackson’s followers should focus on.

Remember the words Michael said to Murray when he was half asleep, probably several days before his death. To me these words sound like his last will and testament to all of us:

Jackson: "Don't have enough hope, no more hope. That's the next generation that's gonna save our planet, starting with -- we'll talk about it. United States. Europe. Prague. My babies. They drop them off, they leave -- a psychological degradation of that. They reach out to me –

"I'm gonna do that for them. That will be remembered more than my performances. My performances will be up there helping my children and always be my dream. I love them. I love them because I didn't have a childhood. I had no childhood. I feel their pain. I feel their hurt. I can deal with it. `Heal the World.' `We Are the World.' `Will You Be There.' `The Lost Children.' These are the songs I've written because I hurt, you know, I hurt."

“I care about them, them angels. God wants me to do it. God wants me to do it."

Incidentally, I am not Ukrainian, but Russian though I do vehemently support Ukraine. If you think that it is easy to be a Ukrainian supporter in today’s Russia you’re wrong.
Toxic34, I may have misunderstood your statement about "the blog's owner/creator/main writer", and if you meant me and not yourself, I apologize for the misunderstanding. English is not my native language as you know.
But all the rest is completely correct.
I am the Helena you allegedly know and I am the admin of Vindicating Michael blog. Let me state that you have NEVER been “the main writer” for the blog, not to mention being its “owner” or “creator”. You have NEVER been part of the team that has written for the blog since its inception in 2009. The most you did was write comments on my blog posts and continuously attack me with your straw man arguments (repeated here too).

And you have never, ever been my friend. In fact, I don’t even know who you are because you always come under different names - like Michael Moore, M. Moore’s brother, Toxic34, Lucy Coe, and probably other names still unknown to me.

The statements “quoted” by you here as if they were mine don’t belong to me and are false – I have never said any of those things. NEVER. And the VMJ blog is the best proof of it. No one will be able to find any of the ideas you allege about me in the blog posts or comments I made there.

Funnily, if anyone comes to the VMJ blog now, they will see my latest post exactly about the subject you’ve raised here - transgender kids. This post is the only one I’ve ever made about this subject and it was written as an answer to YOU and your message sent to my email address in December 2022 (as Lucy Coe this time). How do I know that it is always you who is stalking me wherever I go? Because the pack of your arguments and claims is always the same, so you are either one person with different names or a group of people speaking exactly the same stereotyped language.

Let me also say that if you hadn’t repeatedly attacked me with your straw man arguments regarding LGBT, I wouldn’t have had to discuss it at all. The LGBT community is not a monolith and I say BRAVO to movements like “Gays Against Groomers”, for example, and support them with both hands, but I am against people like David Geffen and his ilk whom Michael Jackson himself called the gay MAFIA – a very close circle akin to a mafia that was responsible for sinking his career, according to Michael’s own words. There is ample proof of it in the VMJ blog.

Ordinary gays are not responsible for what this mafia is doing behind their backs, same as all priests are not responsible for the child abuse done by some perverts among their ranks. There is no need to generalize.

The reason I touch upon these issues at all is that same as Michael Jackson cared about children and worried about their future (remember his lyrics “Do you know where your children are?”), I am worried about them too and want them to have a happy and trouble-free future. In my opinion, this is the main thing all of Michael Jackson’s followers should focus on.

Remember the words Michael said to Murray when he was half asleep, probably several days before his death. To me these words sound like his last will and testament to all of us:

Jackson: "Don't have enough hope, no more hope. That's the next generation that's gonna save our planet, starting with -- we'll talk about it. United States. Europe. Prague. My babies. They drop them off, they leave -- a psychological degradation of that. They reach out to me –

"I'm gonna do that for them. That will be remembered more than my performances. My performances will be up there helping my children and always be my dream. I love them. I love them because I didn't have a childhood. I had no childhood. I feel their pain. I feel their hurt. I can deal with it. `Heal the World.' `We Are the World.' `Will You Be There.' `The Lost Children.' These are the songs I've written because I hurt, you know, I hurt."

“I care about them, them angels. God wants me to do it. God wants me to do it."

Incidentally, I am not Ukrainian, but Russian though I do vehemently support Ukraine. If you think that it is easy to be a Ukrainian supporter in today’s Russia you’re wrong.
I certainly did not expect to have flushed you out, Helena. I definitely thought you would never come here.

I used to look up to you. When you put the VMJ blog together, I was chief among those cheering you on for many years. Why? Because you were speaking truth to power, showing how the evidence of Michael's innocence was elementary and obvious. You certainly did that regarding Conrad Murray and AEG as well, and that even continued in establishing David Geffen as responsible.

But when you went away from what the evidence showed into making generalized statements condemning an entire group of people as responsible simply by virtue of Geffen proclaiming himself to be part of it, to claim that Geffen and his "gay mafia" cabal were emblematic of "Predatory super gay progressives" as a whole, and saying, in absolute contradiction of history, that "they hold all the power and control everything" when they can't even keep Ellen's ABC sitcom on the air in 1998, can't even have same-sex marriages as considered Constitutional even well into the early 21st century, can't pass a hate crimes legislation bill until a decade after Matthew Shepard's brutal murder, well, you look pretty foolish. But when you go on beyond that, to say that "academia supports this and trans rights as a way to normalize pedophilia," you've simply gone off the deep end into pure insanity.

You may retreat to the position of "I never said those exact words." But I, and anyone else, can read between the lines to ascertain the intent and meaning. And said intent and meaning is what I'VE said. Of course, I get you don't want to believe that is true. No one wants to think of themselves as a bad person, and they find all sorts of ways to justify their behavior to themselves so they can still believe they are good. In some ways, you don't know what you're saying, that you're playing with fire. In other ways, you're simply in denial.

It's not a generalization to state that priests are the real groomers. Because the Catholic Church's vow of celibacy is simply unenforceable, and there are far more priests who act out than the Church, or for the matter, you, are willing to accept. Research and whistleblowers from the likes of Richard Sipe, Thomas Doyle, the team that first broke the story about the Boston Archdiocese in 2002, Mick Peelo, and the documentary filmmaker Alex Gibney in his film Mea Maxima Culpa, shows that the actions of predatory priests is an institutional problem, not a matter of a few bad apples. And worse still, that the Vatican openly supports it and covers it up to defend itself, to the point of Pope John Paul II personally celebrating one of the most notorious deviants, Father Marciel Maciel. Of Pope Benedict XVI having been one of the prime movers and shakers of covering it up, as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Decades of research about LGBT people simply cannot be washed away no matter how much you try to will it into existence. Trans people exist, they are valid, it is literally lifesaving to have their identities validated and cared for. Underage children are NOT getting hysterectomies, castrations and the like, because it is literally against the guidelines. No one gets care like this without "informed consent." And care validating their identity prior to adulthood is NOT surgeries and the like. It literally does not happen, and those who claim so are lying, point blank. "ROGD" does not exist. Detransitioners do so for reasons other than "I was coerced into transitioning in the first place," and the likes Lisa Littman's studies are not only scientifically invalid, the statistics don't even remotely prove the claims.

I certainly stand by my point that you can't comment about America and American history without studying it, as many of your comments about this "pedophile-supporting underworld of entertainment industry super gays" run counter to what history has shown, especially about the amount of power and clout they had. After all, around the same time Michael was first accused, Jeffrey Dahmer had been convicted for having killed dozens of gay young men and doing unspeakable things to the remains. And the police in Milwaukee let things slide for years...because gay men had no power. Especially not non-white gay men. John Wayne Gacy before him had snuffed out the lives of many gay young men, and the police in Chicago had done nothing to find these missing boys...because gay men had no power.

I get where your decision not to study America comes from. America helped destroy Russia in the '90s, in the Yeltsin era, with the push for shock therapy, of coddling this proto-autocrat drunkard and his worst impulses, of the oligarchs raping Russia's resources and finances, of arguably propping up Yeltsin in the '96 elections, and the like, making Vladimir Putin seem at first glance like a more sensible option, not knowing you'd gone out of the frying pan and into the fire. There's very good reason to distrust America after the disasters of that time, and it is truly depressing to know that Russia has spent 100 years on the road to nowhere. But this is a new generation, with so many Americans who feel your pain, understand what you've suffered, and wanted nothing more but a chance for building bridges instead of tearing them down, to push back against Putin, especially in supporting Ukraine, especially among the youth, and predominantly among the left of center politically. In other words, the type of people are you are desperate to castigate as devilish agents responsible for Michael's fate...all in the name of some nebulous, nefarious Illuminati-esque secret plan to let suffer the little children, an impulse absolutely anathema to us and horrifying to even contemplate, as it is simply against our nature.

You have cast aside so many allies in the fight to rehabilitate Michael's image, simply for being that dreaded "progressive left," for saying that trans rights are human rights that should be validated and respected, for saying that David Geffen would've formed a mafia for control of Hollywood even if he wasn't gay because his sexuality has nothing to do with all of that, for pointing out how Corey Haim's mother can point how Corey Feldman is not an ally but in fact a hypocritical villain who does nothing but bring misery to those in his circle weaponizing the very real pain he suffered to become an abuser himself, and how morality is not black and white. For all those reasons, you have attacked us, slandered us, called us agents of the conspiracy, and saying we don't have the same aims of defending Michael's good name. To simply throw away the work we've done and the support we gave you like it never existed. How...oddly familiar.

I tried to help you out, to engage you and get you to see the light and understand, because I thought of you as my friend. But you spit in my face every chance you got. I could see that you'd fallen down the rabbit hole of radicalization, of being nothing but a foot soldier for the alt-right/Q-Anon level propaganda coming out. For all your hatred of Putin and breaking away from him, you are still very susceptible to his programming and brainwashing, for much of the transphobic narrative comes from his proxies. The fact is, you don't actually want the truth. You want to be lied to, be told exactly what you want to hear, because it's comforting and reassuring to you.

I certainly would not feel any scruples about alternate accounts, because I would feel it's what you deserve, after how you betrayed so many of us and cast us aside. The fact that the only people you have around you are just bootlickers and sycophants is quite sickening, but also shows that you want nothing more than to be in a bubble of groupthink. What YOU say is the law of the land, anyone who says otherwise is a heretic and deserves a virtual approximation of a heretic's death.

People like this community is where the true power in supporting Michael lies now. We don't need you. We can carry the torch and fight the good fight, building on the very real good you did. We'll always be grateful to you. But all things must pass.

And even now, I don't personally bear any hatred or ill will towards you at all. Know that in my heart of were a friend to me, whether you knew it or not. And that's what makes it painful for me.

Slava Ukraini!
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I certainly did not expect to have flushed you out, Helena. I definitely thought you would never come here.

You certainly didn’t, and this is why you are telling so many lies behind my back. Only God knows where else you are trashing my name too. I don’t follow any chats but I do come here occasionally to see what’s new in the world of Michael Jackson, so this is how I learned about your widespread activity against me.
When you put the VMJ blog together, I was chief among those cheering you on for many years.

Really? I hear of it for the first time. Could you give me a name by which I could identify you as someone “cheering me for many years”? Especially since you are supposed to be “chief” among these people?

But when you went away into making generalized statements condemning an entire group of people as responsible simply by virtue of Geffen proclaiming himself to be part of it, to claim that Geffen and his "gay mafia" cabal were emblematic of "Predatory super gay progressives" as a whole, and saying, in absolute contradiction of history, that "they hold all the power and control everything" well, you look pretty foolish… You may retreat to the position of "I never said those exact words." But I, and anyone else, can read between the lines to ascertain the intent and meaning.

I really never said those exact words and there is no need to read between the lines in my writings – I always state everything directly. So let me sort out the truth from lies here too.

1) It was Michael Jackson who blamed the Gay mafia and specifically Geffen for ruining his career, and not me. I only found the evidence that Michael did say it and that he was right.

2) Michael never accused ordinary gays of anything at all and it never occurred to me to accuse them of anything either.

3) Mafia is called mafia because it is a separate entity which is apart from the rest of the population who have no idea what their mafia is up to.

4) I never said that gays “hold all the power and control everything” but I did say that GEFFEN enjoyed enormous power in Hollywood, the media and later in Washington. When Geffen first approached Hollywood Paul Rothchild noted that “sharks have entered the lagoon”. Geffen is considered the creator of the new Hollywood, so what was still not publicly accepted outside Hollywood, was rampant inside it long ago. See “Why Being "Gay in the '70s in New York and L.A. Was Magic" written by Howard Rosenman, for example:

There was a powerful network of older successful gay men who introduced younger gay men to successful showbiz types at their beautiful apartment…. there was a giant burst of freedom in NYC … which spread to L.A. and San Francisco. Gays were leading the edge of the culture from 1969 to about 1983, when AIDS stopped it all.
To be gay in the '70s in New York and L.A. was sheer magic. There emerged a whole layer of gay network executives, writers, studio executives and agents. Jon Epstein, a very successful TV producer, threw the best gay parties in L.A. where I met all of gay Hollywood. There was also the not-fabulous and dreaded and mean Allan Carr who had famous nude "wrestling" parties with underage boys. All the cognoscenti knew about each other and it wasn't secretive or shameful, but there was a code that no one spoke publicly about it— the press never wrote about it. If I wasn't gay, I never would have had the career that I have.

The above means that while ordinary gays could indeed have some sad and even tragic experiences in their lives the mafia in Hollywood was thoroughly enjoying themselves. In fact, they even had wrestling parties with underage boys, same as Bryan Singer later had pool parties with very young men, including teenagers (the photos are available on the Internet). And speaking of the difference then and now Hugh Jackman said just a couple of months ago that director Bryan Singer’s behavior on X-Men ‘would not happen now’, meaning that “before” was much worse than “now”.

But when you go say that "academia supports this and trans rights as a way to normalize pedophilia," you've simply gone off the deep end into pure insanity.

It is insanity to deny that there is a huge academia lobby that has been trying to normalize pedophilia since times immemorial. The Vindicating Michael blog has a big number of posts in the «Fight pedophilia!» category about some university professors who promoted a book written by a convicted pedophile Tom O’Carroll (about MJ) and recommended it for “family reading”. One of them, William A. Persy, gave the following sympathetic advice to pedophiles to speed up the process of their acceptance by society:

“I have been trying to convince the NAMBLA people for years that they should argue for an age of 14 or 15, something that people could see as a little more reasonable,” says William A. Percy, a professor of history at UMass/Boston and the author of Pederasty and Pedagogy in Archaic Greece. “But won’t listen to ideas of compromise… such a stance — with its implication that a prepubescent child can consent to sex — was political suicide.”

And the above is just a fraction of how certain academics used to promote pedophilia even during MJ’s times. And it was actually a glaring contrast between the vicious campaign against an innocent man and a long list of academic studies condoning pedophilia at exactly the same time that led me to a conclusion that smearing Jackson was deliberate and was used by real pedophiles as a smokescreen to covertly promote their agenda while everyone was looking the other way.

Trans people exist, they are valid, it is literally lifesaving to have their identities validated and cared for.

Yes, they exist. If trans people are grown-ups, they can do whatever they like if they think that it may help. But if they are children and adolescents, who from the point of view of their brain development are not adults until their mid-twenties, they cannot and neuroscience proves it!

Underage children are NOT getting hysterectomies, castrations and the like, because it is literally against the guidelines. No one gets care like this without "informed consent."

There have been reports about 12-year old girls having – no, not hysterectomies - but their breasts removed, however even that is not the point. Administering to kids as little as puberty blockers is already disturbing their endocrine system and hinders their normal development. And cross-sex hormones create a perfect hormone storm which affects and damages everything in their system.
And kids and adolescents cannot give "informed consent" because their brain is simply not ready for it as its higher cognitive abilities are not developed yet (like planning, cause and effect, prioritizing, social behavior and even correct interpretation of other people’s intentions). This fine-tuning of the brain is complete only by mid-twenties.

I get where your decision not to study America comes from.

The above is akin to a proverbial straw man argument “When did you stop beating your wife?” (never stopped, never beaten and not a wife:)).
I mean that I never decided to study (or not to study) America. Studying America came naturally to me, when I found myself examining the allegations against Michael Jackson almost 14 years ago, and in doing so had to go into such depths that in some areas I know your country even better than Americans themselves. And a bonus to my studies is that some things are better seen from afar.

You have cast aside so many allies in the fight to rehabilitate Michael's image.

Have I? So where are these people rehabilitating Michael's image now? Or are they simply tired of having to do it for so long?

...For all those reasons, you have attacked us (who you?), slandered us (when and where?) called us agents of the conspiracy (I don’t even use the word “conspiracy”, though I probably should). To simply throw away the work we've done and the support we gave you like it never existed.

The above is rather interesting. First of all, who are these mysterious “us”?
And what work have you personally done to prove Michael Jackson’s innocence?
Where is your research?
I’ve done my share of it for the past 13+ years, and was not seeking any special support from anyone. And I’ve been doing it solely for the sake of establishing the truth and rehabilitating Michael Jackson’s good name, really good name, and would have done it no matter what, even if no one had ever supported me.
But where is your research? Can I have a link to your unique findings, please? And not just to your paying lip service to him, which is done - surprise-surprise - even by pedophiles who consider him to be "one of them".
What I mean is that it is absolutely not enough to claim to be supportive of Michael Jackson - these days people may imply just anything by it.
What really matters is your work to prove his innocence and telling the truth to his doubters.

I certainly would not feel any scruples about alternate accounts, because I would feel it's what you deserve, after how you betrayed so many of us and cast us aside.

Alternate accounts are usually used by people who want to create the impression that they are not one but many who think the same way. Sometimes these multiple accounts are used for making a dialog or a whole discussion between the many facets of one and the same person. So this method is illegal or at least underhanded and misleading. And I am sorry if I betrayed so many facets of “you”.

The fact that the only people you have around you are just bootlickers and sycophants is quite sickening, but also shows that you want nothing more than to be in a bubble of groupthink. What YOU say is the law of the land, anyone who says otherwise is a heretic and deserves a virtual approximation of a heretic's death.

What a pile of bullshit! (excuse my French) Given that I come from a country where freedom of speech is heavily suppressed I made it a special point to allow everyone, except pedophiles, to speak freely in the blog. And there is a short number of rules to follow there, one of which is to never use the P-word with Michael Jackson's name.

People like this community is where the true power in supporting Michael lies now. We don't need you. We can carry the torch and fight the good fight, building on the very real good you did. We'll always be grateful to you. But all things must pass.
Again the mysterious “we”. As far as I can see you are new to this community too and have not done a single bit of good to MJ and his legacy. So why do you take it upon yourself to speak for everybody and are driving me away? In fact, the attacks on me started when I began raising Geffen and his mafia, so should I understand your dogged campaign against me as a sign that I am on the right track? It looks like it. When Geffen wanted to get rid of Donna Summer he used exactly the same method – rumors, innuendos, smear, slander and accusations of things she never did or said.

There is much more to say regarding your long message, but I am never patient enough to answer all of it. However one thing is super important to mention.

Slava Ukraini!

Yes. Glory to Ukraine and its heroic people! They are fighting for you, me and all peoples of the world. For the good of all humanity. Ukraine is destined to become the new driving force in a democratic world. And you will still see it happen.
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It doesn't matter if "These Hollywood executives and producers were gay at the time." Were they recognized as being human, of being naturally like that? No? Did they have enshrined human rights, marriage rights? No. Did they have protection to have hate crimes against them prosecuted as such? No. Did they have electoral power? No. Did they have clout and pull to make these things happen, especially politically? No. So even the gay Hollywood community had precious little at their arsenal. David Geffen simply leapfrogged all of them, to become the loathsome figure that he is today, but his sexuality has nothing to do with it. He would be this way were he heterosexual, so his being gay has nothing to do with his rise or his consolidation of power.

Your saying "the gay mafia is not representative of gay people as a whole" is certainly true, but that is not what I'm taking offense at or pointing out is the problem. What IS the problem is saying that they have power as a mafia BECAUSE they are gay, that they are "super gay predators," treating them like they are a source of infection, not even human, and that what makes them not even human, and able to wield power like because they are gay. So, in a very roundabout way, you ARE castigating them for their sexuality, but you don't recognize it.

Make no mistake, what Geffen and his circle do is nothing short of appalling. But there are no such things as "super gays," no such "mutant strain" in the population. The "mutant strain" is also what you use to apply to the LGBTQ population of today, to say "they are flaunting their sexuality in their face, betraying those who fought for their rights." But it's simply...not...true. And those few who commit atrocities are not "mutant strains" of LGBT, their sexuality has NOTHING to do with it. They are simply people who do bad things. The reasons for why they do bad things vary, some of them were twisted into that through trauma, others are just born sociopaths. But it is NEVER because they are gay. Just because you aren't explicitly stating that doesn't mean you aren't saying that, because the meaning behind your words is very clear. You don't have to say the specific words to give that meaning.

I also never invented meanings of your words. So no, I am not taking what you say out of context. I KNOW what you mean in all those statements, in both what you say, and what you DON'T say. I stand by everything I have ever said about what you have become, because it is true. And many people who look at you and what has happened can see that what I'm saying is true.

Why is that, whenever I mention the tragedy of Matthew Shepard being murdered in a clear hate crime, you never acknowledge it? Why do you pretend that the story of a 21-year-old young man, beaten and brutalized, stripped naked, and wrapped to a barbed wire fence and left to die, all just because he was gay, never happened?

Whenever I refer to "so many of us being betrayed," the fact of the matter is that there used to be so many members of the VMJ blog over nearly 15 years, that are no longer there. Many of them certainly are left of center in their political beliefs, being liberal and/or progressive. But they never told you how they felt or how you treated them or alienated them. And that's because it's like in a restaurant. If the restaurant is bad, the customers don't go to the owner and scream how bad it is. They just "vote with their feet", and never come back. That's what so many of those blog members have done, left and never come back, because the blog has ended up hostile to their political and cultural beliefs.

And when I say "we're moving on without you, the "we" I'm referring to in that sentiment is this particular forum, which is far more tolerant and accepting than VMJ ever was. This forum is far more reflective of Michael's actual beliefs and sentiments than your twisted, distorted rendition of them that you use to justify your bigotry.

There's so many sources that you can use to find to understand it and what I'm saying, from YouTube to various news organizations, to documentaries from the likes of Alex Gibney (such as his film Mea Maxima Culpa, especially for that alone to show you pedophilia in the Catholic Church is not "a few bad apples" but an institutional problem, for example), from books on all these different subjects and an assortment of authors. These are all the sources that have certainly informed me on many things, and you can easily find them with a few keystrokes and Google. But you will never do so, because you believe "the West is evil, just as evil as Putin."

The major difference between you and me is the fact that while you refuse to learn about or understand America and how things aren't black or white, I've been eager to learn about Russia and help understand why it became what it is, and how America, in particular, helped push things in that direction in the '90s. Am I an expert? Certainly not, and I know I'll never understand it on a visceral level like you. But I don't pretend to, and I always admit to what I don't know. I don't make sweeping generalizations about a region and a people and a culture to compensate for what I don't know.
You certainly didn’t, and this is why you are telling so many lies behind my back. Only God knows where else you are trashing my name too. I don’t follow any chats but I do come here occasionally to see what’s new in the world of Michael Jackson, so this is how I learned about your widespread activity against me.

Really? I hear of it for the first time. Could you give me a name by which I could identify you as someone “cheering me for many years”? Especially since you are supposed to be “chief” among these people?

I really never said those exact words and there is no need to read between the lines in my writings – I always state everything directly. So let me sort out the truth from lies here too.

1) It was Michael Jackson who blamed the Gay mafia and specifically Geffen for ruining his career, and not me. I only found the evidence that Michael did say it and that he was right.

2) Michael never accused ordinary gays of anything at all and it never occurred to me to accuse them of anything either.

3) Mafia is called mafia because it is a separate entity which is apart from the rest of the population who have no idea what their mafia is up to.

4) I never said that gays “hold all the power and control everything” but I did say that GEFFEN enjoyed enormous power in Hollywood, the media and later in Washington. When Geffen first approached Hollywood Paul Rothchild noted that “sharks have entered the lagoon”. Geffen is considered the creator of the new Hollywood, so what was still not publicly accepted outside Hollywood, was rampant inside it long ago. See “Why Being "Gay in the '70s in New York and L.A. Was Magic" written by Howard Rosenman, for example:

There was a powerful network of older successful gay men who introduced younger gay men to successful showbiz types at their beautiful apartment…. there was a giant burst of freedom in NYC … which spread to L.A. and San Francisco. Gays were leading the edge of the culture from 1969 to about 1983, when AIDS stopped it all.
To be gay in the '70s in New York and L.A. was sheer magic. There emerged a whole layer of gay network executives, writers, studio executives and agents. Jon Epstein, a very successful TV producer, threw the best gay parties in L.A. where I met all of gay Hollywood. There was also the not-fabulous and dreaded and mean Allan Carr who had famous nude "wrestling" parties with underage boys. All the cognoscenti knew about each other and it wasn't secretive or shameful, but there was a code that no one spoke publicly about it— the press never wrote about it. If I wasn't gay, I never would have had the career that I have.

The above means that while ordinary gays could indeed have some sad and even tragic experiences in their lives the mafia in Hollywood was thoroughly enjoying themselves. In fact, they even had wrestling parties with underage boys, same as Bryan Singer later had pool parties with very young men, including teenagers (the photos are available on the Internet). And speaking of the difference then and now Hugh Jackman said just a couple of months ago that director Bryan Singer’s behavior on X-Men ‘would not happen now’, meaning that “before” was much worse than “now”.

It is insanity to deny that there is a huge academia lobby that has been trying to normalize pedophilia since times immemorial. The Vindicating Michael blog has a big number of posts in the «Fight pedophilia!» category about some university professors who promoted a book written by a convicted pedophile Tom O’Carroll (about MJ) and recommended it for “family reading”. One of them, William A. Persy, gave the following sympathetic advice to pedophiles to speed up the process of their acceptance by society:

“I have been trying to convince the NAMBLA people for years that they should argue for an age of 14 or 15, something that people could see as a little more reasonable,” says William A. Percy, a professor of history at UMass/Boston and the author of Pederasty and Pedagogy in Archaic Greece. “But won’t listen to ideas of compromise… such a stance — with its implication that a prepubescent child can consent to sex — was political suicide.”

And the above is just a fraction of how certain academics used to promote pedophilia even during MJ’s times. And it was actually a glaring contrast between the vicious campaign against an innocent man and a long list of academic studies condoning pedophilia at exactly the same time that led me to a conclusion that smearing Jackson was deliberate and was used by real pedophiles as a smokescreen to covertly promote their agenda while everyone was looking the other way.

Yes, they exist. If trans people are grown-ups, they can do whatever they like if they think that it may help. But if they are children and adolescents, who from the point of view of their brain development are not adults until their mid-twenties, they cannot and neuroscience proves it!

There have been reports about 12-year old girls having – no, not hysterectomies - but their breasts removed, however even that is not the point. Administering to kids as little as puberty blockers is already disturbing their endocrine system and hinders their normal development. And cross-sex hormones create a perfect hormone storm which affects and damages everything in their system.
And kids and adolescents cannot give "informed consent" because their brain is simply not ready for it as its higher cognitive abilities are not developed yet (like planning, cause and effect, prioritizing, social behavior and even correct interpretation of other people’s intentions). This fine-tuning of the brain is complete only by mid-twenties.

The above is akin to a proverbial straw man argument “When did you stop beating your wife?” (never stopped, never beaten and not a wife:)).
I mean that I never decided to study (or not to study) America. Studying America came naturally to me, when I found myself examining the allegations against Michael Jackson almost 14 years ago, and in doing so had to go into such depths that in some areas I know your country even better than Americans themselves. And a bonus to my studies is that some things are better seen from afar.

Have I? So where are these people rehabilitating Michael's image now? Or are they simply tired of having to do it for so long?

The above is rather interesting. First of all, who are these mysterious “us”?
And what work have you personally done to prove Michael Jackson’s innocence?
Where is your research?
I’ve done my share of it for the past 13+ years, and was not seeking any special support from anyone. And I’ve been doing it solely for the sake of establishing the truth and rehabilitating Michael Jackson’s good name, really good name, and would have done it no matter what, even if no one had ever supported me.
But where is your research? Can I have a link to your unique findings, please? And not just to your paying lip service to him, which is done - surprise-surprise - even by pedophiles who consider him to be "one of them".
What I mean is that it is absolutely not enough to claim to be supportive of Michael Jackson - these days people may imply just anything by it.
What really matters is your work to prove his innocence and telling the truth to his doubters.

Alternate accounts are usually used by people who want to create the impression that they are not one but many who think the same way. Sometimes these multiple accounts are used for making a dialog or a whole discussion between the many facets of one and the same person. So this method is illegal or at least underhanded and misleading. And I am sorry if I betrayed so many facets of “you”.

What a pile of bullshit! (excuse my French) Given that I come from a country where freedom of speech is heavily suppressed I made it a special point to allow everyone, except pedophiles, to speak freely in the blog. And there is a short number of rules to follow there, one of which is to never use the P-word with Michael Jackson's name.

Again the mysterious “we”. As far as I can see you are new to this community too and have not done a single bit of good to MJ and his legacy. So why do you take it upon yourself to speak for everybody and are driving me away? In fact, the attacks on me started when I began raising Geffen and his mafia, so should I understand your dogged campaign against me as a sign that I am on the right track? It looks like it. When Geffen wanted to get rid of Donna Summer he used exactly the same method – rumors, innuendos, smear, slander and accusations of things she never did or said.

There is much more to say regarding your long message, but I am never patient enough to answer all of it. However one thing is super important to mention.

Yes. Glory to Ukraine and its heroic people! They are fighting for you, me and all peoples of the world. For the good of all humanity. Ukraine is destined to become the new driving force in a democratic world. And you will still see it happen.
I forget to leave my last message to you as a direct "reply" on the forum.

You certainly didn’t, and this is why you are telling so many lies behind my back. Only God knows where else you are trashing my name too. I don’t follow any chats but I do come here occasionally to see what’s new in the world of Michael Jackson, so this is how I learned about your widespread activity against me.

Really? I hear of it for the first time. Could you give me a name by which I could identify you as someone “cheering me for many years”? Especially since you are supposed to be “chief” among these people?

I really never said those exact words and there is no need to read between the lines in my writings – I always state everything directly. So let me sort out the truth from lies here too.

1) It was Michael Jackson who blamed the Gay mafia and specifically Geffen for ruining his career, and not me. I only found the evidence that Michael did say it and that he was right.

2) Michael never accused ordinary gays of anything at all and it never occurred to me to accuse them of anything either.

3) Mafia is called mafia because it is a separate entity which is apart from the rest of the population who have no idea what their mafia is up to.

4) I never said that gays “hold all the power and control everything” but I did say that GEFFEN enjoyed enormous power in Hollywood, the media and later in Washington. When Geffen first approached Hollywood Paul Rothchild noted that “sharks have entered the lagoon”. Geffen is considered the creator of the new Hollywood, so what was still not publicly accepted outside Hollywood, was rampant inside it long ago. See “Why Being "Gay in the '70s in New York and L.A. Was Magic" written by Howard Rosenman, for example:

There was a powerful network of older successful gay men who introduced younger gay men to successful showbiz types at their beautiful apartment…. there was a giant burst of freedom in NYC … which spread to L.A. and San Francisco. Gays were leading the edge of the culture from 1969 to about 1983, when AIDS stopped it all.
To be gay in the '70s in New York and L.A. was sheer magic. There emerged a whole layer of gay network executives, writers, studio executives and agents. Jon Epstein, a very successful TV producer, threw the best gay parties in L.A. where I met all of gay Hollywood. There was also the not-fabulous and dreaded and mean Allan Carr who had famous nude "wrestling" parties with underage boys. All the cognoscenti knew about each other and it wasn't secretive or shameful, but there was a code that no one spoke publicly about it— the press never wrote about it. If I wasn't gay, I never would have had the career that I have.

The above means that while ordinary gays could indeed have some sad and even tragic experiences in their lives the mafia in Hollywood was thoroughly enjoying themselves. In fact, they even had wrestling parties with underage boys, same as Bryan Singer later had pool parties with very young men, including teenagers (the photos are available on the Internet). And speaking of the difference then and now Hugh Jackman said just a couple of months ago that director Bryan Singer’s behavior on X-Men ‘would not happen now’, meaning that “before” was much worse than “now”.

It is insanity to deny that there is a huge academia lobby that has been trying to normalize pedophilia since times immemorial. The Vindicating Michael blog has a big number of posts in the «Fight pedophilia!» category about some university professors who promoted a book written by a convicted pedophile Tom O’Carroll (about MJ) and recommended it for “family reading”. One of them, William A. Persy, gave the following sympathetic advice to pedophiles to speed up the process of their acceptance by society:

“I have been trying to convince the NAMBLA people for years that they should argue for an age of 14 or 15, something that people could see as a little more reasonable,” says William A. Percy, a professor of history at UMass/Boston and the author of Pederasty and Pedagogy in Archaic Greece. “But won’t listen to ideas of compromise… such a stance — with its implication that a prepubescent child can consent to sex — was political suicide.”

And the above is just a fraction of how certain academics used to promote pedophilia even during MJ’s times. And it was actually a glaring contrast between the vicious campaign against an innocent man and a long list of academic studies condoning pedophilia at exactly the same time that led me to a conclusion that smearing Jackson was deliberate and was used by real pedophiles as a smokescreen to covertly promote their agenda while everyone was looking the other way.

Yes, they exist. If trans people are grown-ups, they can do whatever they like if they think that it may help. But if they are children and adolescents, who from the point of view of their brain development are not adults until their mid-twenties, they cannot and neuroscience proves it!

There have been reports about 12-year old girls having – no, not hysterectomies - but their breasts removed, however even that is not the point. Administering to kids as little as puberty blockers is already disturbing their endocrine system and hinders their normal development. And cross-sex hormones create a perfect hormone storm which affects and damages everything in their system.
And kids and adolescents cannot give "informed consent" because their brain is simply not ready for it as its higher cognitive abilities are not developed yet (like planning, cause and effect, prioritizing, social behavior and even correct interpretation of other people’s intentions). This fine-tuning of the brain is complete only by mid-twenties.

The above is akin to a proverbial straw man argument “When did you stop beating your wife?” (never stopped, never beaten and not a wife:)).
I mean that I never decided to study (or not to study) America. Studying America came naturally to me, when I found myself examining the allegations against Michael Jackson almost 14 years ago, and in doing so had to go into such depths that in some areas I know your country even better than Americans themselves. And a bonus to my studies is that some things are better seen from afar.

Have I? So where are these people rehabilitating Michael's image now? Or are they simply tired of having to do it for so long?

The above is rather interesting. First of all, who are these mysterious “us”?
And what work have you personally done to prove Michael Jackson’s innocence?
Where is your research?
I’ve done my share of it for the past 13+ years, and was not seeking any special support from anyone. And I’ve been doing it solely for the sake of establishing the truth and rehabilitating Michael Jackson’s good name, really good name, and would have done it no matter what, even if no one had ever supported me.
But where is your research? Can I have a link to your unique findings, please? And not just to your paying lip service to him, which is done - surprise-surprise - even by pedophiles who consider him to be "one of them".
What I mean is that it is absolutely not enough to claim to be supportive of Michael Jackson - these days people may imply just anything by it.
What really matters is your work to prove his innocence and telling the truth to his doubters.

Alternate accounts are usually used by people who want to create the impression that they are not one but many who think the same way. Sometimes these multiple accounts are used for making a dialog or a whole discussion between the many facets of one and the same person. So this method is illegal or at least underhanded and misleading. And I am sorry if I betrayed so many facets of “you”.

What a pile of bullshit! (excuse my French) Given that I come from a country where freedom of speech is heavily suppressed I made it a special point to allow everyone, except pedophiles, to speak freely in the blog. And there is a short number of rules to follow there, one of which is to never use the P-word with Michael Jackson's name.

Again the mysterious “we”. As far as I can see you are new to this community too and have not done a single bit of good to MJ and his legacy. So why do you take it upon yourself to speak for everybody and are driving me away? In fact, the attacks on me started when I began raising Geffen and his mafia, so should I understand your dogged campaign against me as a sign that I am on the right track? It looks like it. When Geffen wanted to get rid of Donna Summer he used exactly the same method – rumors, innuendos, smear, slander and accusations of things she never did or said.

There is much more to say regarding your long message, but I am never patient enough to answer all of it. However one thing is super important to mention.

Yes. Glory to Ukraine and its heroic people! They are fighting for you, me and all peoples of the world. For the good of all humanity. Ukraine is destined to become the new driving force in a democratic world. And you will still see it happen.
Oh, and for what it's worth, Helena, you might like this Vanity Fair piece on Geffen from March 1991. It doesn't say things we don't already know, but it's more interesting in terms of the story he's always told about himself, that people are willing to believe:
If there are former members/commenters of Vindicating Michael who wish to speak out, feel free to do so here, and share your experiences.
Michael is loving kindness. He is a beautiful person with a giving heart.
I feel Michael was targeted by hate. Hate lied and tried to frame him and murdered him. Could hate be the illuminati, cabal, mafia mob, satanists with very advanced artificial intelligence hate technology? Could there be an advanced form of Sophia the robot that looks human that is hate?
Why was he murdered? Was he targeted? Can AI be hate?
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Meanwhile in reality, Michael Jackson had NUMEROUS friends in the LGBT community and was against homophobia. One of the first major gay "bear" figures (stocky, bearded, masculine gay men) was Arnold Klein, one of MJ's few REALLY close friends. Not to mention I think that he had a gay filmmaker direct the video to Cry.
He was also friends with Eddie Murphy, who was bi and I think even had a crush on Michael at one time. Paris Jackson also said that Michael once teased her about liking Beyoncé as a little kid.