Is the DVD seriously being released in the UK a month later than everywhere else?


All the UK paper adverts have said February 22nd, as opposed to the Jan 26th release date for the rest of the world.

Is this serious?? Why do the UK fans have to wait a whole extra month longer than everyone else? Practically all UK cinemas have now stopped showing the movie so this really doesn't make any sense....
All the UK paper adverts have said February 22nd, as opposed to the Jan 26th release date for the rest of the world.

Is this serious?? Why do the UK fans have to wait a whole extra month longer than everyone else? Practically all UK cinemas have now stopped showing the movie so this really doesn't make any sense....

I've been seeing this as well. I hate how we have to wait for EVERYTHING!!!
I think this will harm UK sales as most fans (myself included) will be so impatient for this release that they will import from US sites.
You think that's bad.... it looks like the German release date is freakin' March 30th!!!! (At least according to Aw hellll no. I feel sorry for the fans here who aren't good enough with English and have to wait for the German version.
You think that's bad.... it looks like the German release date is freakin' March 30th!!!! (At least according to Aw hellll no. I feel sorry for the fans here who aren't good enough with English and have to wait for the German version.

That sucks!!
True but some DVD players can play Region 1 DVDs.
That's right. Some can. Being an expat this was a necessity for me. Hell if I was throwing away my entire DVD collection just because I was moving to code 2 world. Also, on your computer you can change the code for your DVD drive a few times (better check your manual). But only a few times. It's something like the 3rd time or 5th time or whatever and then it's stuck.
I got an e-mail from Amazon today, saying that my DVD will dispatched between the 25th February and the 1st Marhc 2010. That's ages after the DVD is actually released. But I don't care, the main thing is I am guaranteed a copy when it is released.
I think it sucks that it won't be released till Feb 22nd in the UK. Why? Why can't we have it the same time as the States? Ugh... I'm considering ordering it from the States and getting a region 1 DVD, I don't want to wait till almost the end of Feb to watch it. I saw it 4 times at the cinema, and I'd love to see it again soon but it's not playing at any local cinemas anymore.
But US DVD's are Region 1 and won't be compatable with UK DVD players....

Depends on your DVD player, some are multi-region. You can pick up DVD players which play ALL regions and ALL media files pretty cheap nowadays.
I don't understand why the UK is getting it a whole month after the US. I guess we'll have to email Sony to find out why. That doesn't exactly seem fair now does it and to be honest I cant see Sony doing that.
You think that's bad.... it looks like the German release date is freakin' March 30th!!!! (At least according to Aw hellll no. I feel sorry for the fans here who aren't good enough with English and have to wait for the German version.
All that will be different in the non english versions will be the subtitles,it must be something to do with liscencing or some crazy marketing campaign sony invented after smoking too much crack.

If you're thinking of importing a dvd,dont worry about your dvd player beign region free,you can use the one in your computer :)
All that will be different in the non english versions will be the subtitles,it must be something to do with liscencing or some crazy marketing campaign sony invented after smoking too much crack.

If you're thinking of importing a dvd,dont worry about your dvd player beign region free,you can use the one in your computer :)
Yeah, I have a region free DVD player, so I certainly will be importing.

The thing with playing it on your computer, though, is that if you have a newer DVD drive with RPC-2 firmware you can only switch the code back and forth a few times (usually 5 in total) before it will lock on the last code permanently. So you can't just switch back and forth from code 2 to 1 then 2 then 1 at will. Unless you have changed the firmware and voided your warranty, that is...