Is Sneddon finally happy now?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
When all comes to all, he is the one that killed Michael!
The good die young, the bad will live longer but when their time comes I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.
This fuckin* shitt* bastard only deserve to rot in HELL...Hope the Arvizo family will die...I M SO SICK OF ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHO DESTOYED MICHAEL ! It's THEIR FAULT !
ugh,reading that name pisses me off and sends fire thru my veins
Oh, shut up, Sneddon didn't force the families to accuse Michael, they did that themselves. If Sneddon hadn't worked for the prosecution, someone else WOULD have.
satan looks after his own,i,m sorry for speaking like this ,but i wish someone would end that mans smurk for good,you know what i mean
Oh, shut up, Sneddon didn't force the families to accuse Michael, they did that themselves. If Sneddon hadn't worked for the prosecution, someone else WOULD have.

Oh, yes. He was just doing his job. Going around the world after that case, trying to gather up more kids who'd lie for him.
He seemed to make it his life purpose to destroy Michael's life. I'm sure he leaped with joy at another chance to go for it when that bastard Gavin and family came up.
sneddon isnt worth a new thread! but yes! he and bashit are the ones who KILLED michael. f*ck them. i will NEVER forgive them. NEVER EVER!

And his doctor that killed him :mat:
Oh, shut up, Sneddon didn't force the families to accuse Michael, they did that themselves. If Sneddon hadn't worked for the prosecution, someone else WOULD have.

Did you know that Sneddon went to Australia and talked to poor kids, who had never seen Michael, in order to persuade them to accuse Mike of pedophilia?
Oh, yes. He was just doing his job. Going around the world after that case, trying to gather up more kids who'd lie for him.
He seemed to make it his life purpose to destroy Michael's life. I'm sure he leaped with joy at another chance to go for it when that bastard Gavin and family came up.

Well I don't claim to know how Sneddon thinks/thought, but yes, he was just doing his job, he was hired by that family and so had to see the case through to the end and who the hell are you to judge? No I don't agree with what they did, and I believe Michael was innocent, but people are blinded by greed and at the end of the day, some of the things being said in this thread right now (wishing death on Sneddon) aren't exactly on a better level, are they? :smilerolleyes:
They may gloat but not the way they wanted. They wanted Michael to be destroyed with no legacy

He won the case and his legacy still stands

On top of that, the truth will continue to be shown progressively.

So, they really did not win.

He sold out 50 concerts

His album is Number one

And if he's buried in Neverland, they then failed to run him out as millions will flock to his memorial and recall those who persecuted him.

Michael will overshdow Santa Barbara the way Elvis overshadows Memphis.

That's something they won't like but now cannot do anything about
Tom Sneddon as far as i'm conserned is history he has been the moment michael showed the world he was innocent
Sneddon does not deserve such attention.
He should just forgot about and allowed to rott in his own lies and his own little sick and twisted world.
If you want to play the blame game the go ahead and pick every single person in the media, in business, in his personal life who made his life worse.

I know, you feel like, you need to blame someone for his death, but it won't bring him back.
That man is irrelevant now. He has no power over Michael anymore.
Sneddon lost it, the moment the jury said, Michael was innocent.

No one will ever be able to hurt him again. They can't touch him ever again.
He is free.
but yes! he and bashit are the ones who KILLED michael. f*ck them. i will NEVER forgive them. NEVER EVER!

YES co sign :(

yes!!! are you happy now ugly worm like old men ??????//grrr ....if i ever met cha il mack-smack ya backwoulds and SEND YOU TO HELLL !!!!!!:angry: :mad:
Sneddon is a scumbag and we shouldn't be wasting precious seconds talking about him. He's not worth it.
sneddon /chandler/arvizo ( satans pets )will all get theirs in the end.
seriously guys where is sneddon now and were does he live ?
Sneddon is not happy. If he was why would he behave the way he does. A poster that used to be on mjnewsonline claimed that Sneddon had been sexually abused as a boy. I don´t know about that but haters are never truly happy in my opinion. If you check it out most of them have som tragedy in their life which made them the way they are. For example I heard that Nancy Grace fiance was murdered. I hope that whatever happens I will never be like them. For what it´s worth and as incredibly tragic as it is I think Michael was happy again the last time in his life. He knew that so many people still loved him and believed in him. What if he died during the trial and that had been the last thing he saw in his life.
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