Is Michael the only artist you listen to?


Proud Member
Mar 7, 2009
Southampton, UK
For me, I only listen to Michael. I do like other singers/bands, but I don't get that desire to buy their albums or watch live concerts. It really made me realise when Michael passed, that I won't enjoy today's music that much anymore :(
I listen to MJ's music everyday and will continue that.
This is quite hard to explain, I do listen to some acts, its just... I don't really 'care' about them if that makes sense. I listen to Meat Loaf, Phil Collins and some old Will Smith stuff (cheesy i know :lol: ) But these acts aren't really around much anymore, so concerts/new albums etc don't really come for me anymore.
You should listen to more music, you're missing on a lot. Not meaning today's music, but not necessarily all of it is bad. Classical is also a good choice for a soul refinement. Church music, carols... Really, much to choose from. Michael listened to a whole lot of music and he would want you to do the same.

Here, some music to make one smile genuinely, without getting nostalgic:

Good for lighting one up.
The best thread l read today

The only l listen to it's Michael

My ears can't accept other singers / Bands ,they are format for Michael system lol
I listen to a lot of different stuff...mainly Progressive Rock, Heavy Metal, R&B, Funk, Soul, Blues, etc. but I'll listen to anything that catches my ear.

I love Rush, Fates Warning, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Katatonia, James Brown, Elton John, Alice in Chains, The Time, Steely Dan, Stevie Wonder, Prince, Genesis, The Police, Terence Trent D'arby...but nobody inspires me more than Michael. He's my favorite artist and biggest inspiration of all time for a reason.
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Listen to other stuff but I never seem to go out of my way to buy their albums, DVD's, watch youtube vids etc.....
No, Michael is definitely not the only artist I listen to but he is the artist I listen to most :) I think if I would only listen to MJ 24/7 I would eventually become bored with his music and I don't want that ever to happen. So I make sure to listen to other artists as well (like Prince, Stevie Wonder, Lionel Richie, Beyonce, Michael Buble, John Mayer etc.). I also listen to 90s music a lot lately (nostalgia :wub:) and I've always enjoyed classical music :)

You like Will Smith's old music btw? I didn't know these people exist :lol: I love Will Smith as a person though, funny guy.
No, Michael is definitely not the only artist I listen to but he is the artist I listen to most :) I think if I would only listen to MJ 24/7 I would eventually become bored with his music and I don't want that ever to happen. So I make sure to listen to other artists as well (like Prince, Stevie Wonder, Lionel Richie, Beyonce, Michael Buble, John Mayer etc.). I also listen to 90s music a lot lately (nostalgia :wub:) and I've always enjoyed classical music :)

You like Will Smith's old music btw? I didn't know these people exist :lol: I love Will Smith as a person though, funny guy.

:lol: I dunno why really, in his 'fresh prince' days his music was pretty big. I'm 18 so it wasn't my time. I'm a fan of his as an actor so i began looking into his old stuff. Its cheesy bubble gum 90's rap, but theres something i like about it :D It makes a change from today's rap.
No. I regard Michael as the best, but I still listen to other artists and I appreciate them. I think I actually learned to appreciate my other favorite artists more, since Michael passed away. You don't know what you have until it's lost.
To clarify what i said originally.

I do listen to other artists, but just listen to their songs. I don't buy albums or anything. I listen to MJ everyday, watch concerts, read about, watch on TV etc. I don't do it for anyone else.
I looooooove music in general so, no.

I listen to everything from classical to electronic and everything in between, except what is on radios today :no:

But Michael is Michael, part of my life since 1991 until today :wub:
I listen alot to Michael Jackson, but I do enjoy other artists and bands aswell.
Such as: UB40, Elvis Presley, Maroon 5, John Mayer, Bob Marley and many more.

I also don't really like where music is headed these days but luckily we still have some good artists and bands left who know how to make good music =)!
No, I LOVE music so I listen to a lot of other artists, aminly R&B, Neo Soul. Although MJ is my #1 fav I still buy other artists' CDs and DVDs.
After Michael passed I went through a very long period where he was all I could listen to. I really didn't listen to anyone else and the rare times I did it just didn't feel right to me. I can't explain it. It's like everything else was meaningless and inferior. Guess it was part of the mourning period. But I have begun to listen to other music again and I'm okay with it.
After Michael passed I went through a very long period where he was all I could listen to. I really didn't listen to anyone else and the rare times I did it just didn't feel right to me. I can't explain it. It's like everything else was meaningless and inferior. Guess it was part of the mourning period. But I have begun to listen to other music again and I'm okay with it.

I went through something similar, I think a lot of us did.

I've gone through a few different musical phases in my life, but the one artist that has ALWAYS remained constant is Michael. There was never a time in my life that I didn't listen to him. Over time I've developed a few other all-time favorites, but none will ever even begin to come close to what Michael's music means to my life.
No, absolutely not.

There was a brief time after his passing where a lot of music (even if it wasn't his) had to with him, one way or another. Music and MJ was inseparable- even if it wasn't his song. Somehow I listened to something and still had to do with him.

I come from a classical background- and Schumann, Tschaikovsky, Chopin and Schubert are musically equally important to me. I stood before Chopin's grave in Paris and said Thank you and I stood in Forest Lawn and said Thank you. But MJ most definitely refined my 'pain spectrum', if you will.

I would have gone insane though if I listened only to MJ.
So now I just turn something on and say, so Michael- you like? Lemme know!
I do listen to him daily though- but no, he is far from the only artist I listen to.
no michael is not the only artist i listen to by far. he is however the 1st artist i ever listened to and fell in love with and i was only 8 years old when michael came in to my life. after he died i couldnt listen to michael at all or watch videos, look at pictures or anything michael related w/o bursting in to tears. Michael will always forever be very speacial and i will hold him very close to my heart for as long as i live. but he is surely not the only person i listen to.
After Michael passed I went through a very long period where he was all I could listen to. I really didn't listen to anyone else and the rare times I did it just didn't feel right to me. I can't explain it. It's like everything else was meaningless and inferior. Guess it was part of the mourning period. But I have begun to listen to other music again and I'm okay with it.

I was like that too in a way.

No Michael is not the only artist I would listen to. There is only one other music artist that I L.:heart:.V.E. just as much as I L.:heart:.V.E. Michael Jackson. And that is this Renaissance folk rock group called Blackmore's Night. I just L.:heart:.V.E. their music so much. And I only been a fan of theirs since October of 2009. And then there is the various Bollywood singers that I like as well as classical and opera music. And I also L.O.V.E. Celtic Woman. Cause I do have this L.O.V.E. for Irish music. But I don't listen to them no where near as much as I do with Michael and Blackmore's Night.
Let's say 90 % Michael and 10 % other music I listen to.
I love listening to etnical music from all over the world and I like some R&B and Rock artists.

But it's easy, I can say Michael's music gives it all to me.
No, I listen to other artists, and buy their music, MJ isn't even the artist I listen to most according to my account. Although I would say that MJ is the artist I have the most respect for and have most merchandise for.
Well....there are some songs sung by other ppl that I like.
But..I got bored with them pretty fast.
That never happens with Michael. I still listen to his old songs and it feels like the first time.
Sometimes I do listen the music from the 80"s, but Michael is waaaaaaay at the top.
no i listen to others too but its mostly michael i start with the day with songs and end the day with his songs its just 90% michael and 10 % others
After Michael passed I went through a very long period where he was all I could listen to. I really didn't listen to anyone else and the rare times I did it just didn't feel right to me. I can't explain it. It's like everything else was meaningless and inferior. Guess it was part of the mourning period. But I have begun to listen to other music again and I'm okay with it.

That's interesting cause I went through the complete opposite.
I couldn't listen to Michael at all for like 7/8 months or I would start to cry.
When before that I listened to his music daily, all day everyday.
I'm so happy and glad I found the joy in his music again without it reminding me of what happened.
I guess that shows that people do really react differently in situations like this.

I remember forcing myself to go to some sort of tribute/memorial gathering here in Holland because I felt I should honer and celebrate Michael. I remember whiping away tears during most of the performances and when the last song came I bawled my eyes out. ( It was "gone to soon" and the whole thing at that time had only happened like a week a go.)
I turned around and saw some other fans reacting the same way which made me feel like I wasn't alone which was really nice.

I do agree with feeling that other music is /was inferior and meaningless. Not having Michael around opened my eyes again and showed me that he really is on another level and for me will probably never be replaced.
He truly is a tough act to follow.

( I hope I didn't derail the thread with this long post, I just found this all interesting)

I do listen to a lot of other music but I don't enjoy it in the way I enjoy Michael's.
For me with Michael it's the whole package I enjoy (interviews, videos, tours, songs, etc.) where with other artists I mostly just enjoy the music.
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No. It would be narrow-minded to listen to only Michael. But he is my very favourite artist.

(Michael himself listened to a lot of other artists.)